Page 38 of Just Like Magic

Sohe did.Herlips moved against his eagerly, sweetly, her arms winding around his neck, fingers snaking into his hair.Heexplored her mouth with long, gentle sweeps of his tongue, and he felt as though he’d taken a hit of the world’s sweetest drug.Hecould easily become addicted to kissingHazel.Fuck, he probably already was.Hazelseemed to melt into him.

God, her mouth was soft.Sweet.Openand giving.Lustrocketed through him as she nipped at his lower lip, and he broke the kiss again, pulling away before he started mauling her like a horny teenager.

“Ipromised you coffee,” he said, his voice coming out rusty around the edges.Shesmiled and touched the tips of her fingers to her lips, which made him wonder if they were tingling as fiercely as his were.

“Right.Coffee.Youknow,I’mgoing to add that to myYelpreview.Ownerhas a mouth that makes me forget about caffeine.Which,Ihave to say, isquitethe accomplishment.”

Asmile spread across his face. “Fuckingadorable,” he said, pressing a kiss to her temple before disappearing into the kitchen.


Afterher much needed cup ofcoffee, a second donut, and a few more kisses,Hazelheaded back to her room to shower, dress, and video chat her bestie.

She’dsent her an email last night after her date withAdam.Itwas a very sophisticated worldly email that read “SOSIdon’t know what the fuckI’mdoing andI’mso happy please can we chat in the morning.”

Sarahhad emailed back right away, and they’d agreed to chat at nine the next morning.

Asense of happiness and excitement filledHazelwhenSarah’spretty face filled the screen.Herred hair was up in a high ponytail, and her purple shirt emphasized her green eyes.Theyspent a few minutes catching up, and thenSarahsipped her ever-present mug of tea, one eyebrow arched.

“So.Areyou gonna tell me what’s going on, or what?”

Hazellaughed, her heart fluttering in her chest. “Iwent on a date last night.”

Sarahscreamed, her eyes wide. “What?OhmyGod, tell me everything.”

“Hisname’sAdamShephard, and he runs the hotel whereI’mstaying for the next couple of weeks.”Shetold her about the shower incident, how he’d asked her out, and the amazing date they’d had, with flowing conversation, flirty banter, and how kind he’d been.ShetoldSarahabout how hotAdamwas, how funny and smart.

“Anddid this hot, funny, smart man kiss you at the end of this fabulous date?” she asked, hanging onHazel’severy word.

“Oh, yeah.Hekissed the absolute shit out of me.”

Sarahscreamed again, the screen shaking a little. “I’mso happy and excited for you!Howare you feeling?”



“Okay, soIlike him.Alot.We’rehaving dinner at his place tonight andI’mtelling myself that we’re not going to have sex, but we’re probably totally going to have sex andI’msuper nervous about that.I’mscared to let myself like him too much becauseIlive like two hours away andIdon’t know about trying to do some long distance thing.I’mnervous about getting naked with someone for the first time since the divorce.AndIcan’t stop thinking about how great he is.Like, allIcan think about is him.”

Sarahblinked rapidly, processingHazel’sword vomit. “Iget being nervous about it.Youhaven’t been with anyone sinceSeth, so it’s kind of a big deal.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“Butyou want to, right?”

Butterflieserupted in her stomach at the thought of sleeping withAdam. “I’mscared, but yeah.Iwant it.Iwant him.”

“Ihave to admit,I’mhappy for you, but a little surprised.”

“Whatdo you mean?” she asked, pulling a pillow across her lap.

“Well, when you were dating, before you metSeth, you were always so cautious and guarded and this feels like the opposite of that.Idon’t mean that in a bad way.It’sjust an observation.”

“Iknow.That’swhyI’mkinda freaking out.BecauseI’mready to jump in with both feet andIprobably shouldn’t.”


“Thedistance.Thefact that it’s so new.ThatI’mnot sure whatIwant.”