Page 44 of Just Like Magic

“Iwant to read them,” he said earnestly.Ashe plated the pasta, topping both of their portions with more grated parmesan cheese and then a bit of freshly ground pepper, the conversation shifted and they talked about travel bucket lists (Englandwas at the top of his, whileNewZealandwas at the top of hers) and places they’d traveled in the past.Theysettled in at the round table nestled into the alcove of windows, sitting almost hip-to-hip on the built-in bench.

Hazellifted her wine glass and clinked it softly againstAdam’s. “Tonew beginnings,” she said quietly, and his gaze dropped to her mouth for a moment before he smiled and took a sip of his wine.

“Tonew beginnings,” he echoed, and then set his glass down. “Digin,” he said, not picking up his own fork but watching her intently.

Obliging, she twirled several strands of pasta around her fork and raised them to her mouth.Butterydeliciousness exploded across her tongue, mingling with the saltiness of the parmesan.Shepressed her fingers to her lips, letting out a little moan.

“SweetJesus, that’s good,” she said, savoring the mouthful of food.Notonly could she not remember the last time someone had cooked for her, but she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had something this simple yet delicious.

Sheglanced atAdam, and his gorgeous hazel eyes were dark and glittering as he stared at her mouth.Shesmirked slightly, enjoying the fact that she wasn’t the only one doing the ogling tonight.

“Whatare you thinking about?” she asked innocently, echoing his earlier question.

Heswallowed thickly and then shifted closer, brushing her hair away from her neck before whispering in her ear, “WhatIcan do to make you say that again, in a much different context.”

Shemoaned softly, tilting her head to the side as he dragged his lips down the side of her neck.Heworked his way back up and then scraped his teeth over her earlobe.Shewhimpered, heat and lust swirling through her in a dizzying mix.

“Ifyou keep doing that, this delicious meal you made will go to waste,” she said.Thenshe turned and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “AndIhave a feelingI’mgoing to need my energy tonight.”Theireyes met, heat and need passing between them, pulsing like a heartbeat.Heexhaled heavily and nodded.

“Ifthat’s what you want,” he said, toying with a lock of her hair. “You’rein control tonight.Nopressure, no expectations.”

“Whatdoyouwant?” she asked quietly, and she could see his heart shining out at her through his eyes.

“You,Hazel.Inas many ways as you’ll let me have you.”Thewords were simple and plain.Honestand real. “Ithink you’re beautiful,” he murmured, kissing along her neck again. “Andsmart.”Morekisses. “Andfun.”Morekisses. “Andsexy as hell.Ican’t stop thinking about you.Eversince that morning in your hotel room, you’re allIthink about.”

“Oh,God,” she whispered, and then they were kissing, slow and languorous, tongues sliding, lips melding, teeth nipping.Shewas already addicted to the way he kissed.Asthough she was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted and he couldn’t get enough.

Aftera moment, he pulled away, leaving her lips tingling and her nipples poking insistently against her bra. “Butyou’re right.Weshould eat.Wehave all night.”

Ahot shiver coursed through her, and she took another bite of her pasta.Theconversation shifted back to less spicy ground, and they talked easily as they ate, about hobbies (crochet for her, building furniture for him, becauseof coursehe had a sexy hobby), childhood memories, pet peeves (other people’s messes for him, people who talked on speakerphone in public spaces for her), her job as a librarian before she’d become a full-time writer, his love for the hotel.

“Istill love it, but it’s different now,” he said, finishing his wine and setting the glass down.Hisplate was already empty.Shecould see the sadness flickering in his eyes, pulling at his handsome features.

Shelaid a hand over his. “Autumnmentioned that your dad died not that long ago.”

Adamnodded, slowly twirling the empty wine glass. “Iran the hotel with him, and whileI’dalways planned to take over for him someday,Ihadn’t thought that someday would come so soon.”

“I’msorry.Ican’t even imagine.”

Hecurled his hand around hers, as though he was seeking out her comfort.Comfortshe was more than happy to give. “Imiss him every day.Wewere really close, and his death was so sudden…Ithink a part of me still isn’t over it.”

Shenodded and leaned into him. “I’msorry,Adam.I’venever lost someone like that, butIdon’t know that you just get over it, you know?Ithink you learn to live with it, but that doesn’t make it any less shitty that he’s gone and you wish more than anything that he wasn’t.”

Theireyes met, and he nodded slowly. “Yeah.Ithink you’re right.”Hesighed. “It’snot the remembering him that’s hard.Thememories are comforting and happy.It’sthe missing him that kills me.”

Shemoved closer and slid her arms around him.Hisgrief was palpable, and she wanted to do anything she could to make it more bearable for him.

Fora moment, she just held him, feeling the solid weight of him against her, and it amazed her that she’d only knownAdamfor a couple of days, and yet it felt as though she’d known him for a couple of years.Allof this was so, so easy.

Hermind flashed back to the falls, the experience she’d had, and the wish she’d made.

Whatif it was true?Whatif the magic of the falls was real, andAdamwas her true love?Whatif everythingFionahad read on her palm and in her tarot cards was true?

Thethought sent her heart galloping in her chest, beating so hard it was jostling her insides.

Hepulled away slowly. “Thanks.Ineeded that.”

Shelifted a hand and traced her fingers over his jaw, the underside of his lips, the slight cleft in his chin.Learninghis contours. “Anytime,” she answered softly.Heleaned forward, kissing her forehead with so much tenderness that it made an ache flare to life right in the center of her chest.