Page 20 of Just Like Magic

“Yeah, becauseyousaid it!”Hazelshot back while laughing.

Thelight changed and they proceeded through the intersection, gray clouds following them as the wind picked up slightly.Aperfect, orange maple leaf smacked againstAutumn’swindow.Theadorably cozy downtown came into view, andAutumnpulled into a parking lot off ofHemlockSquare.Despitethe gloomy weather, dozens of people milled about, exploring the shops and taking in the scenery.

“Listen,” saidAutumn, suddenly serious as she turned toHazel. “Iknow that you andIare still getting to know each other.ButIhave a feeling about you.I’vehad it since the momentImet you.”

Hazel’seyebrows rose. “Afeeling?”

Autumnnodded. “Andthen when you told me about the ad in the magazine…IknewIwas right.”ShemetHazel’seyes. “Ithink you andAdamare meant for each other.”

Hazel’smouth formed a smallO. “What?”Confusionpulled at her, making her feel too warm.

“Let’slook at the evidence,” she said, spreading her hands in front of her as though she had something physical to present. “You’rethe same age.You’reboth single.Ithink you have a lot in common, including the fact that you’re both authors.”

“Adam’san author?”Hazelasked, tilting her head.

“Well, not exactly.Notanymore, anyway.”Hazelhad questions, but before she could ask them,Autumncharged ahead. “Andthen there’s the more…magical evidence.Likethe fact that you went to the falls under the full moon, and the very next morning,Adamwent to your room to fix a shower that wasn’t even broken.”

“Butit was,” saidHazel, shaking her head slowly as she tried to take all of this in. “Itwouldn’t turn on.”

“UntilAdamgot there and the two of you laid eyes on each other and then boom, shower suddenly turns on.”

Hazel’smouth opened slightly as goosebumps erupted across her arms.Thesudden chill worked its way through her.Whenshe didn’t say anything for a moment,Autumnsmiled kindly at her. “BecauseAdam’sthe one for you.He’sdated in the past, had relationships, but none of them have ever lasted.Notlong-term.Hethinks it’s because none of them wanted to stay inGossamerFalls, which is maybe partly true.ButIthink the real truth is that none of them were you.”

Hazellet out an uncertain laugh. “That’svery flattering, but you don’t really know me,” she said gently.

“Notyet.ButIdo know how to read signs.Andthey’re all pointing at one thing.YouandAdam.”

Hazelsucked in a breath. “Listen,Autumn.Iappreciate your enthusiasm for matching me up with your ridiculously gorgeous brother.Ido.But…well, it’s complicated.Igot divorced about a year and a half ago, andIhaven’t dated since then.Imean, yes, he’s hot andI’mtotally crushing on him, but jumping to there being a ‘me andAdam’ is kind of a lot of pressure.”

Autumnnodded. “Iget that.Ido.Okay, how about this.Whydon’t you just see where the next two weeks take you?”Sheshrugged and reached for her purse. “IfI’mright, it’ll become obvious all by itself anyway.”

Hazelgrinned. “Deal.”Shedidn’t thinkAutumnwas right, and she was still fairly certain she didn’t believe in magic or legends, despite the experiences she’d had since arriving just yesterday.Butshe also knew that she was stuck in a rut—it was part of the reason she’d gotten out of the city and come here in the first place.

“Let’sgrab sandwiches atYouLittleTart,” saidAutumn. “Youcan meet my bestieLaurelwhile sampling the world’s best brie and pear grilled cheese.”

Hazelnodded. “Soundsabsolutely delicious,” she said, her stomach giving a little grumble.Thewind whipped around them, and they walked a little faster to the other side ofHemlockSquare.

“Afterwardwe can check outDejaBrewnext door.Laurel’stwinSiennaruns it, and even though they’re a few years older than me, we’ve been close for a while now.Thingsgot a little weird whenSiennastarted dating my brotherFinn, and then even weirder when he left, but we managed to find our footing.”

“Finn?Youmentioned one of your brothers doesn’t live in town.Isthat him?”

Autumnnodded, her expression tense. “Yeah.My—our—dad died about two years ago, andFinncouldn’t handle it.Hetook off.”

Hazelbit her lip. “Oh, wow.I’msorry.”

Autumnsent her a watery smile. “Thankyou.FinnandIwere close, so having him leave so soon afterDad…”Sheswallowed thickly. “Itwas hard.Andhe brokeSienna’sheart in the process, so he’s on a lot of people’s shit lists.”

“Whereis he?”

Autumnshrugged. “Thearctic somewhere, lastIsaw.He’sa documentarian, and he’s hellbent on saving the planet.Heruns a successfulYouTubechannel, soImostly keep up with him through his videos.”

Hazelcould see the hurt and the loss written all over the younger woman’s face, and she reached out and slung an arm around her shoulders.Itwasn’t something she normally would’ve done, especially with someone she’d only known for about twenty-four hours, but she likedAutumn.

Andthere was something about this place, away from the city.Asthough here, she had the space to be a better version of herself.Onewho was less afraid, less riddled with self-doubt and insecurities, one who wasn’t so scared of vulnerability.

“Whatkind of desserts do they have at this bakery?” she asked. “BecauseI’mthinking maybe we need to start with that.”

Autumnlaughed softly and leaned into her. “Ithink that’s the perfect idea.Laurelmakes these cinnamon rolls that are like the size of your head.”