Page 23 of Just Like Magic

“Oh, they do.Publishingis…not the place to make friends.Everyoneis overworked and underpaid, out for themselves, and no one wants to hold an author’s hand.”

“Youknow, that sounds really similar to somethingAdamonce said,” saidAutumn. “AlthoughIthink there were a few f-bombs in there.”

“Youmentioned earlier that he was an author, too,” saidHazel, tracing her finger through the crumbs of her cinnamon bun on her plate. “What’sthe story there?”

Autumngrinned, her eyes twinkling in that mischievous way. “That’ssomething you should ask him about.”

“Haveyou met him yet?” askedLaurel.

“Theyhad a shower together this morning,” saidAutumnbeforeHazelcould answer and immediately, all eyes at the table were on her.

“Hewas fixing my shower.It’snothing like that,” she said, her face burning as she spoke.

“ItookHazelto the falls last night,” saidAutumnbreezily.Somethingunspoken seemed to pass between the other three women as they glanced back and forth between each other andHazel.

“Ishe not the hottest guy, like, ever?” askedLaurel, looking over atHazel, whose cheeks were once again on fire.Whichwas stupid.Whatwas she, sixteen?

“He’sdefinitely attractive,” she agreed.

“He’ssuper swoony,” continuedLaurel. “Notonly is he gorgeous, but he’s smart, and kind, and he loves his family.He’sone of the good ones, for sure.”

“Youalways had such a huge crush on him,” saidSienna, shaking her head.

“Idid.Andalas, he was never interested.Whatkind of man only dates women his own age?” she said, and they all laughed.

“I’msurprised no one’s snapped him up,” saidHazel, andAutumnlaughed.

“They’vetried.Butno one can compete with his love of this town.”Sheleaned in close, her shoulder brushingHazel’s. “Exceptmaybe you.”

“You’reso sure about that, butI’vehad one conversation with him, like ever,” saidHazel, warmth pouring through her chest like sunshine atAutumn’swords.Atthe idea that she, who’d never been enough, could be enough for him.


Autumnshrugged. “Timewill tell ifI’mright.Comeon, there’s one more placeIwant to show you before we head back to theInnso you can get some work done.”


AutumnandHazeldashed down the street, the rain falling from the sky in a solid sheet of water.Theyboth shrieked as they ducked and ran, dodging puddles and other umbrella-wielding pedestrians.Bythe timeAutumnpulled her inside a little shop on the corner ofMainandHemlockSquare, not far from where they’d parked the car—thankGod—Hazelwas soaked, her sweater clinging to her skin, her hair plastered to her face.Immediately, her mind jumped back to that morning, when the shower had soaked both her andAdam.Morespecifically, her mind jumped back to the way his clothes had clung to him, exposing his frame, thick with muscles.Thefeel of his soft curls between her fingers.Thedroplets of water collecting at the base of his throat.

Theway his jeans had—

“Herewe are!” saidAutumnenthusiastically, pullingHazelout of her heated thoughts.Thescent of incense filled the air, making it feel thick and warm, but not cloying.Morelike a hug.Awelcome blanket on a cold day. “WelcometoTheMysticMuse, my favorite shop in town.”

Toher left was a large fireplace, the wood inside crackling softly and casting a warmth through the space.Onthe mantel sat bottles of essential oil, bags of herbs, a collection of books, and several candles.Tothe left was an enormous floor-to-ceiling bookshelf, crammed full with more books.Hazelstepped in, wiping her feet on the mat with the store’s logo, a hand with an all-seeing-eye nestled in its palm.Directlyahead were several large round tables, laden with crystals of all shapes and sizes.Gorgeousart hung on the walls, depicting the full moon, lushly drawn fairies, goddess figures.

EverywhereHazellooked, there was something magical waiting to be discovered.Andwhile she never would’ve thought that things like crystals and spell books would appeal to her, she found herself pleasantly intrigued.Happilycurious.

“It’sa metaphysical shop,” saidAutumnquietly, her voice mingling with the gentle music playing from a speaker somewhere. “Ifyou’re looking for magic, you’ll find it here.”

“Howfun,” saidHazelwith a grin. “Showme around.”

Autumnclapped excitedly and then pushed a strand of wet hair out of her eyes.SheshowedHazelbeautiful crystals, intricately drawn tarot decks, tea cups suited for reading tea leaves, dried flower crowns, miniature cauldrons, and salts in every color of the rainbow.Andevery single item was just as intriguing as the last.

Asense of peace came overHazelas they browsed, probably a combination of the warm air, the scent of the fire mingling with the incense, the beautiful art.Inthis little shop, she felt safe.Asthough her worries about her book and her finances and her life in general were nothing but wispy fingers that couldn’t reach her.

“Autumn?Isthat you?” came a thin, raspy female voice from somewhere toward the back of the shop.Autumn’sface split into a wide grin, and she tugged onHazel’sarm, pulling her away from a display of ceremonial daggers that hadHazel’smind dancing with potential ideas for her story.

“Justa sec,” she said, pulling her phone out of her bag and opening the notes app so she could jot down the ideas before they evaporated.Onceshe was finished, she dropped her phone back into her bag and followedAutumnthrough an arched doorway that led to a smaller room.