Page 19 of Just Like Magic

“…for four nights?Letme see what’s available,” he said, and she could see him typing on the computer behind the front desk, the phone cradled between his ear and his shoulder.Theireyes met, and she lifted her hand in a wave.He’dbeen so adorably flustered earlier, andHazelhad wanted to jump up and down and squeal with delight at the thought that a man likeAdamShephardwould get all twisted up over her.

Hesmiled at her and she bit her lip, trying to think of something to say to him when he finished his phone call.Hestopped typing and picked up a pen, twirling it expertly between his fingers as he listened.God, those fingers.Itwas as though every part of him was big and strong and capable.

Shemissed the last step and stumbled awkwardly forward, taking several steps to regain her balance.Bloodrushed to her cheeks, but she turned around, faced him, and hit the pose gymnasts always struck after landing a tumbling pass, arms stretched above her head.Normally, she played her cards close to the vest, but she found she didn’t mind ifAdamknew that he flustered her as much as she did him.

Hegrinned at her, tilting his head. “Youokay?” he mouthed.

Shenodded and started to approach the desk whenAutumncame bounding out from the lounge.

“Hey, you’re early.Ready?”

Adamhad returned his full attention to his phone call and was once again typing on the computer.Shehadn’t thought of the front desk as small yesterday, but it looked tiny withAdamstanding behind it, all tall and broad, andGod, look at the way his hair had gone so curly…

“Hellooooooo,” saidAutumn, waving a hand in front ofHazel’sface.Thenshe realized whoHazelwas staring at and a wide grin spread across her face. “That’sright, you metAdamthis morning, didn’t you?”

Hazelgroaned, lettingAutumnlead her out of the hotel’s front door. “Youheard about the shower incident?”

“Howon earth didAdamwind up getting soaked?” she asked, leading them toward a small blueHondaCivic. “Ifigured we’d drive since it looks like it might rain,” she said, pointing to the overcast sky.

“Idon’t mind a little rain,” saidHazel, slipping into the passenger’s seat. “Infact,Ikinda love it.”

“Metoo!There’ssomething so cozy and atmospheric about a rainy day.Itjust makes me want to curl up with something warm to drink and a good book or a favorite movie.”

“Iknow exactly what you mean.”

Autumnturned the car on, once again having to hastily turn the music down. “Sohow didAdamget soaked?”

“Icouldn’t get the shower to turn on, soIcalled down to the front desk and he came up to fix it.Hedropped his wrench and then he hit his head on the faucet—”

Autumnburst out laughing, a loud, joyful guffaw that filled the car’s cabin. “Thisis my new favorite story.Continue.”

“Iwent to check on him, you know, because he hit his head and there…was a moment?Idon’t know how to describe it.”

“Amoment?Like…a pull?”

Hazelnodded. “Like…a sudden awareness.Andthen all of a sudden, the shower came on, seemingly all by itself.”

Autumnlaughed again. “Iknew it!Iknew it.Iabsolutely knew it.”


“You’llsee,” she said cryptically, andHazeljust laughed and shook her head.

“Youknow, you didn’t tell me your brother was like a swoony,HenryCavill-esque lumberjack who belongs on the cover of romance novels.”

Autumnlaughed again. “Oh, he’s going to love that.”

Hazelblushed, wondering if she’d overstepped.Onthe one hand, she felt incredibly comfortable talking toAutumn.Therewas an ease to their connection that made her feel as though she’d known her for months, not just a couple of days.Maybeit had something to do with how openAutumnwas.EveryoneHazelknew back in the city was so closed off, meaning she never fully knew where she stood with them.Butshe knew where she stood withAutumn, and it made everything feel natural and easy.

Autumngiggled. “You’renot the first person to make that comparison, you know.”

“Idon’t mean it in a bad way.Ijust mean…dang, girl.Thatman is gorgeous.Sorryif that’s weird because he’s your brother.”Shehad absolutely no idea what she was doing when it came to dating or flirting or reading signals.She’dalways been a bit clueless in the dating department.

Sheshook her head. “It’snot weird.”Theycame to a red light and she glanced over atHazel, her expression earnest. “Hazel,Iwantyou to like him, okay?Butonce things progress past kissing, leave out the details,” she added with a wink.

“Wait, what?” saidHazel, her head whipping around to faceAutumn. “Ifeel likeImissed something here.Orseveral somethings?Ididn’t say anything about kissing…”Shetrailed off as butterflies erupted in her stomach at the thought of kissingAdam, with his full lips and big, capable hands, and…

Autumnlaughed. “Youmight not have said it, butIcan tell you’re thinking it right now.”