Scarlett frowned, letting the tap go and scraping off some of the excess foam at the top. “I heard you. Just give me a sec—”

Before she could finish her sentence, the kid scoffed and threw the pitcher onto the floor. It bounced against the tile and careened across the bar to slam into one of the other tables, knocking it and causing their drinks to fall and shatter onto the floor.

It was smart of Thazir to have plastic pitchers as they were often thrown, but she had been begging the owner to switch out the glasses, too.

The table of rowdy Xoyosans laughed.

“What the fuck?” One of the patrons at the table next to them stood up, his chest puffing out. “The fuck was that for?”

Another one of the younger Xoyosans slid off his chair. “You wanna fight or something?”

Scarlett felt her eyes go wide.

Oh no… oh no, no, no, no.

If they broke out into a fight in the middle of the bar and damaged anything, Thazir was going tokillher. He was a complete cheapskate when it came to upkeep for this place, and anything broken always wound up coming out of whoever’s paycheck was on that night.

Suddenly, from the rear of the bar, the newcomer pushed back his chair and strode over calmly. He stepped in between the older Xoyosans and the younger ones, creating an actual shield between them with his body.

“Hey, step out of the fucking way,” one of the younger ones growled at him.

The newcomer snorted, putting his entire hand around the kid’s face and shoving him backward. He toppled over into one of his friends, both of them crashing into the ground once they collided.

The other two glanced over at their friends before turning to the newcomer. “What the fuck is your problem?”

A fist came flying at the newcomer, aimed directly at his head. He caught it easily, yanking the kid forward and twisting his arm painfully behind his back. The kid let out a pained yelp, crumpling to his knees quickly.

It made Scarlett’s mouth drop open.

Finally, the newcomer lifted his eyes and looked at the remaining Xoyosan kid.

“You’re going to clean up your mess. Get down on your hands and knees and pick up every last piece of glass, or I’ll be breaking every single one of your loud-mouth bones. You got it?”

The kid in his grip groaned when the tension on his arm was tightened.

The other kid, the one remaining, nodded quickly.

“Good.” The Lorrian man nodded back over to her. “Now go ask this nice bartender if she has a garbage can back there.”

The kid swallowed and turned to her. “Um… do you…”

She was already bending over and grabbing the small waste bin that she saved for discarded receipts. He reached over the bar and took it from her before, shuffling over to the mess of shattered glass and spilled drinks.

The man shoved the kid in his grip toward the mess. “You, too.”

Both of them kneeled on the floor, swaying drunkenly as they did so, and started to pick up each piece of glass, one by one.

The Lorrian man turned around to face the older Xoyosans. “I’ll buy your next round.”

One of them clapped the man on the shoulder. “No need. We were finished anyway.”

Both of them dropped a few large bills onto their table and nodded to Scarlett before heading out.

She couldn’t help but blink. What the hell just happened?

The newcomer headed over toward the two kids still on the floor and loomed over them. “Pay your bill and get out.” They both slowly got to their feet, shoved their hands into their pockets, and dropped a few bills onto the table. “All of it.”

“But we—”