Page 61 of Just Like Magic

“Iwasn’t planning to,” she said, making a little face, her nose wrinkling in distaste.

“Youshould come,” he said. “Wecan discuss this further, andIcan meet this co-writer of yours.”

HazelmetAdam’sgaze across the desk and blew out a breath. “I’llthink about it.”

“Good.Ihave to go, but we’ll talk soon onceIhave more information.”

“Okay,” saidHazel, and then the line went dead without so much as a goodbye.

“Idon’t understand why it didn’t work out withPrinceCharming,” deadpannedAdam, andHazellaughed, the sound breaking the tension in the room.

“Sucha prince,Iknow.”

“Ican’t fathom how you’re expected to work with him like everything is normal and he didn’t have an affair and treat you horribly.”

“Sethlikes to be in control.Ifhe lets me work with someone else, he has to give up that control, andIhonestly don’t think he knows how to do that.”

“Whatgala was he talking about?” askedAdam.Hismouth felt dry, so he picked upHazel’smug of tea and took a sip.Asoft smile spread across her face, and he knew she was thinking the same thing as him, marveling over this easy intimacy that had bloomed seemingly overnight.

“Everyfall, the publishing house puts on a fancy cocktail reception for authors, agents, editors, etcetera.I’veskipped it last year, not wanting to try to make small talk and eat tiny canapes while my ex swans around with his new woman.”

“Maybewe should go,” he suggested, tilting his head.

“Whywould you want to?” she asked, eyebrows climbing upward.

“Well, all the editors are there, right?IfSethwon’t pass us along, maybe it’s an opportunity to talk to some of the other editors about our book.”

“Hmm,” she said, sipping her tea thoughtfully. “That’snot a bad idea.”

Heleaned forward, lacing his fingers with hers. “Anddon’t you want to see the look onSeth’sface when you walk in on my arm?Iclean up real nice,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Shelaughed. “Ibet you do.Andyes.Asimmature as it is,Ido kinda want to shove my hot, talented, amazing new boyfriend in his face.”

“Amazing, eh?” he asked, rubbing his thumb over the smooth back of her hand.

“Amongother things,” she answered, her eyes sparkling.

“Wecould make a weekend of it.I’dlove to see all your regular haunts.WalkthroughCentralPark.Maybetake in a show.”

Shebit her lip and then nodded. “Okay.You’veconvinced me.We’llgo to the gala and have a weekend in the city.Wecan stay at my place.”

“Perfect.Speakingof weekend plans, my mom would like you to come toSundaydinner this weekend,” he said, his heart starting to beat a little faster.Ithad been a long time since he’d brought anyone toSundaydinner, and never this early in a relationship.Buthe knew that what he had withHazelwas special and rare, and he wanted her to meet his family.

“Oh,” she said. “Sure.I’dlove to.CanI…canIbring anything?”

“We’llpick something up fromYouLittleTartbefore we head over.”

“Okay.Wow.I…”Shetrailed off, shaking her head.

“Youcan say no, if you think it’s too soon.Iwon’t be offended,” he said, studying her reactions.

“No,Iwant to come.Iwas just thinking that if someone had told me a few weeks ago what my life would look like today,Iwouldn’t have believed them.”

“Meneither, sweetheart.”Helifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Meneither.”Hestilled, blinking once, twice, as an idea took root. “IfIasked you to come to the cemetery with me, would you go?”


Adamwovehis fingers throughHazel’s, leaves crunching beneath his booted feet as they walked through the cemetery.Itwas a glorious fall day, with a brilliantly clear, azure sky, and a crisp breeze in the air.Thegravel path was wide and well maintained, dappled with shade from the towering oaks above.Therewas no one else around, and the only sounds were the birds chirping softly from above, the gentle breeze ruffling the leaves, and his measured footsteps.Adamscratched at his cheek as they walked, anxiety churning his stomach in a sickly swirl.