They met Scarlett’s family at the outside gates leading to the ship that Grux had requested for their travels. The Mason clan had formed a line that Scarlett went down, hugging them all tightly as she promised them she’d come to visit Earth as soon as she could.

Grux couldn’t help but get choked up at the scene. He knew how much Scarlett’s family meant to her, and seeing them all finally reunited under such a happy circumstance filled him with immense joy.

As they boarded the ship, Scarlett waved to them and blew them kisses. It made Grux laugh and hold up Gruxor’s tiny little arm to wave at her family, too. Even though he hardly knew any of them, he could tell they were good people.

They were the type to take care of their own, and that was something he could appreciate.

Shutting the door and getting Gruxor settled into his carrier in the back of the ship, Grux made sure Scarlett was all strapped in before getting himself into the pilot’s chair. He flicked on the ignition, letting the engines heat up before they took off.

“So…” Scarlett turned in her seat to look at him. “Where are we going?”

He grinned, pulling back on the throttle to lift the ship up into the sky. “Would you hate me if I told you it was a surprise?”

She laughed. “No, but I am curious.”

“I figured since we don’t have any kind of time limit, we could travel around and see the sights before settling down at our final destination.”

He watched as her eyes instantly lit up. “I would love to!”

Grux grinned and shifted the ship back, aiming for cruising altitude. “How did I know you’d say that?”

“You know me too well,” she teased.

“I think that’s my line.”

Scarlett smiled and turned to look out her window, watching the buildings of Lorr grow smaller as they flew higher. Grux coasted them at a level that was comfortably away from all of the air traffic surrounding Lorr but not too far as to make the city below completely disappear.

Grux had planned for their first stop to be a few cities away from Lorr in a town called Severia, which was famous for its otherworldly food and the city lights twinkling as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon.

He wanted to show Scarlett everything that Noxxa had to offer because in doing so, they could start to figure out where they wanted to go once they were back from their honeymoon.

Grux wasn’t exactly sure where his own priorities lay when it came to their living situation, but all he really cared about was Scarlett’s happiness along with Gruxor.

It would also be a nice bonus if they could be closer to Noxxa’s major city, Rosoha, so that he could help out Trigg with PAPS, but that was on the lower list of priorities at this point.


He turned to Scarlett’s voice, seeing her still looking out the window next to her.

“Yes, my love?”

She smiled a little before turning in her seat to look at him again.

“While we travel… could we maybe make a pit stop to see Earth? I kind of want to see what’s changed over there and get to know my sister-in-law and the kids.”

Grux smiled.

“Of course, we can.”

Chapter 25


Coming back from their honeymoon was bittersweet.

They’d spent so much of their time unwinding from those stressful months leading up to the birth of Gruxor and the wedding. Falling into an easy routine that didn’t require any thoughts beyond taking care of each other and their baby felt amazing.

Now that they were heading back to Lorr, Scarlett couldn’t help but feel a little sad.