The path split in two, and I tugged him to the left. “Not far now. Don’t you want to be my friend?”

“I don’t know what I want. You…confuse me, Niccolò.”

Stopping dead, I reached up, gripping his throat just underneath his jaw and pulling his head down. I brushed a kiss across his lips, and then another. He sighed, and then dropped my hand in favour of wrapping his arms around me, drawing me closer as he deepened the kiss.

When we drew apart, he stared down at me with dark eyes. “Fuck. I know one thing I do want, and that’s to do more of that.”

“That can be arranged.” I grinned happily at him, doing my best to ignore the erection pressing insistently against mine. I had him back in my arms, and yes, I’d told him I wanted to see him naked when we were in the cupboard—a cupboard! The audacity!—but I didn’t want to scare him off if he was feeling skittish. For a change, I’d take my cues from him. Unless he wanted me to take charge, of course.

At least he hadn’t freaked out after kissing me, so that was a good sign, and he’d said he’d been wanting to kiss me again since the library, which wasthree whole months ago. Which reminded me… What was his picture comment all about? I had an idea, but I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it. I decided to drop it when it became clear that he didn’t want to talk about it, but I wanted to mention it so badly.

Now wasn’t the time. I had to remember that.

We reached the row of small redbrick terraces where I lived with Dexter, and I fished my keys from my pocket. As I glanced back over my shoulder at Bennett, I caught him staring at my ass, and I smirked at him. His cheeks flushed.

“Like what you see?” I arched my back, and he groaned low in his throat.

“Fucking hell, you’re a handful.”

“I can be. Want to touch and see how well I fit into your hands?”

He practically shoved me inside my own house—rude, but I’d forgive him just this once—and then pressed me up against the wall, his hands cupping my ass as he kissed down my throat.

His thigh pressed between my legs, and I ground down, panting as he kissed all over my exposed skin. “My room. In case Dex comes back.”

“Huh?” Raising his head, he blinked down at me, all heavy-lidded and lustful. Delicious.

“My housemate. He shouldn’t come back, but?—”

He cut me off with a kiss. “Sorry. Your room?” He didn’t sound sorry, but if it meant more of his mouth on mine, who cared? Talking was overrated.

“This…way…” I gasped in between more kisses, somehow managing to get us both down the hallway and up the stairs. When we reached my bedroom, probably twenty minutes later, I was breathless, Bennett had unbuttoned my shirt all the way down to my navel as well as ridding himself of his hoodie, and I was certain I had a very obvious love bite just beneath my collarbone.

“You’re so fucking tempting.” He pressed up against my back, kissing my neck again as I fumbled with the door handle. Why wouldn’t it open? My dick was so hard it almost hurt, and it felt like he was in a similar state, grinding his erection into my ass as he moaned sexily against my skin.

Finally, I got the door open, and we stumbled into my room, heading straight for the bed. I still didn’t know what he wanted, lost in a haze of lust, but getting horizontal seemed like a good place to start. As we reached the bed, he lifted me, twisting us around. He collapsed back onto the bed, all stretched out beneath me like a tasty snack, and I straddled his thick thighs.

“I like this view very much,” I purred, pushing his T-shirt up so I could feast my eyes on his abs. Running my nail down his muscles and then teasingly over the dark trail of hair that disappeared into his jeans, I watched his pupils dilate, his hands tightening around my hips.

“Take your shirt off,” he commanded hoarsely. “I want to see you.”

“Is that so? Do you want me to see you?”

Rubbing his hand across his face, he groaned. “Yeah, but I have no fucking clue what I’m supposed to be doing here.”

“Why don’t you lie back and let me entertain you?”

When he removed his hand from his face, staring at me with his lips parted and so much heat in his eyes, I unbuttoned the rest of my shirt and then shrugged it off, letting him look his fill. He’d seen me wearing less. In the club, I’d only been wearing booty shorts, but he’d been drunk then, so I wasn’t sure how much he remembered.

His palm slid up my chest, warm against my skin. “Even better in person.”

Things were clicking into place, but I kept my focus on the hot football player I had in my bed, because who knew if or when this would be repeated? “Mmm. You like that, do you? Want more?”


My fingers danced over the clasp of my uncomfortably-tight trousers, teasing Bennett just because I knew it would rile him up even further. This was so different from the time we’d kissed in the library. This time, he was all in with zero hesitation.

Bennett’s hand clamped down on mine, making me massage my cock through my trousers, his palm covering the back of my hand. I gasped, and he flashed me the dirtiest fucking grin I’d ever seen, pressing down harder, my hand sliding up and down my length as he moved me where he wanted me. His sudden burst of confidence was so hot it was making my dick throb and leak aridiculousamount of precum.