Page 13 of Just Like Magic

Hazeltook a step forward, but then hesitated again.Whatif the legend was true?Whatif her true love was going to be revealed to her before the next full moon?Wasshe ready for that?Sherubbed a damp palm over the back of her neck, feeling almost dizzy with the sudden shot of anxiety rocketing through her.Theidea of being with someone again filled her with a sense of panic.

Autumn’seyebrows rose as they made eye contact, and while she felt comfortable with her, she wasn’t ready for full blown, ugly, messy honesty.

“I…was with my ex for several years.Theidea thatI’dhave to be naked in front of someone new for the first time kinda makes me want to throw up.”

Autumnlaughed, the sound echoing off of the stones for a second before being swallowed up by the white noise of rushing water.

“Butif it’s with the right person…the perfect person, which your ex clearly wasn’t…” she shrugged. “Gettingnaked might not be so scary.”

Hazelswallowed, not entirely sure she agreed withAutumn.Sheclosed her eyes and sucked in a breath, the air cool and damp as she pulled it into her lungs.

Shewas tired of being scared.Tiredof being alone.Tiredof feeling lost, like a boat without an anchor, endlessly floating and at the mercy of any current that came her way.Butshe was also terrified of getting hurt again.

Shethought aboutSarahBenjamin, who’d loved and lost.Who’dvisited the falls, been kissed by the mist, and found her true love.Maybethe reason she was so drawn to the story—she’d forgotten toeatshe’d been so engrossed in it, andHazelloved food—was because it was like a beacon of hope.Apromise that there was more waiting for her, if she just opened herself up to it.

Shepulled in another deep breath, and then stepped closer to the falls.Themist landed gently on her face, speckling her with fresh, clean water.Asense of peace came over her, and she looked up at the full moon, hazy through the veil of moisture.Thesense of peace grew, the tightness in her muscles easing as a soft smile spread across her face.Herlimbs felt pleasantly heavy, as though she could stay right in that spot for hours and be content.Asthough it was exactly where she was supposed to be.Noone spoke, or if they did, their voices were muted by the pounding of the falls, the sound enveloping her.

Andthen, she heard it.Thefaintest whisper, right in her ear.

Makeyour wish

Findyour love

Shewhirled, but there was no one near her.Notnear enough to whisper right in her ear.Awarm sensation worked its way through her chest and down her spine, making her feel as though she was melting into this place.

“Iwant to find my true love,” she whispered, and tears sprang to her eyes.Shelet the tears fall, overcome with emotion.Overcomewith the beauty of this place, with a sense of hope and renewal.

Consciousof not wanting to monopolize a prime spot, she stepped back, the mist still clinging to her cheeks, her eyelashes, her hands.Shedidn’t want to wipe it away.Ifmagic was real, it lived here, and she wanted to absorb as much of it as possible.

Itwas unlike anything she’d ever experienced in her thirty-nine years, and she knew she’d never forget it.

Lessthan an hour later, they were back at theShephardInn, their little group quiet, as though everyone was processing their own experience at the falls.They’dreturned to steaming mugs of hot chocolate and decaf coffee, just asAutumnhad promised, and were gathered around the gently crackling fire in the lounge.

Hazelcurled her fingers around her mug, letting the warmth seep into her.Asense of contented drowsiness was pulling at her, and she knew she’d have to go back to her room soon.Butshe wasn’t ready quite yet.Tonightfelt special, and she wasn’t ready to end it.Shefelt as though something was shifting inside her.Asense of openness she hadn’t experienced in a very long time was expanding in her chest, making her want to try new things, explore new ideas, and keep an open mind about things like ghosts and magic.

She’donly been here for a few hours, but already,GossamerFallswas leaving its mark on her.

“Thatwas…not whatIwas expecting,” saidJeffquietly from beside her, sipping at his hot chocolate.Afleck of whipped cream clung to his lip, and he wiped it away with the back of his hand.

“Doyou feel different?”Hazelasked, leaning back into the impossibly comfortable couch.

“Ido.Ican’t explain it.Ifeel more…”Hetrailed off, his face scrunched as he tried to find the words.

“Hopeful?” she suggested, and he nodded.

“Yeah.That’sit, exactly.Hopeful.Idon’t know what it is about this place, but it’s different.”

“It’sspecial,”Hazelagreed.MelvinandViolasat together on one of the loveseats, murmuring softly as they gazed at the fire.EvenskepticalDoloresseemed subdued, sitting quietly in an armchair whileBeverlytalked toAutumnabout the selection of books in the lounge.

“Canyou imagine, if this was everyday life?” askedJeffquietly. “Booksand magic and warm drinks by a fire?Themost breathtaking scenery you’ve ever laid eyes on, conversations with kind people, shopping in adorable little stores?”

Hazellaughed softly and shook her head. “Ican’t, actually.Itseems too good to be true.”

“Ikeep waiting forLorelaiGilmoreto poke her head around the corner.”

Hazellaughed into her hot chocolate. “Iknow exactly what you mean.”Shetook a sip, the chocolate velvety and luxurious on her tongue.Itwarmed her all the way down, and even though her limbs felt heavy and tired, she also felt at peace for the first time in a long time.

Maybenow the words would finally start flowing.