Nyla regarded her with a calm, cynical gaze. “Because we are on high alert. There is trouble with the Xoyosans again.”

Scarlett took a step back, her breath catching in her throat. Even though she tried to control her emotions, her hands started to tremble.

Nyla sighed. “This is exactly what I was afraid of. Don’t make me give you a sedative!”

“Where is Grux?” Scarlett asked weakly.

“He is seeing to security. Don’t worry. He’ll visit you when he can.”

Nyla went back to overseeing the extra locks being put on the door, and Scarlett tried to rest but found it impossible. Throughout the day, scary sounds increased inside the palace and around it as warriors were mobilized.

Scarlett managed to eat an acceptable amount of food to satisfy her attendants and went meekly to bed. Even though she couldn’t sleep, she knew if she protested, they would give her a sedative. She wanted to avoid that at all costs as if she knew something was going to happen, and she wanted to stay alert.

Something other than being invaded by a hostile army.

When it was very late, and the only sound was the rhythmic marching of the warriors scouting the palace, Scarlett heard the door creak open very gently. She was alone, the only luxury Nyla would allow. Guards were still in the hall but even her warden had to sleep sometime.

She didn’t sit up or let the person know she had heard them. She was terribly afraid it was the Xoyosans coming to steal her away.

The footsteps got closer to the bed, and when a heavy weight fell on the mattress beside her, she tried to scream, only to have it smothered by a big, strong hand.

“Scarlett, it’s me!” Grux whispered. “Be quiet. We’re getting out of here!”

“What’s happening?” she asked.

“The Xoyosans don’t care about any negotiations. It was pointless to even consider reasoning with them, which is apparently what my father did when he learned of our child. They’ve enlisted the help of the Jorvlens.”

Scarlett gasped, trying to hold in her voice. Panicking and bringing the royal guard was not going to help. “What are we going to do?” Scarlett muttered.

“We’re getting out of here,” Grux hissed at her. “Don’t bother to pack. I have some things already in the hovercraft.” He flashed her a grin. “I’ve been planning to get you home, just like I promised.”

“How are we going to get out?”

“Right there,” he said, gesturing to the window. The royal suite was very high up, and Scarlett grabbed her belly protectively and shook her head.

Grux didn’t wait for an argument. He pulled a strong cable out of his backpack and tied himself to her before securing the rope to a stone support and then dropping out of the window. It took every last scrap of control for Scarlett to keep from screaming as they rappelled down.

It seemed to take forever, but eventually they touched ground in the stone courtyard. Scarlett reasoned that it had probably only taken them a few minutes. It had just felt longer because she was so afraid.

It was a relief to settle into the big, deep seat of the hovercraft and let Grux make her comfortable. Soon, they sped away from the palace into the night.

“Where are we going?” Scarlett asked, her voice soft.

Grux shrugged. “A few private spacecrafts are docked nearby. I’m hoping to steal one of those. We just have to get off Lorr.”

Scarlett stayed quiet, letting Grux focus on driving. Suddenly, he pulled the hovercraft viciously to one side, speeding into the thick cover on a narrow track.

“What is it?” she cried.

Grux checked the mirrors, keeping the vehicle at top speed. “Someone’s following us,” he muttered.

Scarlett gasped with fear, beginning to tremble as she thought about what her fate would be if the Jorvlens or the Xoyosans caught up with them.

Not to mention what could happen tomyGrux!

For quite some time, Grux piloted the hovercraft through side roads, eventually coming out in a farming area with open spaces. Finally, he could be sure that no one was behind them.

“What now, Grux?” she asked.