He smiled and looked over at her, rocking himself while Gruxor let out a few soft cries.

She kissed him, smiling against his lips.

Happiness. This was what true happiness felt like.

She pulled back from him, the ropes still draped over their shoulders and holding them together while the king slammed his book shut.

“Let us rejoice!” he shouted at the procession.

Ducking his head down, Grux let the servants pull the ropes off from around him and Scarlett. She curled her arms into his, pulling Gruxor from him and pressing him against her chest while he continued to cry. She bounced him, patting his back gently. A large smile still played on her lips.

“I love you,” she mouthed over the crowd.

Grux immediately pulled her into him, wrapping an arm around her and cupping her jaw with his other hand. Their son wiggled between them, finally growing more comfortable as the procession began to die down and filter out of the throne room.

The after-party was scheduled to continue in their ballroom, across the way from where they’d had the ceremony. Which was good considering most of the people invited to this wedding wouldn’t be familiar with the layout of the palace.

Grux leaned forward and kissed Scarlett, giving her a real one and not the simple peck she’d been able to beforehand. He kissed her deeply, feeling every fiber in his being come together to love and cherish this woman he could now call his wife.

Pulling back from her slowly, he smiled, blinking back the moisture collecting along his lash line.

“I love you, Scarlett Mason-Lorrz.”

She grinned up at him. “And I love you, Grux Lorrz.”

Chapter 24

“Scarlett,theceremonywasbeautiful.” She turned to the sound of her mother, Colette’s, voice. So familiar yet foreign at the same time. She hadn’t heard it in so long that she was surprised she even remembered it.

Scarlett smiled at her, folding her arms around her. Her mother gave her a tight squeeze before pulling back to cup her face.

She looked good, even though she’d aged quite a bit since Scarlett had seen her last at twelve. The familiar laugh lines were still there, with some newly added stress ones around her eyes. Her mother’s long beautiful hair had been pinned back on top of her head where a small crown sat.

“I missed you, my love,” she told Scarlett.

The words made her heart ache. “I missed you, too, Mom.”

“Come meet everyone.”

Her mother slung an arm around her waist and guided her away from the head table where the king sat with a dozen or so plates of food in front of him. Grux had long since left to go mingle with a few of the people from his father’s court, their baby still tucked carefully in his arms.

She found the sight of him showing off their son adorable. Her new husband’s pride and joy were palpable to see, even from where she’d been seated at the head table watching him.

Scarlett guided her mother through the ballroom.

All around them were hundreds of guests she’d never seen before, let alone knew who they were to the Lorrz family. She assumed most of them were dignitaries from either Noxxa or other neighboring planets that had allegiances with Lorr.

“I can’t wait to meet the baby,” her mother told her. “Though, I do have to say I’m surprised you married someone from Lorr.”

Scarlett smiled a little. “Yeah, me, too. It was definitely a surprise to both of us.”

They stopped at a table near the back of the hall. She looked over, spotting her father, Dane’s, familiar face, and her brother, Justin’s, more grown-up one. Both men immediately stood and brought her into an embrace, holding her tightly.

“We’re so happy to see you, Scarlett.” Her father was the first to speak.

She could see the tears in all of their eyes while she tried to fight back her own. She didn’t want to ruin the carefully crafted makeup her servants had painted on her face, but seeing all of her family here together once again was making that rather difficult.

Scarlett dabbed under her eyes with the back of her hand. “It’s so nice that you all got to come. I’ve missed you guys.”