Thecorner ofJack’smouth pulled up in a smile. “MaybeIam.”

Juliepulled him in for a hug, rubbing her hand up and down his back. “Thenwhat’s meant for you will find you.Italways does.”Shestood and made her way back into the kitchen, leavingJackalone with the popping fire and the swirling flakes outside, whirling even faster than the thoughts inside his brain.

“So,” saidBeckett, leaning against the open entryway to the living room, beer in hand. “How’dit go with, uh…the brunette.Theone who has terrible taste in hockey teams.”

“Rosalie.”God, just saying her name made his heart beat a little faster.

“Yeah,Rosalie,” saidBeckett, nodding.Hetook a long swallow of his beer. “Youtwo looked awfully cozy when you walked her back to the hotel.”

Jackopened his mouth, and then closed it. “Didwe?” he finally asked.

Beckettnarrowed his eyes at him and then aCheshire-like grin slowly spread across his face. “Oh, man.You’reso fucked.”

Jack’shead snapped up at that. “Whatare you talking about?”

“Onenight and you caught feelings.Lookat you.You’reall moonfaced just talking about her.”

Jackwas going to deny it, but then decided there was no point.Hewas done running from the truth of his feelings, no matter how messy they might be. “Ilike her.”

Thesimplicity of his statement seemed to catchBeckettoff guard, and he pursed his lips. “So…you gonna see her again?Iassume she’s coming back for the music video thing.”



“Ifeel different.”

“Damn.Must’vebeen some night.”

Jackstood and walked through the entryway, clappingBecketton the shoulder as he passed. “Youhave no idea.”

Beckettstudied him for a moment, his expression morphing from teasing to something more serious.Heknew that expression because it was one he’d often seen on his own face.Itwas the expression of a man who hid behind sex and humor, but deep down he was lonely.Anddamn if he knew what to do about it.

“You’llget there,” he said quietly, giving his younger brother’s shoulder a squeeze. “You’restill figuring shit out.”

Beckettjust nodded, rubbing absently at his chest. “Yeah.”

Theymade their way back into the kitchen, whereChloewas busy helpingAutumnset the table whileJuliepulled things out of the oven.Thesewere the kind of momentsJackwanted to wrap himself up in.Thesound of his family laughing and talking, the scent of delicious food wafting on the air, the snow falling outside, the familiarness of home.Forhim, this was what life was about.Familyand shared moments, love and trust and safety.Heglanced over toAdamandHazel, whose heads were bowed close together as they peered atAdam’sphone and whispered happily.

Hewanted that.Someoneto share all of this with.Hazelfit into their family like a missing puzzle piece, slotting in as though there’d always been a space for her.Andthere was space for more,Jackknew.Havinggrown up in such a big family, he knew that love only grew with each new family member.

Onceeveryone was seated, withChloeon his left andAutumnon his right, dishes were passed around, and a contented silence filled the room.Afterseveral moments,Adamcleared his throat gently. “So,HazelandIhave a fun little announcement to share.”

Everyset of eyeballs went to them, andAutumnpractically vibrated in her seat.

Hazelglanced over atAdam, who smiled warmly at her and nodded. “We’regetting a puppy!”

Excitedgasps and squeals erupted from around the table, andAdampulled his phone out of his pocket.Heturned it to face everyone, showing them the picture of an adorable tan and white puppy with blue eyes and a pink nose. “ThisisPhoebe.She’saNovaScotiaDuckTollingRetriever, and she’s coming home with us in two weeks.”

Theypassed the phone around, everyone cooing over the adorable picture.

“Ican puppysit for you!” saidChloe, eyes lingering on the photo.Jackcould see the longing in her eyes, but he worked too much to be a good parent for a dog, andChloeonly lived with him half the time, going back and forth between his place andNorah’sfrom week to week.AdamandHazel, however, who were writers and worked mostly from home, were perfect.

“Well,Ican’t wait to meet her,” saidJulie, handingAdam’sphone back to him from across the table. “Shelooks so sweet.Andshe’ll be good practice for you two.”

“Practice?” askedAdam, one eyebrow arched.

“Forthe grandbabies you’re going to give me.”Shewinked at them, making her words playful and light, butJackdidn’t miss the soft, loving look that passed betweenAdamandHazel.Clearlythey’d already talked about kids and it was something they wanted.