Page 39 of Just Like Magic

Sarahscoffed. “Idon’t know.Itsounds like you’re pretty clear on what you want.YouwantAdam.”

“Yeah,”Hazeladmitted. “Ido.”Shetraced her fingers in a whirling pattern over the pillow in her lap. “Ithink…”Shescrunched her nose up and shook her head, cutting off what she’d been about to say.

“Youthink what?” askedSarah.

“Okay, you’re going to laugh at me.But,Ithink there might be something more going on.”

“IpromiseIwon’t laugh.Whatdo you mean?”

ShetoldSarahabout the legend of the falls and her moonlit visit, and howAdamhad been in her room the very next morning, fixing her mysteriously broken shower.

“So…what?Youthink you’re like…meant to fall in love with him because you visited a waterfall?” askedSarah, brow furrowed.

Hazelsighed. “See?Itold you you’d laugh at me.”

“I’mnot laughing!I’mjust trying to understand.Imean…yeah, it’s probably just a legend meant to get tourists to visit.Buton the other hand…maybe…maybe it would explain why you’re so head over heels for this guy already, which definitely isn’t like you.”

“Right?”Shetossed the pillow aside. “I’mscared and confused andI’mso into him and yeah, there are reasons whyIshould probably hit the brakes, but you know what?Idon’t want to.Andfor once,I’mjust going to go with it.Pleasetell meI’mnot crazy.”

“You’renot crazy!Ifanyone deserves some fun with a hot man, it’s you,Hazel.Idon’t know about the legend and all of that, but if you’re into him, go for it.”

Shesmiled. “Thanks,Sarah.IthinkIneeded to hear that.”

“Ofcourse!YouknowI’malways here for you.”

Theychatted for a few more minutes, and then said their goodbyes.Hazelfelt more settled than she had before talking toSarah.Shedidn’t know if there was some kind of crazy magic happening.Allshe knew was that she felt something forAdam, and it was strong enough that she wasn’t going to ignore it.

Asif she could.

Knowingshe needed to get to work, she opened her manuscript and her notes file, dread settling over her.Sheproceeded to stare at the expectantly blinking cursor for over an hour, only taking breaks to scrollFacebook, read the news, decide if several people were or were not the asshole onReddit, and look up her horoscope for the day.Andthat was when she wasn’t daydreaming aboutAdam.Adamwith his dark, soft curls and warm hazel eyes.Adam, with his full mouth and cleft chin.Adam, with his broad shoulders and muscled arms.Adam, with his deep, soothing voice and a laugh that felt like hot chocolate on a cold day.

Shecouldn’t stop replaying it all in her mind.Thekiss last night.Thekisses this morning.Theflirting and obvious mutual interest.Theshared passion for writing and books.

Howfreaking hot he was without even trying.

Italmost seemed too good to be true, but for once in her life, she wasn’t going to rationalize something away.She’dspent far too much of her life talking herselfintothings that weren’t what she wanted, deep down.Doinga sociology major when all she’d wanted was to studyEnglishlit.Signingup for three months of hot yoga becauseLeahhad wanted to, even though being hot and sweaty made her feel nauseous.

MarryingSeth, if she was honest.Hermind flashed back to the almost panic attack she’d had the day before, wondering if she was making a huge mistake.Thelittle voice inside her—the one she’d learned to ignore over the years in order to make others happy—had told her she was.Thathe wasn’t the one for her.Herparents andLeahhad talked her out of becoming a runaway bride.Butsometimes she wondered if they’d talked her into marryingSethbecause calling off the wedding the day before would’ve been so terribly inconvenient for all of them.Noone had asked her why she was having doubts.Onlytold her she was wrong for having them in the first place.

God, no wonder she sucked at trusting her own instincts.She’dbeen made to question them by all of the key people in her life, over and over again.Shewasn’t going to let that happen this time.Whateverwas happening between her andAdamfelt good.Natural, and easy, and happy.Foronce, she wasn’t going to question it.

Hereyes flicked back to the computer screen, where her outline was open.She’ddecided to try starting in a different place today.Normally, she was a linear writer, writing each scene in order.She’dhoped that shaking that up would tap into some secret well of inspiration.

Tensioncrept across her shoulders and up her neck, all the way into her jaw.Shesighed and opened her web browser.She’dspend five minutes finding out which pop culture witch was her personality match, and then she’d get back to work.

Ifprocrastination was an art, she’d be freakingDaVinciby this point.

Afterlearning she was most likeBonnieBennettfromTheVampireDiaries, she decided a change of scenery was in order.So, she gathered up her laptop, her notebook and a handful of pens, slipped her shoes on, and headed down to write in the sunroom, asAdamhad suggested.

Andyes, her decision to write there was partially—mostly—motivated by the hope that she’d catch glimpses of him as she worked.Shehurried down the wide staircase, her footsteps muffled by the thick carpet, only to be met with a sagging disappointment whenAdamwas nowhere to be seen.Thefront desk was quiet, and she could hear the chatter of a few other hotel guests in the lounge.

Asshe passed the front desk on her way to the sunroom, she saw that the small door marked “management” was slightly ajar, and her heart doubled its tempo when she heard the deep timbre ofAdam’svoice coming through the door.

“…as much time as you need,” he was saying, his tone kind. “Wecan find someone to fill in temporarily.Familycomes first, always.”

Thecorner of her mouth pulled up and her eyes actually stung a little.God, he was sweet.Kindand warm and so genuine.She’dnever met anyone like him before.Shewasn’t sure if that said more about him, or the company she kept.

Shereached the sunroom, which was empty, warm sunlight streaming in through the glass ceiling.Theview through theFrenchdoors was breathtaking, all open fields and the edge of the woods, aflame with autumn.Shepicked a spot at a round table and sank down into the wicker chair, setting her things down.Justthen,Adamemerged from the office, and her heart leapt into her throat and then dropped back down into her stomach, like she was on a wild carnival ride.