Shemoaned at his filthy words, arousal and need spiraling through her, making her pussy spasm around him.Hesmacked her ass and then gripped her hips, urging her up and down.Hepulled her up, looking down at his cock, which glistened in the low light.Glistenedwith her.

“Lookat that,” he said in a husky voice. “Fuck.”

Shesank back down onto him, and his fingers went to her clit, circling in firm, steady strokes, matching the rhythm of her hips.Heatand pleasure flared inside her, twisting her insides into something tight.Intosomething that was going to burst, and soon.

“Iwant to feel you come on my cock again,” he said, and she nodded, her head thrown back as she rode him.

“I’mso damn full and your fingers…yeah, just like that.”Shegasped as he shoved his hips up, going deep, andRosalie’sarms started to shake, her control over her movements slipping as white hot pleasure flowed through her.Jacklowered his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, biting at it.

“Goddamn,IwishIhad more condoms,” he said, sweat beading along his hairline. “Iwish…”Justthen she swiveled her hips, and his words died, melting into a groan. “Oh,God.Rosalie.”Hestroked her clit a little faster, but it was the broken way he said her name that had her tipping over the edge, her pussy clenching and fluttering aroundJack’sthick cock as she struggled to keep herself upright.Shewas nothing but a mass of pleasure, shaking in his lap as her orgasm rocked through her, stealing her breath, her thoughts.Everything.Narrowingher entire existence to this moment.Tothe feeling ofJackinside her, the scent of his skin, the sound of his deep groans and ragged breaths.

Rosaliemanaged to swivel her hips again, and she could tell the exact momentJacklost it, his eyes heavy-lidded, his thrusts losing their finesse.Hepumped up into her jaggedly twice more before falling back against the headboard, pullingRosalietight against his sweat slicked chest.Shecould feel the pulsing of his cock inside her, and she wished they had another condom, too.

Hepressed his head to her shoulder, both of them gasping for air.Tearssuddenly pricked atRosalie’seyes, and she blinked frantically, trying to push them away.

Whatthe hell was wrong with her?

Oxytocinoverdose.Thathad to be it.

“Youokay?” he asked, as though sensing something was up.Whenshe didn’t say anything for a second, he eased her back from him, slipping his fingers under her chin and forcing her to meet his eyes.Worryinstantly flared in his. “Shit,Rosalie.DidIhurt you?Areyou okay?”

“Youdidn’t hurt me,” she said, shame flooding her at the way her voice came out all wobbly and broken. “I’mfine.I…it was just an intense orgasm,Ithink.Really,I’mgood.Betterthan good.”

“Promise?” he asked, concern still etched on his handsome face.


Sheslid off of him, and he disappeared into the bathroom to dispose of the condom.Hecame back a minute later with more water, setting the bottles on the bedside table before pulling back the covers and gathering her into his arms.

Cuddlingwasn’t normally on the menu whenRosaliehooked up with someone, but withJack…she wanted to.Shereally wanted to.Soshe let him gather her against him, snuggling into his solid warmth.


“Forwhat?” he asked, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

“Forthe amazing, fun, mind-blowing sex.It’sbeen a while for me, andIreally needed this.Andfor being so cool.”

Hesmiled softly at her, just a hint of that dimple showing. “Thanksfor suggesting we do this in the first place.”Hestroked a hand up and down her back. “Areyou tired?”

Shestifled a yawn. “Alittle.ButI…let’s keep talking, okay?”

Henodded. “Okay.”Hegrew quiet, his breaths slow and even as he smoothed a hand up and down her back, rubbing small circles between her shoulders.

“Whatare you thinking about?” she asked.

Hehesitated, then said, “You.”

Shebit back a smile. “Whatabout me?”


“Ofcourse.Ialways want the truth.”Andit was true.Shedid.Honestywas important to her.Maybebecause she worked in an industry where people were often full of shit.Ormaybe it was because of all the lies her father had told over the years.

“Iwas thinking that it kind of sucks you’re going home tomorrow, becauseI’dlike to do this again.”

Feartrickled through her, but also something else.Somethingshe didn’t recognize and couldn’t name.Fear, because she already liked him—a lot—and that was dangerous, unsafe territory for her.Andthe other thing, the warm, glowy thing, was probably from the great sex.

“Itdoes kinda suck,” she said when she realized she’d left his comment hanging too long. “ButI’mglad we had tonight.”