“You think what?” I prod and then wait with bated breath for him to answer.

And then forget to take that breath when he does.

“I think I want to confess.”


He licks his lips, this expression and tone both thoughtful. “Yeah. And I want to warn you.”

“About what?”

“About how I’ve never done something like this before. I’ve never…liedthe way I did tonight. And I don’t think it’s a very good thing. For you.”

My head’s spinning.

It’s spinning and spinning like my ballerina of a heart.

In fact I think my heart’s spinning so much that it’s got bloody feet now. My heart’s spinning so much that I don’t think it will ever stop.

“Mr. Rivera, I —”



“Say my name.”


His lips part as if it’s him who can’t draw a breath now. “Will you do something for me, Meadow?”

I blink at the change of topic. “Yeah.”

“Will you put your coat back on?”

“B-but I’m not cold.”

“Do it anyway.”


“Because if you don’t, then I’ll do something that won’t be, in your words, very professional.”

“L-like what?”

His gaze drops to my lips so fast that I think he was waiting for it.

To look at them.

Unabashedly. Shamelessly.

“Like putting my mouth on yours and kissing the fuck out of you.”

“You can kiss me,” I say so fast that I should be embarrassed.

I should definitely be embarrassed when his mouth quirks up in a small smile.

But I’m not.