“Metoo,” she said, and he could hear the smile in her raspy voice.

“Ireally like your voice,” he said, letting the random thought slip past his lips.Inthe aftermath of his orgasm, his brain-body connection wasn’t the best. “It’ssexy.”

“Thankyou.WhenIwas younger,Iwas always self-conscious about it.Iwanted to sound like aDisneyprincess, all sweet and feminine.”

“Disneyprincess voices don’t make me hard the way yours does.”

Shelaughed, warmth flowing though him.Shesighed, and then there was a pause, as though she was weighing what she wanted to say. “I’m…I’mglad we’re coming back toGossamerFalls.Buteven if we weren’t…”Anotherpause. “I’dwant to see you again.”

Herwords sank into him, and a smile stretched across his face. “I’dwant to see you again, too.”Heknew that what she was giving him was a big deal for her.Thatshe was opening up, trusting, letting him in—something she’d made clear she didn’t do.So, he decided to give her a little honesty of his own. “Ithink about you every day,Rosalie.Everygoddamn day.”

Shelet out a shaky breath while he held his, waiting for her answer. “I’dtell you not to say that kind of stuff to me, butIlike it too much.”

Hisheart stopped, completely, then restarted at double time, pounding so fast that he had to sit up just to catch his breath.

“Yeah?Whatelse shouldn’tIsay to you?Thatyou’re gorgeous?Smartas hell?”

Shelet out a happy little laugh. “Exactly.That’sthe stuff.”Shesighed. “You…live inside my brain,Jack.AndIthinkIlike it.”

Hechuckled. “RosalieCrawford, do you…likelike me?”

“Maybe.Passme a note during homeroom soIcan check yes, no, or maybe.”

Helaughed, and then changed the subject because he wanted to keep talking to her. “How’severything going with work?”

“Good.Busygetting everything coordinated for the shoot.”Therewas something in her voice, in her tone, that made him frown.

“Workis good, but?” he prompted.

“But…Idon’t know.It’snothing to do withCarrie, but latelyIfeel restless.”


“Ifind myself wondering if this is it?Isthis whatIdo with the rest of my life?Putout press releases and manage someone else’s life for them?Igot into this becauseIhave anMBAandI’mpassionate about music, and it was a natural fit.ButlatelyIjust feel like…Idon’t actually contribute anything.Like, to the world, to society.Itfeels empty, sometimes.”Shemade a frustrated sound. “God, that sounds so maudlin and sad.Idon’t mean it that way.It’sjust something that’s been on my mind, and you asked, and you’re easy to talk to.Sorryfor the word vomit.”

“Don’tbe sorry.Thephone sex was fun, but…Ilike this, too.Alot.”

“Talkingabout real shit.”

“Yeah.Talkingabout real shit.”Thatpang of guilt for not telling her aboutChloewas back, stronger than before, sliding cold and sharp like a knife right between his ribs. “Speakingof real shit…”

“Ugh, hang on.Ihave another call.”Therewas a pause. “It’swork.I’dbetter take this.ButIneed to tell you something first.”


Shehesitated only briefly before saying, “Ourtexts are the best part of my day.”

Hesmiled. “Mine, too.”

“Igotta go, but talk soon?


Theyhung up, andJackclosed his eyes, envisioningRosalieinGossamerFalls, coming toSundaydinners, slotting in effortlessly with his family.

Heknew, then, that if he let himself, he could easily fall for her.
