Page 10 of Just Like Magic

Heraised his hands in a placating gesture. “Fairenough.”

“Ifanyone’s the rookie here, it’s you, not me,” saidBeckett, somewhat defensively. “I’vebeen single way longer than you have.”

“Maybethere’s a reason for that,” teasedAutumn.Beckettmade to throw a piece of garlic bread at her, but set it back down after a withering look fromJulie.

Adamgrinned.Heloved that no matter how grown up and responsible they all became, they could still all tease and goad like they were kids again.Itfelt good.Likecoming home, not just in a physical sense.

Thissense of belonging, of having his heart connected with all of theirs, was another reason he’d never leaveGossamerFalls.Hisfamily and the town were everything to him, and always would be.

Theyate and talked until their stomachs were full and the wine was nearly gone.Theydivided up the pumpkin pieAdamhad brought, and his mom set out cupcakes fromYouLittleTart, the bakery onMainbyHemlockSquare.Adamrubbed a hand over his flat stomach, knowing he’d pay for this on the rowing machine tomorrow.Notonly was he forty, so was his metabolism.

“Ineed to get going to get organized for the tour,” saidAutumn, standing up from the table and stretching. “I’mgoing to have to grab a coffee in order to fight off this food coma.Itwas so good,Oli.”

Heraised his almost empty wine glass to her. “Thankyou.”

“Yes, compliments to the chef!” saidJulie, and as was family tradition, they all balled up their paper napkins and pelted him with them while laughing,Chloe’slaugh ringing out above everyone else’s.Olitried to bat them away, but gave up, letting out a mock shriek of indignation when one landed in his wine.

“I’llmake you a travel mug,” saidJulietoAutumn. “Whattime do you think you’ll be home?”


Julienodded and cleared several plates, disappearing into the kitchen with them.WhileAutumnwaited for her coffee,Adamhelped to clear the table and then said his goodbyes, hugging his brothers and giving his niece a squeeze.Jack’sradio crackled to life, a call about some kids spray painting a bench inHemlockSquare.

“Ooh, that’s a serious one,” saidAdam, flashing his brother a grin.AftereverythingJackhad been through inIraqandAfghanistan, it was probably nice to have such low stakes problems to deal with.

Jackshook his head. “Iswear toGod, if it’sLiamMillerand his little posse again,I’mgonna be real pissed after the breakIcut them last time.”Hepopped into the kitchen. “Mom,Igotta go to work.Isit cool ifChloehangs out here untilNorahcan pick her up in an hour?”

“Ofcourse it is.Wecan put a movie on.”

“Canwe make more friendship bracelets?”Chloeasked eagerly. “IfCarrieClarkis really coming here toGossamerFalls, we’ll need a lot of them.”

Julielaughed and nodded, andJackkissed his mother on the cheek and headed out.

Autumnappeared beside him, travel mug in hand, the aroma of coffee in the air. “I’mready.”

Aftera final goodbye, they returned toAdam’sSubaru.Nighthad fallen while they’d eaten, the white glow of the moon beaming down on the quiet street.Asoft breeze rustled the crisp leaves, andAdampulled in a deep breath of cool air before getting in the car.Spendingtime with his family was like refueling, like a battery recharging.

“Goodnight for the tour,” he said as he steered them back toward the hotel, the moonlight touching absolutely everything, like a luminescent blanket.

“Youshould come,” she said, her tone plain and sincere.Therewas no teasing or joking.Justa simple suggestion, and for a second, he thought about it.He’dnever been, and the moon tonight was beautiful, with a clear sky, blanketed in stars surrounded by the soft velvet darkness.

“Idon’t think so,” he said.

“Oh, come on,” she said. “It’saGossamerFallstradition and you’re like,Mr.GossamerFalls.Youknow everything about this town, and you love it more than just about anyone.Andyet, you’veneverdone the falls under the full moon.”Shepaused. “Whyis that,Adam?”

Heswallowed, curling his fingers around the steering wheel. “Becauseit’s a silly tourist thing,” he said.Thelie stuck in his throat like a pill lodged sideways.

“Whatare you scared of?”

Hedidn’t answer, and he focused on the road as they drove back to the hotel, which was no easy feat given the wayAutumnwas scrutinizing him the entire time.Hepulled the car to a stop under the porte cochere.

“IthinkIknow,” she said, and he turned to look at her with what he hoped was a flat expression. “Iused to think it was that you didn’t believe in magic, or maybe just not in the idea of true love.ButIdon’t think that’s true.”

“Yes, it is.Idon’t believe in legends or ghosts or magic.They’restories.Greatstories, but that’s all they are.”

Shegrinned, shaking her head slowly. “Ithink you believe more than you’d like to let on.”Sheleaned in closer. “Ithink you’re scared that you’ll find your true love, and she’ll leave, just like the others.Soyou’d rather not know.”

Herwords slammed into him, tightening his chest.