Page 35 of Just Like Magic

Christ, he wasn’t going to let this go.

“BecauseIlike her.Alot.Andin two weeks, she’s going back to her life inNewYorkCity.BecauseIlike her, and it can’t go anywhere.BecauseIkissed her and it was fucking amazing and it can’t happen again.”Thewords tasted like sawdust in his mouth, dry and crumbly, and he took a sip of his coffee to try to chase it away. “I’malready halfway—”Hecut himself off, shaking his head.Heknew what he’d said, how he’d acted withHazellast night.Itwas as though being with her had slashed all of his brake lines.He’dbeen so absorbed in her that he’d forgotten about reality.

“OhmyGod, dude.Youneed to get out of your head and just have some fun.Whenwas the last time you didn’t worry about the future and just did what felt good in the moment?Whatfelt right?”

“I—”Heopened and closed his mouth. “Justbecause that’s how you live your life, doesn’t mean that’s howIwant to live mine.”

Amurmuration of starlings swooped across the field, dipping and diving in an intricately choreographed flight pattern.

“I’mnot saying you have to live like me.Believeme, there are downsides.Butwhen was the last time you had fun?Feltgood?”Heleaned closer, his forearms braced on his thighs. “BecauseIdon’t think you have sinceDad—”

“Don’t,” saidAdamsharply, shaking his head. “Thishas nothing to do withDad.”

“Doesn’tit?” askedJack, one eyebrow arched. “You’vebeen in a complete rut since he died.It’slike you’re frozen.You’renot writing anymore, you don’t date, you barely have a social life.”Helowered his voice. “That’snot what he would want.Notfor you, not for any of us.Eventhough he’s not here, he’d want you to live your life and be happy.Not…”Hewaved a hand inAdam’sdirection. “Whateverit is you’re doing right now.Existingin a holding pattern.”

Adamsipped his coffee, not saying anything asJack’swords hit home, socking into him like cannon balls.

“Yesterday, you were completely into this date.You’retelling me you had a fantastic time.Andnow…what?You’rejust going to drop it?Youneed to get out of this rut you’re in.Evenif it’s just a temporary thing, you need to let yourself have some fun.”


“Stopthinking so much,” he said, andAdamsnorted out a laugh.

“ClassicJackadvice ifI’veever heard any.”

“I’mserious.Youneed to get out of your head and out of this rut.Startliving your life again.Iknow you like running theInn, and that’s great.Butwhat about writing?Whatabout a relationship?”

“Idon’t know,” saidAdam, a little snarl making its way into his voice.ButJackdidn’t flinch.Hejust sipped his coffee and watched the starlings swooping above the mist.

“Tellyou what,” he said after a moment. “Seewhere this thing withHazelgoes.Giveit the two weeks.Don’trun scared because it’s not perfect or whatever.Getout of your head.”

“Andwhen it blows up in my face?”

“Ifit does—whichIdon’t think it will—I’ll…I’llshovel your driveway all winter.”

Adam’seyebrows inched up.Hehated shoveling snow. “Fine, whatever.Deal.”Heglanced over at his brother, who was smiling smugly at his coffee. “Whatdo you think’s going to happen?”

Jackshrugged. “Dunno.Maybeyou’ll get laid and stop being such a pill.Maybesomething more will develop.”Hetilted his head. “Autumnsaid she tookHazelto the falls, and the very next morning you were soaking wet in her mysteriously malfunctioning shower.So…”Hewiggled his fingers. “Maybethe magic’s working.”

Adamrolled his eyes. “Christ, not you, too.Ididn’t think you believed inAutumn’swoo-woo stuff.”

Jackshrugged slowly. “Idon’t know, man.Butone thingIcan tell you is that you’d never in a million years catch me at the falls under a full moon.”


“You’venever gone either.”

“Becauseit’s stupid.”

“Right,” saidJack, stretching out the word.

TheFrenchdoors on the other side of the patio opened andAdam’sheart kicked against his ribs when he sawHazelstep out, her hair up in a messy bun, glasses on, wearing aNightmareBeforeChristmasthemed sweatshirt and a pair of leggings.

“Goodmorning,”Jacksaid after a minute, makingAdamrealize he’d been staring.Somethingseemed to happen to him every single timeHazelwas around.Itwas as though his brain disconnected from his body and all he could see, all he cared about was her.

Hazellet out an adorable squeak and then turned from the other side of the terrace. “I’msorry,Ididn’t see you sitting there,” she said. “I’m…I’mnot used to all this quiet.It’salmost unnerving sometimes.”Shewalked over, self-consciously tugging on her sweatshirt.

“I’mJack,Adam’sbrother,” he said, extending his hand. “Sorryabout the, uh, the siren last night.”