WhatwasJackShepharddoing to her?

Hegrinned as he lowered the car a bit, then tightened the lug nuts with the wrench.Hegave a satisfied nod, and then lowered the car completely, tightening the nuts even more.

“Whatcanyou say,Rosalie?You’renot giving me much to go on here.”Hedidn’t look at her as he fitted the hubcap back on.

Shesucked in a breath at his words, even though she knew he was right.Shewasn’t giving him anything.

“Ihad an amazing time with you last night andI’mglad we ran into each other again becauseIdidn’t like that we didn’t even get to say goodbye,” she said all in one go, shoving the words out of her mouth before they could die on her tongue.Fearcurled through her as soon as they were out.

“Well, well, well.”Acocky grin pulled at his lips. “AndhereIthoughtIwas just another notch on your bedpost,” he teased, and she bit her lip, blushing furiously.

Herose to his full height, brushing his hands off on his pants, and then moved closer, so close that she backed into the side of the car.Shecouldn’t stop staring at his mouth, his face, his throat.

“Neverjust a notch,” she said, her voice catching in her throat.Herpulse thrummed wildly as his gaze dropped to her mouth.Heswallowed and then gave a tiny nod, as though he’d just decided something.Reachinginto the front pocket of his vest, he pulled out a card.

“Ifyou come back for that video shoot, give me a call.Hell, even if you don’t come back for the video shoot, give me a call anyway.Thecity’s not that far.”

Shereached between them and took the card from him, running the tips of her fingers over the embossed letters that read “ChiefJackShephard,GossamerFallsPolice,” with his phone number and work email address below it.

“Iknow you’re not looking for anything serious.I’mnot either.ButI’dbe lying ifIsaidIdidn’t want a repeat of last night.AndIwant you to text me when you get back to the city, otherwiseI’mgonna worry.”

“You’dbe worried about me?” she asked quietly, running her fingers over the card again and then tucking it into her pocket.Asshe did, her fingers brushed against another piece of paper.Herfortune from last night.She’dalmost thrown it away, but had slipped it into her pocket instead.

“Yeah,Rosalie.Iwould.”Hisblue eyes dropped to her mouth again, and she shivered, but not from the chilly air.

Herthroat tightened, a lump of emotion sitting right in the middle of it.Noone ever worried aboutRosalie.Herentire life, she’d been the one looking after others.Itfelt…nice, to know that someone cared enough about her to worry.

Jackswallowed thickly and started to lower his face to hers.Hertoes curled in her boots in anticipation, but just then, the radio on his shoulder crackled to life again.

“Chief, are you still off with that disabled vehicle?” came a male voice on the other end. “Ijust picked up theMillerkid for shoplifting over at the gas station.”

Jacksighed.Reachingbehind her, he grabbed his coat off of the roof of the car and shrugged it on.Thenhe unclipped the radio. “Copythat, on my way.”

“Dutycalls,” she said with a small smile.

“Yeah.Ineed to go.Butseriously.Textme to let me know you got back safe, okay?”

Shenodded. “Iwill.”

“Good.”Andthen his mouth was on hers, his lips warm and firm, the gentle slide of his tongue against hers making her sigh.Somethinginside her settled, and she looped her arms around his neck, kissing him back with slow sweeps of her tongue into his mouth.Hetasted like mint and something sweet.Fruit, maybe.

Hebroke the kiss far sooner than she would’ve liked, his nose brushing against hers. “I’llsee you,Rosalie.”Hegave her hip a squeeze.

“I’llsee you,Jack.”

Shehopped back into her car and pulled out onto the road, puttingGossamerFallsin her rearview.


“OhmyGod, she’s alive,” saidTrevorasRosaliestepped intoCarrie’sTribeccapenthouse about three hours later.She’dstopped by her apartment first to change and freshen up, and then headed over toCarrie’sto get caught up on work.

“Sheis, although the car you gave me tried to kill me.”

“Ohplease, you probably drove over a nail or something.Don’tbe so dramatic,” saidTrevor, which was hilarious, because he was, without a doubt, the most dramatic personRosalieknew.

Shetossed him the keys. “Thespare’s still on there.Jacksaid that it needs to be checked out.”

Trevor’sperfectly groomed eyebrow climbed up his forehead so slowly it was almost comical. “Who’sJack?”