He’s keeping his promise. He’s making me believe how perfect I am for him.

So perfect that five minutes later, he makes me come again — this time with his mouth between my legs, drinking the honey that I’m dripping for him. And while I’m still moaning and arching up and contracting down, while I’m still occupied by the mindless pleasure that he’s wreaking on my body, he emerges from the space between my legs and thrusts inside.

He rips my virginity away in one go before I have a chance to stop him.

And again, I know it sounds scary.

It sounds like you have no control over what’s happening in your body.

But it’s not.

It’s not scary or bad or anything that I wouldn’t do again in a heartbeat. Because by doing it like this, he took the pressure off me. He stopped me from overthinking it or dreading it.

And then he stops the pain too.

Which is tremendous, by the way.

He wasn’t lying when he said I’d feel every bit of those nine inches of him getting inside me.

I do feel it.

I feel him hard and thick and hot.

A monster but not heartless.

Because I can feel it throbbing inside of me. I can feel his cock pulsating with its own heartbeat, and despite the pain it’s caused me along with bleeding, I love it in there. I probably would love it even if Riot wasn’t playing with my clit to dissolve the pain while giving me the time to adjust.

“You okay?” he asks, his face and tone both concerned, his free hand cradling my wet cheeks.

I lick my lips and taste the salt of my tears. “Yeah.”

He’s breathing hard over me. “I’m sorry. I tried to —”

I squeeze my limbs around his sweaty body. “I know. Just don’t…”

“Don’t what?”

“Let me go.”

He takes my flushed face in before whispering fiercely, “Never.”

And I shut my eyes then.

Both relieved and aching.

Because hisneversounded like myalways. It sounded like he’d never let me go, like I’d always be his. But while I was telling the truth, I know he’s not.

But again, it feels like it.

It feels like forever when he begins to move inside of me, slowly and gently and carefully. It feels like he’ll never stop as our bodies slip and slide against each other, our skins sweaty and hot, sticky with our sweat and lust. He’ll never stop giving me pleasure, making me moan, making me feel like I’m breaking apart and coming together in the same breath.

And when he makes me come for the third time tonight, it seems like I’ll always feel this way.

That I’m his and he’s mine.

