“Hell no.” Jesus. Was his even-keeled Libby acting all pissed off because he hadn’t asked her?

“I’m your wife, Quinn. I’ve been your lover for fourteen years. Why couldn’t you ask me or tell me what you want from me in bed?”

Frustrated, he snapped, “Because of the way I was raised. It ain’t exactly easy for me to look my wife in the eyes and demand the sexual stuff that’s out of the norm. Especially when we’ve been told that wantin’ that kind of kink is just plain wrong.”

What he didn’t say—what he’d never say because it’d hurt her beyond repair—is in the last few years, when they were trying for a baby, the only place she wanted his sperm was in her baby channel. She’d stopped giving him handjobs or blowjobs, unless it led to him sticking his dick in her and filling her with his seed.

Libby stared at him. A dozen different expressions crossed her face. None of them good.

Ah crap. Sexual playtime was obviously over. His c**k had gone soft. His hopes had gone south. He scooted back, but she clamped her fingers into the top of his thighs, keeping him in place.

Quinn heard a muttered stupid tumbling from her pursed lips. “What?”

“I said we’ve both been so stupid. Full of pride. Listening to other people’s viewpoints, and not deciding our own.” Her grip on his legs turned into a caress. “I’ve been so insistent on being a ‘proper’

wife to you that I’ve actually not been any kind of wife at all, least of all the kind of wife you need.”


“Hear me out. And you’re so worried I’m gonna think you’re a pervert that you’re afraid to ask me to take a walk on the wild side of sex with you.” Her gaze roamed his face. “Is that true?”

He nodded, half-worried, half-hopeful of where this conversation was headed.

“I don’t want it to be like that between us any more. No more tiptoeing around what we want because it might be considered dirty. I want sex to be fun and raunchy and spontaneous like it’s been today.”

“As long as we’re bein’ honest, I don’t always wanna be the one to get things goin’ in the bedroom.

It’d be good if you touched me without me havin’ to ask.”

Libby beamed a decidedly naughty smile. “Did you like me dragging you around the corner and demanding you get your rocks off on me?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Then bring your c**k closer so I can suck on it. Once that bad boy is hard, let’s see how it feels sliding between my tits.”


“Yes. I wanna fulfill your every fantasy, Quinn.”

“Goddamn. Hearin’ nasty talk comin’ from that sweet mouth is a f**kin’ turn on, Lib.”

She’d slid her hands up until they were curled around his ass. She urged him forward. “Gimme.”

Quinn leaned until he could grip the brass rails of the headboard. He kept enough space so he could look down and watch the show.

And what a show his sexy wife put on for him. His c**k had already started to stir, but it was still soft enough she could get the whole thing in her mouth. The warmth and wetness of Libby’s mouth surrounding his dick…nothing like it in the world. Nothing. It was sheer heaven.

Libby’s little humming noises sent chills up his shaft and vibrating through his body. After teasing him to distraction, she released his erection. “It’s been a long time since I did that.”

“I missed it. You’re as good at it as you ever were.”

“I could get used to this sweet-talkin’ side of you, darlin’ husband.” Libby stretched her arms above her head, fully aware he was watching how her br**sts swayed with the sensual movement. “Now what?

Do you wanna get right to it?”

“Probably be a good idea to use some lube.” Quinn reached toward the nightstand drawer where they stashed the K-Y, and Libby nearly knocked him off the bed when she scrambled upright.

“Whoa. Careful.”

“I’ll get it.”

“That’s okay. I can reach it.”

“Maybe we won’t need any.” She tugged him back on top of her. “Let’s just do it like this.”

His funny feeling intensified when he noticed the guilty expression his wife wore. “What’s goin’ on?”

“Don’t you wanna get started? Since this has been a longtime fantasy?”

“Yeah. But I want the K-Y.” He dodged her wandering hands and his fingers connected with the drawer handle.

“Quinn. Wait.”

Stay calm.

“What’s in the drawer, Libby?” He’d lose his f**king mind if he found an opened box of condoms.

Absolutely lose his f**king mind.

“I can explain.”

Keeping his eyes on his wife, Quinn jerked the drawer open.

She turned her head toward the opposite wall.

He inhaled deeply before he looked. He didn’t move for the longest time. “When did you buy this?”

“I didn’t. My sister did.”

“Jilly thought this might come in handy?”


“Look at me.”

Libby raised her chin to the level he deemed stubborn.

“Has it come in handy?”

No answer.

Rather than demand her response, Quinn picked it up and turned it on. A loud buzzing sound echoed in the room.

Libby’s face was beet red.

“Tell me, have you used this vibrator?”

“Yes, damn you, I did, okay? I was curious and horny and I burned through an entire sixteen pack of batteries in the first week. Happy now?”

“Did it make you happy?” Quinn tossed the tube of K-Y on the bed and moved over her so they were face-to-face. “Is this piece of vibrating plastic better than the real thing?”

She shook her head. “It takes the edge off, but it’s…”


“Impersonal. Mechanical. Not you.” She gave him a considering look. “Are you mad?”

“Hell no.” The grin he’d been hiding bloomed. “I’d been tryin’ to figure out a way to bring up sex toys to spice up our sex life long before our…break. I’m happy to see you’re good with it.” Quinn lowered his head, reviving their desire with a steamy kiss.

“Mmm.” Libby whispered against his mouth, “You ready to fulfill your fantasy?”