A condition to never ever take the bus if she wants to keep her job.

“I see comprehension dawning on your face,” Cami observes, pulling me out of my insane thoughts. “And her name’s Meadow, by the way.”

I clench my fists tighter. “I’m home now. So you can leave.”

“What’s wrong with you?” she asks instead.

“I don’t know, what’s wrong with you?” I ask flippantly.

“No seas una idiota.”

“If you don’t want me to be an asshole. Then no seas una perra.”

Exhaling sharply, she declares, “Calling me a bitch won’t change the fact that something’s going on with you.”

“It’s called annoyance. And it happens when I want my sister to go away but she won’t.” I jerk up my chin. “And guess which sister I’m talking about.”

She throws me a fake smile. “I know you love me more than you love Lu. That’s not even up for debate. But you’ve been acting like even more of an asshole for the past two weeks.”

I pretend to give it a thought. “Hm. Maybe it’s something in the air.”

She narrows her eyes at me while her voice remains sugar sweet. “Something definitelyisin the air because Meadow’s acting different too.”

And Jesus Christ, like a fucking puppet on strings, I go alert. “What you do mean?”

Cami watches me triumphantly. “I found her crying in the bathroom the other day.”

My insides seize up. “What?”

“I showed up the other day to say hi to her and to play with Sophie. She seemed off but I didn’t point it out. But then she got up to get something from the kitchen and when she was taking a long time to get back, I went to check on her. And well, I found her crying in the bathroom. She didn’t know I was there. She thought I was playing with Sophie but anyway… When I asked her if everything was okay, she said yes. That it was just her grades. She got a C or something.”

“She never gets a C.”


Cami gives me a look and I clench my jaw. “What does this have to do with me?”

“I don’t know, aren’t you a little concerned that your nanny was crying?”

“No,” I bite out, my gut clenching too, “because she’s mynanny. As long as she does her job, I don’t care why she was crying. Her personal life is none of my business.”

“Right. Of course.”

“Now that I’ve been made aware of everything, are you done?”

She isn’t.

Because she declares, “She likes you.”

“The fuck?”

“You know that, right?”

I move my jaw back and forth. “Go the fuck away.”

“Since the first moment she saw you.”

“Go. Away.”