Page 16 of Just Like Magic

“Yeah.Sorry.Um.Yourvoice is…wow, okay.Iclearly cannot function without coffee.ThereasonIcalled is thatIthink there’s something wrong with the shower in my room.Ican’t figure out how to turn it on.I’mnot sure if it’s user error, or…”

Adamgrinned.Wasshe flustered?Justby the sound of his voice?Whaton earth hadAutumnbeen filling her head with?

“I’llbe up in just a moment.CanIbring you a coffee as well?”

Shelet out a sound that sounded almost like a moan. “Please.”

“Beup in a minute.”

Heheaded back to the kitchen and quickly poured a steaming cup of coffee, then grabbed a few packets of sugar and containers of milk from the fridge before snagging his tool chest from his office.Lessthan five minutes later, he was knocking on the door of room two.


“It’sAdamShephard,”he called, and the door swung open.

Ifhe was a smart man—and he usually thought he was—he would’ve googledHazelWoodwardbefore coming up here.Maybethen he could’ve prepared himself.Hecould’ve done something to brace himself for the sight of an adorably sleep rumpled woman wearing nothing but a white robe.Hergolden brown hair fell just past her shoulders and stuck up at the back of her head.Shepeered at him with enormous brown eyes from behind large black-framed glasses, blinking slowly enough that he could appreciate the way her thick eyelashes fanned against the tops of her rounded cheeks.Asmall smile pulled at her full lips and she stepped back slightly.

Buthe hadn’t prepared, and now he was staring.StaringatHazel, with her golden hair and golden skin and golden everything.Hisstomach did a slow turn, and he knew he really needed to stop staring, but he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away.

“Hi,” she said, and then cleared her throat, her cheeks going pink as she stared at him, her eyes roving from his face and down his body and then back up again. “You’reAdam.”

“Iam,” he nodded. “Andyou’reMissWoodward.”

“Hazel.JustHazel, please.”

Aheartbeat passed between them as they both stared.

“CanIcome in?Ihave coffee,” he said, holding up the mug in his hand.

“Gimme,” she said, practically lunging forward and taking the mug from his hands.Shetook a long swallow before he could say, “Ihave milk and sugar if you want.”

Sheshook her head. “Blackis fine.Thankyou.So, um, the shower…”Shegestured toward the open door of the bedroom.Hereyes met his, and it was like an electrical current passed between them.

JesusfuckingChrist,Hazelwas beautiful.Shewas the kind of beautiful that inspired art, that inspired poetry.

Thatinspired all kinds of thingsAdamwouldn’t allow himself to entertain because she was a guest at the hotel, which meant she was completely off limits.Becauseshe was from out of town, and he’d already read that book.Heknew how that story ended.

“Right.Letme see whatIcan do, but if it’s truly out of commission, we can move you to another room right away.”

“Oh,” she said, sounding a little disappointed. “Well,Ihope you can fix it, becauseIlove this room.Ihad the best sleep of my life last night.”

Adamgrinned as he hefted the tool box in his hands and moved toward the bathroom. “I’mglad to hear it.”

Herolled up the sleeves of his grayHenleyand started fiddling with the knobs.Sureenough, nothing happened.Hazelleaned against the door jamb, arm banded across her waist as she sipped her coffee, humming appreciatively.Whenhe glanced at her, she lifted her gaze from his ass and blushed.

“Reallygood coffee,” she said, but there was a hint of flirtiness to it that had him blushing in return.

Didwomen flirt with him regularly?Yes.Yes, they did.Didany of them look likeHazelWoodward, with her warm brown eyes and big smile and adorably oversized glasses?No.No, they most definitely did not.

“I’mjust going to take a look to see if the valve is broken,” he said, doing his best to concentrate on what he was doing.

“Thevalve?” she asked, still watching him.

“There’sa rubber ring around the valve that can get corroded.Ifthe shower’s not turning on, that might be the culprit.But, if the actual cartridge is broken,I’llneed to replace the entire valve, andI’mnot sureI’vegot the parts handy.”

“Isee,” she murmured, her lips pursing as she blew steam away from the rim of her mug, and he dropped the wrench in his hand with a loud clang.

“Sorry,” he muttered, ducking down to retrieve it, and then smacking his head on the faucet.Hard.