Asof today,Rosaliewas officially a fully fledged resident ofGossamerFalls, and she couldn’t have been happier.
Theday after the winter festival, she’d talked toCarrie, telling her that she felt it was time for her to take on new challenges.They’dhad a hug and a little cry, butCarriehad understood.Trevorhad been less understanding, not being able to wrap his mind around why she’d want to give up working for one of the biggest pop stars in the world, but ultimately he’d wished her well.
Notlong after the winter festival,Carriehad decided to return to the city, and at first,Rosaliehad gone with her so she could help with finding a replacement for her role and end the lease on her apartment.Duringthe week, she’d worked and packed, and on weekends, she’d taken the train toGossamerFallswhereJackandChloemet her, or, if he was working,AutumnorHazel.Theweekends had always gone by too quickly, especially because they were always so busy with her looking for a new place and getting ready to move.
Now, with the first hint of spring in the air, she was saying goodbye to the city and hello to her new life with the man she loved in a town she’d come to adore.Lastnight,Jackhad come up to the city with his truck to help her finish packing up her apartment.Itwas a furnished lease, so she didn’t have much to bring beyond her clothes, kitchen goods, and other personal belongings.Italso meant that she had no furniture and she’d have to work on furnishing her new place inGossamerFalls, but she’d worry about that once she was there.
SheandJackhad discussed moving in together, but had ultimately decided to wait.Therewas no rush, andRosaliewas very conscious of disruptingChloe’sworld.Sofor now, she was renting an apartment on the ground floor of a large house onFirStreet.Itwas close to the little downtown, and a ten minute walk toJack’s.Itwas perfect.
“Youready?” askedJack, loading the last box into the back of his truck, muscles bunching and flexing as he moved.Shestood on the grimy sidewalk, looking up into the gray sky.Onlya patch of it was visible with all of the buildings around them.
“Yeah.I’mdefinitely ready,” she said, smiling atJack.Hegrinned at her, and held open the passenger’s side door for her, sneaking a kiss as she stepped up into the truck. “Soon,I’mgoing to be able to do that every single day.”
Shesat down and then pressed her forehead to his. “Asmuch asIenjoy our phone sex sessions,I’mlooking forward to being able to touch you every day.”
Thedrive back to the city was calm and peaceful, and it truly didn’t feel like she was leaving anything behind.Itfelt like she was heading towards something.Towardsher future.Towardswhere she was meant to be.
Bythe time they arrived inGossamerFalls, the sun was poking through the clouds, casting gentle beams of light onto the sparkling bay.Thesnow had mostly melted, but the trees were still bare.Fornow.Soon, spring would bring everything back to life, andRosaliecouldn’t wait to see it.
“Areyou nervous about starting your new job onMonday?” askedJackas he took the turnoff intoGossamerFalls.
Sheshook her head. “No, not really.Mostlyjust excited.”Shewas taking over forBarbaraat the food bank and couldn’t wait to dig in.Barbarawas staying on for the next two weeks to bringRosalieup to speed, and then the job would be hers to run with.Itfelt good to do something that made an important difference in people’s lives.Thepay wasn’t great, but she didn’t need the money.Notonly did she have a generous amount put away, butCarriehad given her a large payout when she’d left as a thank you for all of her work.
“You’regonna be great,” he said. “Iknow it.”
Theyturned off ofFoundryBridgeRoadontoMain, and then hung a right ontoChestnut.Twoblocks later,Jackslowed the truck as he turned left ontoFir, andRosaliegasped at what she saw.
TheentireShephardclan was standing in front of her apartment with a giant bouquet of balloons and a banner that said “WelcomeHomeRosalie!”Tearssprang to her eyes, and her hands trembled as she fought to unbuckle the seatbelt.
“Didyou do this?” she asked, turning toJack, who had a soft smile on his handsome face.
Heshrugged. “Yournew friends wanted to welcome you.AllIdid was tell them what time we were coming back.”
Sheleaned across the center console and hugged him, and then stepped out of the truck into the spring sunshine.
Therewere tears and hugs and sounds of celebration as everyone welcomedRosalie, andChloegave her a friendship bracelet that said “I♥GossamerFalls,” which wasRosalie’sfavorite thing ever.Oncethe small celebration was over, everyone grabbed a box and started hauling everything inside.EveryoneexceptAutumn, who was frowning at her phone.
“Everythingokay?” askedRosalie.
“I…” she shook her head, and a wide smile broke out across her face. “Huxis back.”
Rosaliegrinned and hugged her friend. “Go.”
“Yes!Getout of here!”
Autumnnodded shakily and headed out.Rosalieknew that this was important to her, and it wasn’t as though she had a ton of stuff to unload.
Shestepped inside her new place, which was a bit bare, but cozy and homey all the same.Theentryway led into the living room, which had a little fireplace and windows that looked out onto the treed backyard.Shecould already envision exactly how she wanted to decorate it, where she wanted to put the furniture, where she’d hang prints on the wall, where she wanted plants on the windowsill.
Sheturned in a slow circle in the middle of the empty living room, pausing when she saw a framed picture on the mantel above the fireplace.
“What’sthis?” she asked, picking it up.Itwas a colorful illustration, done in comic book style of a man who looked a lot likeJackand a woman who looked a lot likeRosalieholding hands and facing each other in front ofPourDecisionswhile snow fell around them.Herheart pushed up into her throat. “Jack,” she said softly. “Didyou draw this?”
Henodded, a somewhat bashful expression on his face. “Idid.Iwanted to be the first to give you something for your new place.”Hemoved closer. “Doyou like it?It’sto commemorate the night we met.”
Herfingers hovered in the air over the glass, emotion clogging her throat and misting her eyes.