“Behind the bar there. The glass?” Scarlett nods to it.

I see the way the U-shaped bar wraps around and behind all the shelves are glass-covered walls.


“It’s two-way glass.”

“Two-way?” I frown trying to understand. “Like an interrogation room.”

“Yeah. If he was interrogating—” Joss starts but Violet cuts her off with a quick elbow to the side.

I turn to look at her again.

“Really? You don’t know?” Violet asks.


“Scarlett can fill you in. She’s made good use of it.” Joss snickers.

“What?” I turn to look at Scarlett, feeling a little like I’ve been punched. I couldn’t even say why other than the fact they all know secrets about Gabe that I don’t feels strange. I thought we told each other everything. I thought I knew everything there was to know about him. And while I always assumed Gabe didn’t hurt for women, I’d never thought about it much beyond that. Knowing I might be sitting next to one of them who’s been in some sort of secret room with him makes my stomach somersault in the oddest way.

“Not with Gabe,” Scarlett corrects immediately, and I feel a swell of relief. “Here. Maybe I should just show you.”

“You have a key?” Joss asks, surprised.

“No, but Tobias does.” She nods to the guys who are playing a round of pool across the room.

I follow Scarlett as she crosses the bar. I’m surprised how few people in the place bother the guys. There’s at least one low-profile bouncer near the door, but even then, I find it interesting more people aren’t pressing them for autographs with their recent championship win. I guess having your own bar where people know you hang out means they try to respect it when they’re here.

“Who’s winning?” Scarlett asks when we make it to the pool table. Tobias notices her, and he turns around and grins. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her up, sitting her on the edge of the pool table.

“Me every fuckin’ day I see you in this dress, Spitfire.” He kisses her before she can respond, and she melts into him, kissing him back. I glance across the pool table to watch Colt take his shot.

“Okay, lovebirds. You’re blocking the pocket there,” Nick teases them.

Tobias grabs Scarlett up off the table, kissing her one more time before he sets her on her feet. “You need something?”

Scarlett motions for him to come closer, and he leans down. She whispers in his ear, and his brow raises. He glances at me and then looks back to her before he slips his hand into his pocket and presents her with a keychain.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t let Gabe know I gave you the key. If she doesn’t know about it, I don’t want to be the one who told her.” I hear him say to Scarlett before they exchange knowing smirks and Scarlett motions for me to follow.

Tobias and I nod at each other, and I hurry after her, glancing over to make sure Gabe’s still involved in bartending. He’s all the way on the other side now, talking to someone and wiping down the counter, so I hustle my way toward Scarlett in the hopes that I won’t get caught making my escape.

My heart rate picks up in my chest. As we approach the door, I feel it skip like I’m about to commit a crime when Scarlett unlocks it. She grabs my hand and pulls me in behind her, closing the door. It’s darker in here than it is in the rest of the bar, and it takes my eyes a moment to adjust. I blink as I look around and realize the walls are see-through just like the girls said they would be.

There’s a massive desk in the middle of the room, an oversized office chair, and a huge leather couch pushed up against the wall. It looks like it could be an owner’s office except beyond a small filing cabinet in the corner it’s empty. No papers on the desk. No computer. Just a pristine office setting like no one’s ever quite moved in.

I can see Gabe from here, watch him serving drinks on the other side of the glass completely unaware that we’re here. Everyone on the other side is clueless to the fact that Scarlett and I exist behind this wall at all, or that there’s even a room.

I glance back down at the desk and the couch, and it hits me. My eyes go wide as I look up at Scarlett.

“He had a whole room built for this?”

“It seems that way. Yes.”

“Does he use it?” I don’t know why I ask. It’s none of my business, but I can’t help myself.