“Don’tyou know how to change a tire?” he asked, but she could hear the teasing lilt in his voice.

“No,Idon’t.It’sone of the many ways my father failed me,” she deadpanned.TrevorandCarriewere the only people who knew about her messy family history.

AndJack.Jackknew too, now.

Trevorlaughed. “Um.Huh.Letme see if we have tripleAor something.”Sheheard the gentle click of a keyboard in the background. “Also,Googlesays to stay in your car.Doesthat car even have a spare?”

“Idon’t know!” saidRosalie, leaning across the car and flipping open the glovebox.Thedriver’s manual fell out and onto the floor, sliding under the seat. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

“So, from whatIcan see, no tripleA, but there’s aNissanroadside assistance number you can call.Itshould be in the manual.”

Rosalielaughed. “Canyou please just look it up for me?”

“WhatamI, your slave?”Hemade an outraged tsk, but she heard the sound of more typing in the background. “Okay, ready?”

Justthen, she caught a flash of something in her rearview mirror.ApoliceSUVhad just pulled in behind her, and her heart crashed against her ribs as her stomach swirled.

Calmdown.It’sprobably not him.

Thenagain, he has a staff of four.Itmight be.

OhGod, doIeven want it to be him?


“Hangon,” she said, flipping down the sun visor and checking her appearance in the mirror because she was utterly ridiculous. “Acop just pulled up behind me.I’llcall you back.”

“I’mnot bailing you out again,” he said, laughing. “Begood.”

Oh, ifTrevoronly knew.

Rosaliedisconnected the call, her eyes still glued to her rearview mirror.Butterfliesexploded through her entire body whenJackstepped out of theSUV, looking absolutely delicious in his uniform.Ahuge grin spread across her face, and before she could stop herself, she pushed open her door and stepped out.

Itwas utterly adorable the way his steps faltered when he saw her. “Rosalie?”


“Hey,” she said, raising her hand in a little wave.Herlegs practically vibrated with the urge to run and fling herself atJack.

Asmile spread across his face as he walked toward her with increasingly quick steps. “What…are you okay?”Hepulled his aviator sunglasses off, blue eyes bouncing between her and her car.

Shegrimaced, gesturing at the car with a wave of her hand. “Flattire.”

Henodded, not taking his eyes off of her, smile still in place.Granted, she couldn’t stop staring at him either, drinking in every single detail of his uniform, from the gold badge that proclaimed him the chief of police, to the bulletproof vest laden with gear visible under his navy blue winter coat, to the way his round, muscular ass filled out his uniform pants nicely.Verynicely.

Heunclipped the radio attached to his shoulder and spoke into it. “HeyCheryl, it’sJack.I’mgoing to be off with a disabled vehicle onFoundryBridgeRoad, about a mile south of the train station.Shouldbe twenty, maybe thirty minutes.”

Theradio beeped. “Copythat,Chief.Radioin when you’re clear.”Heblinked several times, staring atRosalieas he stuck the radio back on his shoulder, and then nodded again.Heslipped his sunglasses into a pocket on the front of his vest, and then clapped his hands together. “Let’ssee what we’re working with here.”

God, she couldn’t stop staring at him.Couldn’tstop staring and smiling.Couldn’tstop the giddy rush rising up inside her at the sight of him again.

Dangersigns flashed through her mind, alarm bells blaring, but for once, she didn’t care.Shewanted to curl around him like a cat, to stick to him likeVelcro.Hermouth was dry, her muscles shaky, and for a second, she couldn’t pinpoint why.Butthen it hit her, socking into her like a punch.


Hecrouched down and examined the flat. “Yougot a spare?”

Shegrimaced again and shrugged. “Idon’t know.”