Page 37 of Just Like Magic

Shetapped her finger against her mouth as they walked into the lounge, and he realized that he’d woven his fingers with hers.Hehadn’t even noticed himself doing it.Maybebecause it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

“Hmm.Beautifulinn.Possiblyhaunted, but in a fun, quirky way.Ifcozy was a place, theShephardInnwould be it.Owneris…”Sheturned to look at him, her eyes flaring with heat. “Veryprofessional.”

“That’snot whatIthought you were going to say.”

Thesame glint of mischief he’d seen last night was back, flashing in her eyes. “Whatdid you thinkIwas going to say?”Sheinched closer. “Owneris very hot?Owneris a fantastic kisser?Owneris—”

Beforehe even realized he was doing it, he was in motion, tugging her against him and brushing his lips against hers.Heatand need exploded through him, and he let out a shuddery breath.God, she was going to be his undoing.

“Owneris very welcoming,” she murmured against his lips, and he kissed her softly before pulling away with a chuckle.

“Pleaseknow that not every guest gets this treatment,” he said.Itwas suddenly important for him to make sure she knew. “Infact,Ihave a strict no dating guests rule for myself.”

“Youbroke your rule for me?”



Heslid his arms around her, pulling her back against him.Rightwhere it felt like she belonged. “Itstarted with a white robe.Avery wet, very transparent white robe,” he said, his voice low.Hebrushed his lips over hers, teasing his tongue along the seam of her mouth. “Therewas flirting, ifI’mnot mistaken.Innuendoes.Somethingabout making you wet.”Shewhimpered softly and he kissed her again, slow and lingering. “Thenthere was a riveting discussion about writing and the horrors of publishing.”Hekissed her again, deeper this time, his tongue sweeping against hers.Sheswayed into him, and it was all he could do to hold them both upright because his knees were on the verge of giving out, too. “Andthen that glowingYelpreview…well.Thatjust sealed the deal for me.”

“I’llpost it as soon asI’mback at my computer,” she panted, fisting her hands in his sweater and pulling him down for another kiss.Hisskin was on fire, his stomach swirling and dipping with need.Hewas normally so in control of himself.ButwithHazel, he felt as though he could drown in the feeling of her mouth on his and not give one shit.Hishands were shaking on her hips, his heart slamming against his ribs.

Somehow, he managed to break the kiss, even though he didn’t want to.No, what he wanted to do was takeHazelback up to her room and spread her out like a feast on her bed.Butfor now, he had work to do, and she had a book to write.Or, at the very least, a screen to stare at.

Sheunfurled her palms from his sweater, and he captured her wrist, lifting it to his mouth and kissing her palm.

“Letme find that book for you,” he said, turning and adjusting himself as discreetly as possible.Thelast thing he needed was for his employees to see the imprint of his rock hard dick pressing against the front of his jeans.

Shemade a soft humming sound and followed along half a step behind him.Thatbuzzing from somewhere deep inside him was back, and he had a feeling it would always be there whenHazelwas around and he wasn’t touching her.Wasn’tkissing her.

Heskimmed the shelves and pulled out the slightly worn copy ofTheWickedSeasonand handed it to her, their fingers brushing as she took it. “Iguess it’s only fair, sinceIstarted reading yours last night,” he admitted.

“Youdid?” she asked, her eyes meeting his.

Henodded. “Yeah.Idownloaded it onto myKindle…Ihope you don’t mind.”

Sheshook her head. “Ofcourse not.Notat all.I…thank you.That’sreally sweet.”

“You’rean amazingly talented writer,Hazel.Thelushly constructed world, the complex, fascinating characters, the heartbreakingly poetic prose…”Helet out a breath and then tapped the cover of his own book in her hands. “Don’tjudge me too harshly.”

Sheblushed furiously and laughed. “Clearlyyou didn’t get to the part about his cock kissing her cervix.”

Hiseyebrows inched up his forehead. “Ididn’t, but nowI’mwishingI’dbrought myKindleto work with me.”Hestepped closer, slipping his fingers under her chin to draw her eyes upward.Shedidn’t quite reach his chin, so she had to tilt her head up several inches. “Iknew there was a heavy romantic element in your books, but…Hazel, is your book dirty?”

Shebit her lip, doing nothing to help the situation in his jeans. “Inparts, yes.Verydirty.”

“Fuck, that’s hot,” he groaned and then they were kissing again. “Havedinner with me tonight,” he said, his teeth scraping against her lips. “I’llcook for you.”

“Atyour house?” she asked, pulling back slightly.Littlelines dug in between her eyebrows.

“Orwe can go to a restaurant,” he amended quickly. “Whateveryou’re comfortable with.”

“Yourhouse,” she answered quickly. “Definitelyyour house.”

Hisheart thundered in his chest. “Okay.Iusually leave for the day around five or five-thirty…does that work for you?”

“I’llhave to check my agenda,” she said with a little smirk that made him want to kiss her again.