“HiAlex,” she answered, her mouth suddenly dry.
“You’reco-writing a different book?Idon’t understand,” he said by way of greeting.Shecould hear the noise of the city around him, but instead of giving her a pang of homesickness, she had an overwhelming sense of gratitude at being here instead of there.
“Tellme what’s going on,” he said, his tone completely neutral.
“TheoutlineIsubmitted wasn’t working.Itried,Alex.Ireally did.Itwas just flat on the page.SoIstarted writing a new story, based on some of the local history here.It’sstill on brand with my modern fantasy stuff—it’s got a time travel element this time, sort of likeADiscoveryofWitchesmeetsOutlanderbecause of the heavy romantic element.”
“Hmm.Well, sounds intriguing.Who’s, uh, who’s the co-writer.”
“Hisname isAdamShephard.Hewrote a mystery trilogy forPenmana few years ago.”
“Penman, eh?Okay.Strongsales?”
“Well, uh…Idon’t really know.ButIcan absolutely vouch for his writing.AndAlex, this book is flowing.We’veonly been working on it for a few days and we’ve already got five chapters.”Justthen,Adamstepped back into the room. “He’sactually here if you’d like to talk to him.”
“Sure, what the hell.”
“I’llput you on speaker.”Shepressed the button and set the phone down on the table. “Adam, this isAlexGoldblatt, my agent.”
“HiAlex, nice to speak with you,” he said affably, easing himself back down into the chair.Helooked up, meetingHazel’seyes across the table.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, likewise.Hazeltells me you wrote a mystery trilogy?”
“Idid, yeah.AndnowI’mco-writing this time travel romance with her.”
“Howdid this come about?” he asked, andHazelcould practically pictureAlexscratching his head.
“She’sa guest at the hotelIrun.Wegot to talking about writing and books and one thing led to another.”
“Uhhuh.Well, uh, this is very interesting, butI’mnot sure where we go with this.Notonly is this not the outline the editorial directors signed off on, but the contract is for, uh, just for you,Hazel.SoI’llhave to look and see what kind of amendments can possibly be, uh, be made at this late stage.”
“Right.Sowhere do we go from here?” askedHazel. “BecauseI’mfirm in that this is whatI’dlike to do.”
“I’mhaving lunch withSethtomorrow.I’lltalk to him then.Inthe meantime, send me a synopsis and those five chapters,I’lltake a look and see where, uh, where we’re at.Thisis complicated because the advance they paid you,Hazel, was for a different book, and not a co-written one, andIdon’t think they’d be paying any kind of advance to uh, toAdam…Anyway,I’lllet you know what he says after tomorrow.”
Hazelinhaled a shaky breath. “Okay, great.Thanks,Alex.”
“Thankyou,”Adamechoed. “Andnice speaking with you.”
“Yeah, you too.Igotta go.Emailme the pages.”
Thecall disconnected, andAdamandHazelmet eyes over the table. “Well, it wasn’t a no,” she said after a minute.
“Itwasn’t a no,” he agreed, nodding.
“Butnow we have to write a synopsis.Like, today.”
Adamgroaned, a loud “ugh” sound that conveyed exactly how she felt.Theymet eyes again and both laughed.
Laterthat evening,Adamsauteed mushrooms to go over the pork chops that were currently in the oven whileHazelgrated parmesan cheese for theirCaesarsalads and poured them each a glass of wine.She’deaten dinner at his place every night this week, and had slept in his bed every night.
Itwas an arrangement he could damn well get used to.Itsurprised him how at ease he was with having her in his space.He’dlived alone off and on for most of his adult life, and in past relationships, he’d always felt a little put out at having to share what was his.Butnot withHazel.No, he wanted her here.Thecabin felt lifeless and empty without her.
But, unlike their first date, this was a working dinner, and so they each had their laptops open on the island, a syncedGoogledoc with notes open on both screens.Theyhadn’t plotted much beyond the five chapters they’d written, but now that things were real, they needed a proper plot and a proper synopsis.