“And that’s the problem,” Reed concludes.

“You —”

“I think you should tell her,” Ledger advises.

“Tell herwhat?”

“That you have feelings for her.”

“What the fuck,” I burst out. “Where did that even come from? There’s no girl. There are no feelings. And you all need to back off and mind your own fucking business.”

Of course they don’t.

It’s as if they skipped over my outburst and pick up where Ledger left off.

“Yeah. Feelings. And be,” Reign searches for a word, “specific.”

“Exactly,” Reed agrees. “Tell her everything that’s in your heart. It’s a bitch but girls like it.”

“No, wait,” Ledger jumps in, throwing Reed an exasperated look, “don’t tell her everything that’s in your heart. No girl wants to hear a hundred different ways you’d like to fuck her.” Then turning to me, “So keep some things to yourself.”

Reed breathes out sharply. “I’m not even going to put two and two together and connect this to my sister, because it’ll put me off sex forever and I need to sow more of my seeds and make more perfect babies withyoursister.” Ledger clenches his jaw but Reed keeps going as he turns to me. “But my asshole brother-in-law is right. Tell her sappy shit but not the other stuff. Although, my Fae does like to hear the other —”

A pillow flies through the air and lands on Reed’s chest. “Shut up or I’ll make you.”

Reed widens his stance. “I pick option two.”

To which Ledger responds, “My Firefly, who also happens to beyoursister, loves it when I tell her a hundred different ways I’m going to do her. In fact, just last night, I told her —”

“You fucker, I —”

“Time out, you dumb fucking boneheads,” Reign calls out. Then, to me, “Well, my Bubblegum likes me to talk dirty to her too. But if yours doesn’t like it, curb your enthusiasm, yeah? And don’t tell hereverythingthat you’re thinking about. Censor that shit.”

They all nod their heads as if they’re experts.

Maybe they are, who the fuck knows.

All I know is that she doesn’t mind if I talk dirty to her.


Not that night.

And every time I think about it, about how uncensored I was with her, I have to stop myself from doing something inappropriate — as she would call it — like jerking off.

I’m not going to jerk off to my nanny.

That wasn’t why I did what I did that night.

I did it so I could get it out of my system.

Which sounds assholish, I know, butJesus. She’d been driving me crazy for months. Ever since I saw her step in through that door, all doe-eyed and rosy-cheeked, wearing a green colored top — I remember that — looking fresh as a meadow. Her namesake.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more beautiful than her.

Anyone warmer and sweeter and sexier and so fucking soft that all I wanted to do that day, all I’ve wanted to do ever since is touch her.

So yeah, I fucked her because I wanted it to stop.