Page 65 of Just Like Magic

“I’msurprised your uterus didn’t fall out,” saidAutumnwith a little shudder as she passed through the kitchen, getting a soda forChloe. “Sixkids.You’renuts.”

Juliehip checkedAutumnas she passed. “Luckyfor you,Imost certainly am.”

“WhatwasAdamlike when he was little?” askedHazel, glancing over her shoulder at him, where he was still deep in conversation withOliver, who she secretly suspected was his favorite brother.

Juliesmiled wistfully. “Hewas smart and imaginative, and always so gentle and caring towards others.Ioften thought of him as my little teddy bear with the way he was so gentle and protective of his younger siblings.Hewas a good kid.Goodgrades, responsible, kind.Wewere always so proud of him.He’salways been a sensitive soul with a big heart.”

“Didhe always know he wanted to be a writer?”

“Heloved books from a young age.Whenthe house was noisy and chaotic—Imean, with six kids, it pretty much always was—I’dsometimes find him in the large linen closet upstairs with a flashlight, a book, and a pair of earmuffs jammed on his head.”

Hazellaughed, pressing her fingers to her lips.Herheart warmed at the mental picture.

“Areyou telling stories about me?” askedAdamfrom the other side of the kitchen.

“Onlynice ones,Ipromise,” saidJulie, who then winked atHazel.

AsOliver,BeckettandAdamworked to get dinner on the table,HazelandJuliechatted some more.SheaskedHazelabout her writing career, places she’d traveled, and hobbies.Sheappreciated thatJuliewas taking the time to get to know her without judgment or reserve.Again, it was the polar opposite of her experience withSeth’sfamily, where she’d never felt like a member.

“Wouldyou like a tour of the house?” askedAdam, weaving his fingers throughHazel’s. “Wehave a few minutes before dinner’s ready.”

“I’dlove that.”

Heled her out of the kitchen and up the stairs.Shepaused halfway to examine the pictures covering the wall there.Alarge framed photo that looked like it was from the late 90’s hung in the middle, the entire family standing outside theShephardInn.Well, the entire family minusAutumn.Butshe was there, givenJulie’senormously round belly in the picture.Therewere family pictures and individual pictures from all stages of life, as well as a few pictures ofChloe.Atthe top of the stairs, there was a small console table with a large, framed picture ofJohnalong with whatHazelassumed were a few personal mementos.Awedding ring, a watch, a hockey puck.

“Iwant to see the room where you grew up,” saidHazel.

Adamnodded, leading her down the hallway to the left. “Thereare five bedrooms total, soIhad my own room untilBeckettwas born, and thenJackandIstarted sharing.”Thebedroom was simple, with green plaid wallpaper, a queen sized bed, and antique looking furniture. “It’sa guest room, now.Chloestays here sometimes.”

Ina nod to the original inhabitants of the room, there were more pictures ofAdamandJackon the walls.

“OhmyGod,” saidHazel, moving towards one that caught her eye. “Howold were you here?”

Adampeered at the picture, in which he was reading a book and looking very annoyed at having his picture taken.Hewas wearing a dark blue sweater, and his curly hair was long, flopping across his forehead and into his eyes.

“Seventeenor eighteen,Ithink.”

“Iwould’ve had such a crush on you in high school.Curlyhaired boy who loves books was totally my jam.”

“Please.Curlyhaired boy who loves books wasn’t anyone’s jam.Trustme.”

Somethingsweet and sharp twisted inHazel’schest. “Doyou want kids?” she asked suddenly, andAdam’seyebrows rose.

“I’dalways thoughtI’dhave kids, yes,” he said, a hint of wistfulness in his voice. “Notsix.I’mnot a lunatic.Butone or two might be nice.”

“Ialways thought one or two might be nice, too,” she said. “Fora long time,I’dthoughtIdidn’t want kids, butIthinkIjust didn’t want kids withSethbecause deep downIknew it would be a bad idea.”

“Oneor two,” he said softly, eyes dreamy as he gazed at her. “Mmm.”

“You’dhave to build an addition onto that cabin of yours,” she said, sliding her arms around his waist.Hehauled her against him, holding her close.

“Ithink that’s doable,” he said. “Anotherbedroom on the main floor, maybe.”

“Wecould build a treehouse in the woods.”

“We?” he asked quietly, eyes intent on her.

“Yeah,” she whispered, heart fluttering like a drunk hummingbird in her chest. “Ifthat’s what you want.”