“Jordanbroke up with her.”

“Ah, shit.”

Carriehad been datingNHLhockey playerJordanNewhousefor several months, and had fallen hard for him.Rosaliehad always had a sinking feeling that this was where things were headed, givenJordan’sobvious discomfort withCarrie’slevel of fame.

Rosalieheaded into the kitchen, which was large and immaculate, with skylights in the slanted ceiling letting the sunshine pool on the floor.Despiteits size,Carrie’spenthouse was cozy and welcoming, with a lived in, unfussy quality to it thatRosaliehad always found welcoming.

Quickly, she made two cups of tea and piled a plate high with cookies before heading into the conservatory.Sheknocked briefly before sticking her head through the door, which was slightly ajar.


Thepiano stopped, and she took in her boss and friend’s form, sitting slumped at the piano, wearing an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of black leggings, her blond hair in a messy ponytail.

Sheglanced over her shoulder, the sweatshirt slipping down. “Hey,” she said, her famous voice raw and ragged.

“Trevtold me aboutJordan.I’msorry.”Shecrossed the room and set the plate of cookies on theSteinway, extending one of the mugs to her.Carrietook it with a small smile that didn’t reach her gray eyes.

“Thanks.”Sheblew steam away from the rim of the mug and then took a careful sip, wincing at how hot the tea was.Hereyes were rimmed in red, her face free of makeup.

“Youdoing okay?” askedRosalie, grimacing internally at the asinine question.Ofcourse,Carriewasn’t okay.

“I…Ifeel stupid.LikeIshould’ve seen it coming.”Shetook another sip, winced again. “Isn’tit wild that we can be with someone for months and have no clue as to their true feelings?Andyet, knowing whatIdo now…it doesn’t change howIfelt.Myfeelings were still real, which makes all of this suck so much more.”Shepicked up a cookie and bit half of it off.Sheshook her head and let out a bitter laugh, crumbs spilling from her mouth. “Hewas more worried thatIwas going to write songs about him than any pain he might’ve caused me.”Shecleared her throat and put on an exaggerated male voice. “Uh, you’re not gonna write about me, right babe?”Shelaughed again. “OfcourseI’mgoing to fucking write about you!Hello, have youmetme?It’skinda my thing.”Carriewas known for her confessional songs, giving fans a peek into the ups and downs of her life.Shedisplayed a kind of vulnerability thatRosaliecouldn’t even wrap her head around.

“I’msorry.Maybea puck will hit him in the face and knock his teeth out,” saidRosaliewith a little smile, andCarrielaughed again.

“Youknow what they say about karma.”Shesighed, shaking her head. “Anyway.Thegood thing is that it’s making me want to write some new stuff for the first time in a while.Processmy emotions, try to heal.Iknow the record company’s been wanting to know whenImight have the next album ready.So, maybe it’ll be later this year.”

Songwritinghad always been cathartic forCarrie, and it was thrilling forRosalieto have a front row seat toCarrie’sprocess.Yeah, she was a pop princess, but she was also a gifted songwriter who had a knack for capturing her emotions in a way that was both memorable and relatable.

“They’llbe happy to hear that,” saidRosalie, taking her tea and sitting down on the cream-colored sofa across from the piano. “Fornow, we want to release a statement beforeJordan’steam does so that we can get ahead of whatever narrative he wants to spin.Whenyou’re ready, we’ll do a bigger story withPeople.”

Carrienodded and turned back to the piano, picking out a melancholy progression of chords, her long, slender fingers moving effortlessly over the keys.

Rosaliepulled her phone out of her pocket and started drafting an officialPRstatement.

CarrieClarkandJordanNewhousehave decided to end their relationship.Carriethanks her fans for their love and understanding during this difficult time, and as always, for respecting her privacy.ShewishesJordanthe best and will be focusing on her music as she moves forward.

AsRosaliedistributed the statement to all of the standard outlets, answered emails, and took phone calls,Carriecontinued to plunk away at the piano, sipping at her tea and eating cookies.

“Oh, by the way,” she said after about half an hour of quiet companionship, swiveling on the piano bench to faceRosalie. “Thosepictures and videos you sent of the town and the waterfall?It’sperfect.Ithink we should shoot the music video there.Doyou think we’ll have any logistical issues?”

Excitementsoared throughRosalie, and she did her best to school her features into a neutral expression. “No, not at all.They’revery keen to have us come.I’llconnect with the production company and the label and get things in motion.”

“Iwas reading more about it.Thelegend and everything.”Shewiggled her eyebrows, her mood clearly improving. “Itsays that if you’re kissed by the mist of the falls under the light of the full moon, your true love will be revealed to you before the next full moon.”Shesighed. “Imean, it doesn’t get much more romantic than that, does it?”Shetilted her head, studyingRosalie. “Whatis this?” she said, swooping her index finger in a circle.


“Thisblushy, dreamy look on your face.”

“Idon’t have a blushy, dreamy look.”

“Youdefinitely do,” saidTrevor, stepping into the room, laptop under one arm.Trevorsat down on the sofa beside her, crossing one leg over the other and then resting his chin on his closed fist. “Rosalie…who isJack?”

“Jack?Who’sJack?” askedCarrie, looking interested as she picked up her discarded mug and curled her fingers around it.

“Itold you, he’s the chief of police inGossamerFalls.”

“Uhhuh,” saidTrevor, batting his eyelashes at her. “Andwhat else?”