Acurrent of electricity ran up her spine, and she turned.Jackstood about twenty feet away, watching her with an unreadable expression on his face.Theireyes met, and she felt her entire world shift on its axis, reorienting itself around him.Itwas unlike anything she’d ever experienced in her thirty-four years.Helifted his hand in a tentative wave, and when she did the same, a smile spread slowly across his face.

Shestarted to move closer to him, but was intercepted by the assistant director with questions about the shotsRosaliewas planning to get for social media.Theyneeded to figure out where to position her so that she wouldn’t be in the primary shot, but she could still get some good footage to use to tease the new single and video.Whenthe conversation was over, she looked forJack, but he was deep in conversation withCarrie’shead of security.

Asthough he could feel her eyes on him, he turned.Andwhile he was still listening to the security guard, his attention was focused solely on her.Theconversation ended, and he mouthed three words to her from across the distance.

Canwe talk?

Hopesoared to life inside her as she nodded.Obviously, they needed to talk.Hehadn’t told her about his daughter, but asCarriehad pointed out, she needed to hear him out and give him a chance to explain.

Hisdaughter.That…was scary.Chloeseemed sweet and smart, and it wasn’therthat madeRosaliebreak out into a cold sweat.Itwas the idea thatJackhad a kid, and that was serious.Thatif they got involved,Rosaliewould play some kind of role inChloe’slife, and she didn’t know if she was up for that.Ifshe was good enough or brave enough or strong enough to not only dive into a serious relationship, but one that involved a kid.

Withthe dinner break over, the director summoned everyone back to the set and started setting up for the next shot, which featuredCarriein a gorgeous white dress with a flower crown on her head, sitting at her antique, snowflake-bedecked piano.Thefalls were behind her, and the full moon was above.Itwas an absolutely breathtaking set up, andRosalieknew that this music video was going to be a fan favorite, no doubt about it.

Slowly, she started to move around with her phone out, sticking to the areas approved by the assistant director, and once again, she had a flash of disappointment that this was what she was doing with her life.Takingvideos that literally anyone could take to promote a video that was going to be a success with or without her.Shewasn’t making a difference anymore.Carriedidn’t really even need her.Shedidn’t have anything special to offer, and there were times—like right now, where she was basically just a social media person—where she felt her skills were going to waste.

Thethought left a bitter taste in her mouth, and she shook her head, trying to break free of it.Shecould figure out how she felt about her job after the shoot.Rightnow, whether she was excited about it or not, she had a job to do.

Shemoved closer to whereCarriewas playing the piano, her upper body swaying in time to the music.Themoonlight glinted off of her hair, her dress, the mist in the air shimmering like silver.Itwas the fairy frost thatIndyhad mentioned, and it looked absolutely beautiful.Sheinched closer, raising her phone, trying to find the best angle to frame the shot.

Therewas an ominous cracking sound from beneath her feet, and she realized that she’d stepped off of the rocks and out onto the frozen creek.Theice groaned, and panic shot through her.Heartin her throat, she moved to step back towards the rocks.Shewasn’t supposed to be standing on the creek.

Beforeshe found her footing on the rocks, the thin ice gave way with a snap, and she was swallowed up by the icy water.


“Rosalie!”Jack’shoarse cry echoed off of the rocks.Hisbody was in motion before her head disappeared beneath the freezing water.Shecouldn’t swim; she’d told him that the night they’d met.Shecouldn’t swim, and she’d fallen into the creek. “Rosalie!” he screamed again, his legs eating up the distance to where she’d fallen in.Peoplescurried out of his way as he scanned the space for something to use to pull her out.Hespotted a length of thick, heavy cable, not plugged into anything and coiled by the base of a camera.Hesnagged it as he ran, skidding to a stop on the rocks.

“Grabthe end of this cable,” he called out to theEMTsand security guards who were racing over. “We’vegotta pull her out.”Severalmen came running, each taking up a length of the thick coil.

Rosalie’shead appeared above the water as she sputtered and shivered.

“Kickyour legs,” saidJack, kneeling down on the rocks.Hewanted to get closer to her, but if he stepped onto the ice, he was likely to fall in too, and that wouldn’t help anything. “You’regoing to be okay,Rosalie.I’vegot you.”

Theshoot had stopped around him, everyone gaping at whereRosaliehad fallen into the freezing water.Rosaliekicked her legs, her eyes wide and panicked as she barely managed to keep her face above water.

“So…cold…” she chattered between gasping breaths. “Can’t…move.”

“I’vegot you,” he repeated.Lyingon his stomach on the rocks, he extended the end of the thick cable towards her. “Holdon to this.We’regoing to pull you out.”

“I…can’t.Myfingers…not working…”Fora brief, horrifying second, she sank beneath the water again, andJackreached forward, plunging his arm into the frigid water and grabbing her shoulder.Hepulled until she was able to get her head above the surface again, and she sucked in a gasping breath.

“Staywith me, sweetheart,” he said, pushing the end of the cable into her frozen hands. “Justhold this as tight as you can.Onthe count of three, we’re going to pull, and you’re going to kick as hard as you can, okay?”

“Oh-okay,” she said.Herlips were turning blue, her eyes huge and terrified. “I’ve…I’vegot it.”

“One, two, three!” he called out, and he pulled as hard as he could, anchored by the security guards behind him.Rosaliekicked, her upper body emerging from the water. “That’sit, keep pulling!” he yelled.Themuscles in his arms screamed in protest, but he didn’t care.Allthat mattered was gettingRosalieout of the freezing water. “Rollonto the ice,” he said, giving one last pull as they hauled her out.Shedid, and he scrambled to his feet, racing over to her.Hestood at the edge of the ice and slipped his arms under her, lifting her to his chest.Hestarted walking away from the water immediately, getting them to safer ground.

Aroundthem, people clapped and cheered thatRosaliewas safe, butJackknew that she wasn’t out of the woods yet.Therisk of hypothermia in a situation like this was very, very real.Themist of the falls fell on him as he set her down and started peeling her soaked coat off of her.Themoon highlighted her pale skin and her shivering form, and despite the terrifying thing that had just happened,Jackfelt a sense of peace come over him, unlike anything he’d ever experienced before.Peace, and purpose, and a bone-deep knowing thatRosaliewas it for him.He’dnever felt anything even close to this withNorah, but withRosalie…somehow, he already knew that she was everything.

Ifhe hadn’t fucked it up before they’d even began by not telling her aboutChloe.

TheEMTscrowded around, butJackwaved them off. “I’vegot her,” he said.Ifanyone was going to take care ofRosalie, it was going to be him.

“Let’stake her into the tent,” saidCarrie, andJackhad been so focused onRosaliethat he hadn’t even noticed her approaching. “Sheneeds to get warm.”

Again, one of theEMTsapproached, butJacktightened his grip onRosalieand let out a low sound, almost like a growl. “Isaid,I’vegot her.”

HetuckedRosalie’sshivering form against him, followingCarrieto a white tent set up off to the side.Theinside was warm with electric heat.