Yeah.Thatmight work.Ifshe was there.Ifshe was receptive.

He’drecognized her brush off for what it was, but he hadn’t called her out on it.He’dlet her push him away in the moment because he’d known that she was hurting.Buthe wasn’t going to let that distance fester between them.Notindefinitely.

Coldwind whipped around him, rattling the bare branches in the trees lining the street.Canvasbanners hung from the lampposts advertising the town’s upcomingWinterFestival, flapping as a gust of wind stoleJack’sbreath.Hetucked the bottom half of his face into his scarf, hunching his shoulders against the cold.HehopedRosaliehad a warmer coat than the camel one she usually wore, because wind like this would go right through it.

Hereached his destination, pulling open the heavy wooden door, a bell chiming softly above him as he stepped into the small shop.Thewalls were lined with wood cabinets with glass doors, the jewelry inside twinkling under the soft lighting.Amemory slammed intoJackas the door whooshed shut behind him, of coming here with every single penny he had to his name to buyNoraha ring.Beingfresh out of high school, he hadn’t had much money, but he’d managed to find something, a small emerald, that he’d always intended as a placeholder for a bigger, better ring.Henever had replaced it.Hewondered ifNoraheven still had it.Hefound that it didn’t matter much to him, either way.

HespottedAdamby the long counter at the back of the store, arms braced on the glass as he chatted with the jeweler, a guy they’d gone to high school with namedLiam, who ran the shop with his sisterGrace.

“Hey,” he said, coming to a stop beside his brother, jamming his hands in his pockets.Snowstarted to swirl down in fat, fluffy flakes, visible through the window atLiam’sback.

“Hey,” saidAdam, not lifting his eyes from the row of diamond rings glinting on a navy blue velvet tray in front of him. “Thanksfor coming.Iwanted someone else’s opinion before deciding.”

“He’sbeen agonizing over these four for over a week now,” saidLiamwith a little smile. “Maybeyou can nudge him towards a decision.”

“Uh, sure,” saidJack, stepping closer to the counter. “Wait.Adam.”Heshook his head, feeling as though he were watching a movie and he’d skipped a very crucial scene. “Areyou proposing toHazel?”

Adamnodded, eyes still fixed on the rings. “Yeah.Don’tknow when yet.ButI’mnot going to be able to wait much longer.Herdivorce is final, so she’s free and clear.”

Jackblew out a low whistle. “Wow.Iknew you two were serious, butIguessIdidn’t realize just how serious.”

Adamfinally looked at his brother, and something insideJacksoftened at how freaking happyAdamlooked.He’dspent most of his adult life waiting and hoping to find the one.Finally,Hazelhad come along. “She’sit for me,Jack.I’veknown it since we first started dating.”

Jacksmiled, clapping his brother on the shoulder. “ThenI’mhappy for you.Stillnot sure whyI’mhere, though.”

“Becauseyou’ve done this before, andIthought you might have some insight.”

“I’msurprised you didn’t askAutumn.Sheseems like the obvious choice.”

“Oh, she came with me a couple of days ago.AndthenIbroughtOliby yesterday.ButIwant your opinion.”

Jack’sgaze metLiam’s. “Oh, so when you said agonizing, you were serious.”

Liamgrinned. “Asa heart attack.”

Jackpulled his hands out of his pockets and rubbed them together. “Okay, then.Let’sdo this.Showme what the options are.”

Adamheld up the first ring. “Okay, so option one.Rosegold, pear cut diamond with a diamond encrusted band.”

Jackstudied it for a moment. “It’sbeautiful, but…Idon’t know if it really saysHazelto me, you know?”

“Doyou mind ifIask you for some advice?Personaladvice, about when you got engaged?Iunderstand if you don’t want to talk about it or revisit that.”

Jackshrugged.EverythingwithNorahwas so long ago that he was over it, and had been for a long time. “Shoot.”

“Whenyou picked outNorah’sring,” saidAdam, carefully setting the ring back down on the velvet tray, “how did you know you’d found the right one?”

Jackshrugged. “Iwas mostly focused on whatIcould afford.Ididn’t have much money, so it was about getting the most bang for my buck, so to speak.AlthoughIdid go with an emerald because green was always her favorite color.”Hesighed as he thought back.God, they’d just been kids.Wide-eyed, clueless kids.Hedidn’t feel at all like the same person that he’d been then.

Adamnodded, his brows drawn together. “Budgetisn’t a huge issue.Ijust…Ineed to get it right.”

JackfacedAdam, leaning his elbow on the counter. “Youthink she’s going to say no if you buy the wrong ring?Dude.Adam.MyGod, have you seen how she looks at you?Youcould propose with a ring made out of pipe cleaners and she’d say yes.”

Someof the tension went out ofAdam’sshoulders then, and he let out a long breath. “I’mjust…”

“Avery large, very anxious man?”

Adamactually cracked a smile at that. “Justhelp me pick a ring, okay?”