They trained the muzzles on them, both of them glaring at the Lorr attempting to steal their property.

“We have you now!” Targol cried. “All of you are done. You hear me. I should shoot you all right now. You were warned not to come here, Prince of Lorr!”

“Now you can be our slave, too.” Meshka cackled.

Grux held his tongue, his eyes darting back and forth between the two. He could sense Dezar relaxing beside him, even as Scarlett’s fingers turned icy cold in his own warm hand.

“Who’s a slave?” a sudden voice cracked confidently through the air, and Dezar let out a satisfied laugh as the rest of his men fell in behind the Flemlars.

“You hurt one hair on the prince’s head or his mate’s, and you are dead, you hear me?” Dezar’s first mate growled into Meshka’s ear.

Meshka gulped, her eyes widening with fear as the muzzle of a powerful gun was pressed to her head. Targol attempted to fire anyway and ended up with a strong Lorr arm wrapped around his throat, ready to break his neck.

“Now, you die.” Grux took slow, purposeful steps toward the Flemlars. Dezar laughed softly and his men tightened their hold on the Flemlars, ready for Grux to dole out justice to the slavers who had stolen his mate.

“Wait!” cried Scarlett. “Just wait.”

She ran ahead of Grux, looking into the eyes of the two she hated more than anyone else in existence. Grux saw her tremble with fear as she stood before them, all her years of servitude catching up to her.

Yet she bears them no ill will. I can tell.

Grux was genuinely amazed at the strength of his mate’s heart.

“If you let me go, I’ll spare your lives,” Scarlett said softly. Grux made a sound of protest, but he did not argue with her. Meshka broke first.

“Fine!” she snapped. “I revoke my ownership of you. Scarlett, you are free to go.”

“I also revoke my ownership,” Targol said, practically spitting the words. “Go, Scarlett.”

Scarlett turned to Grux, smiling. He was holding a small comm device.

“Did you get that?” she asked. Grux nodded.

“I sure did. I’ve also broadcast it to all the relevant authorities. They’ll receive the message immediately.”

Dezar gave the Flemlars a cold look.

“That also gives us passage through your airspace. Now that we no longer have possession of your property, we must be allowed to leave without being harmed.”

Scarlett stood in front of Grux, tears welling in her eyes. He took her hand and squeezed it, smiling as he took in her expression. Scarlett was still shocked; the reality of her situation had yet to sink in.

“Scarlett,” he whispered. “You’re finally free.”

She threw her arms around him, and his lips found hers, both of them kissing each other as if the world was ending.

Or beginning.

Chapter 21

Scarlettmeltedintothekiss, feeling relief flood every inch of her body. She couldn’t believe she was finally back in Grux’s arms. Goosebumps tingled down her back as her muscles eased, and she finally began to relax after her ordeal.

When Grux broke off the kiss, he looked at Meshka and Targol over her head, his eyes hard. Scarlett knew he still wanted to punish them for what they had done to her, even though she had asked him to spare them.

“What’s wrong, Grux?” she asked.

He shook his head. “I’m not sure they will keep their promise,” he said.

She took his hand and urged him toward the door. “The authorities have the message,” she said. “Let’s just go.”