“I put myself in your capable hands.”

The wicked smile that’d charmed her since high school lit up Quinn’s face. He opened the glove box and snagged a folded red bandana.

“What’re you using that for?”

“A blindfold.”


“Turn toward the window. Might feel a slight pinch.” He knotted the material at the back of her head.

“There. Can you see?”

“Not at all.”

“I’ll come around and help you out.” Quinn aimed to keep her off balance, so he didn’t kiss her, talk to her, as he piloted her into the trailer.

Once they were inside, he plastered his body to hers so completely that a single grain of wheat wouldn’t have fit between them. His kiss was a flat-out, I-love-you, I-need-you, I’m-gonna-fuck-your-brains-out mark of passion and possession.

Her whimper was his sign to move to the next stage. While unbuttoning her blouse, he spoke just below her ear. “Kick off them shoes, ditch the britches. I want you naked.”

She stripped in record time.

“You’re gettin’ good at that.” Quinn balled her clothes up and whipped them in the corner. He let his hands meander down her neck, across her collarbones, over those incredible br**sts and sweetly rounded belly to her curvaceous hips. She looked damn fine. Felt damn fine too.

Gooseflesh broke out across Libby’s skin.

He stroked the area between her hipbones. A leisurely caress of his rough flesh against the suppleness of hers. Gradually, he allowed his fingertips to brush the hair covering her mound. He trailed nibbling kisses from the bottom of her earlobe to her shoulder as his fingers traced her cleft. “You taste so sweet here. And I’ve got a hankerin’ to feel nuthin’ but your velvety-soft, bare skin against my mouth.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m gonna shave you. Every bit of hair gone so you’re smooth as a ripe peach.”

“Oh my.” She swallowed hard. “But, I-I—”

“You were the adventurous type in the truck. I’ll be extra careful.”

“You promise?”

“I swear.”

“Then okay.”

Quinn unfolded a chair and situated Libby with a pillow behind her upper back, close enough to the small table and counter that she could hold on. “Be right back.”

In the small bathroom, he soaked two washcloths in hot water and grabbed a new razor. Shame he didn’t have an old-fashioned barber’s kit with a lathering brush. The tickle of the bristles on her naked sex would heighten her senses. With shaving cream, razor and towels in hand, he returned to his naked wife.

She hadn’t budged.

“Don’t jump, this is just a hot towel.” Quinn laid the steaming cloth across her mound. He filled a plastic bowl with warm water and dropped to his knees.

“Spread your legs more. Scoot down. That’s it. You comfortable?”

“As comfortable as I can be, naked, blindfolded, with my privates flapping in the breeze and a man wielding a razor staring at me.”

Quinn laughed and slathered on shaving cream. “Don’t look that way to me. You look sexy as all get out.” He held the razor aloft and said, “Ready?”

“I guess.”

“Don’t flinch.” He made the first pass of the razor down the outside of the left side of her sex. A quick rinse and he shaved the next section.

“That tickles.”

He glanced up at her. “Is it makin’ you hot?”

“I was already hot from what happened in the truck.”

“You liked havin’ my c**k in your mouth?”

Libby blushed. “Yeah. I liked surprising you.”

“That you did.” Quinn swished the razor and bent closer. “You also fulfilled another one of my longtime fantasies.”



“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Thought we was only sharin’ one.”

“No. I mean, why didn’t you tell me that was your fantasy before tonight?”

“If I woulda said, ‘Libby, I want you to suck me off some night while we’re zipping down the road in my truck’ you’d have said yes?”

“Maybe. You never know unless you ask. Hey, we’re not supposed to be using names. We’re strangers, remember?”

“My mistake. Hang tight, I wanna wipe you down before I get to the delicate parts.”

“I’m actually really glad I’m blindfolded.”

Quinn smiled. “I am too, because I’m drooling like a fool, seein’ all this pretty pink flesh that’s gonna be mine for the takin’.”

They didn’t say anything for a while. Quinn wanted to be done so he could bury his face in her. So he could lick and lap at the cream he saw welling in the opening to her sex, but he forced himself to stay slow and steady.

She said, “I can feel your breath on my delicate parts.”

“Pretty soon it’s gonna be my tongue on those parts. All of ’em.”

“I like it when you talk dirty.”

“Then I’ll make sure to whisper naughty sweet-nuthin’s in your ear as I’m f**kin’ you. Almost done.

Scoot down a little more and tilt your hips so I can see your ass crack.”

A tiny gasp. “You aren’t going to shave me…there?”

“Sure am. You get the whole treatment.”

“Lucky me.”

“Indeed, ’cause darlin’, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”

“And yet, you’ve seen everything,” she muttered.

“What I’m seein’ is makin’ my mouth water and my dick hard.”

He rinsed the washcloth and cleaned her until not a bit of hair or shaving cream remained. After the last swipe, he washed his hands and dumped everything in the sink.

Quinn crouched in front of her. He rubbed his cheek over the top of her cleft, losing himself in her softness and warmth.

Libby made a surprised noise.

“Do you like that?”

“Yes. It feels…Bare. Super-sensitive. Put your mouth on me. All over me. God. Everywhere. Like you promised.”

“I ain’t lettin’ you outta my bed until mornin’. We clear on that?”


He helped her to her feet and they shuffled to the single bed inset into the wall. “Step up.”

She stretched out flat on her back. Quinn ditched his clothes and turned off the lights before climbing in.