Page 7 of Lost & Found

“A couple hours.” He leans in somewhat sloppily and plants a wet kiss on my lips, in which I don’t even return because I’m caught off guard.

Liam and I have been dating for about a year. We never actually attended school together because he’s about four years older than me, but those times were kind of…different for us. But we never had anything romantic growing up, in fact we never hung out. We only reconnected a few years ago and I kind of grew some feelings for him. He claims love, but I don’t feel that strongly quite yet. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with that so I’m grateful that there’s no pressure coming from his side. But I do feel bad sometimes because he’s been so patient with me.

Liam had kind of a bad reputation when I knew him in school. He was actually a bully. Call me crazy but I was one of the kids he bullied.

He basically did what all the other kids did and called me Wednesday. He’d say,“It’s Friday, freak. Go home. Wednesday isn’t for five more days.”For a seventeen-year-old, his bullying was real…impressive. Insert eye roll emoji here. But it did hurt when I was younger, not going to lie.

You know how people always tell you growing up that if a boy picks on you, it’s because he likes you? You might say that’s what happened here. And sure, I probably should have never sent another glance his way after some of the shit he’s said to me, but what’s the point of growth and second chances if you aren’t provided with the opportunity to showcase any of it?

And Liam grew up to be a sweet guy and he cares about me. Well, I actually think he’s starting to get tired of waiting for me to fall in love with him because lately things have been a bit rocky, but I don’t know what to do. If I’m not ready to commit my love to him, why should I have to force it? But I don’t expect him to keep waiting so I need to figure out what we’re doing.

“I’m gon’ head back over to the boys, babe. See ya soon.” Liam kisses me, this time on the cheek, and he heads back towards his other drunken friends.

I look over to see that Jae isn’t even next to me anymore. So, I take the last swig of my beer and push off the bar to head toward the restroom.

As I walk toward the back of the bar, music thrums in the space above me as lights flutter all around. People are chatting and dancing. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket, so I reach to grab it. I look down to see the text from my mom.

You know how important family is, Hollis. I can’t believe you would rather be at a party right now than here with your family.

I roll my eyes at the scold, making a mental note to prepare for the wrath for when I get home.

Before I can think of anything to respond to her with, I run into a wall.

“Ouch, fuck.” I breathe out.

I shouldn’t have been texting and walking.

But when I look up, I’m not actually facing a wall.

I’m facing six feet of rock-hard chest dressed in a back V-neck and a leather jacket. I swallow as a familiar scent of amber and tobacco swirls in my nostrils.

I dare rake my eyes upward to find the face of the man I ran into, nervous because I have a painful inclination as to who this is.

And before I know it, I’m met with the most mesmerizing pair of bright ocean blue eyes, messy blonde hair, and a smirk that could kill.

“Hello, Holli. Long time no see.”



“Whatareyoudoinghere?” she asks me, a raspier tone than I remember her having. Actually, she's more than I remember all together. Because damn, if she didn’t grow the fuck up.

“I was invited. Same as you and everyone else,” I say, not giving her too much to overthink. Then again, she would have known that I'd be here if she hadn't stopped talking to me all those years ago. I anticipate that we'd still be friends…if not, more.

“Okay, but…” she trails off and she clicks her phone screen locked before stuffing it back into her pocket. The pocket on her jeans that are way too fucking tight on her body that is just-

“I guess I just…” she interrupts my thoughts, not seeming to be able to speak any of hers. I can tell she’s a bit speechless.

I give a brief glance to the surrounding area and see that we are practically alone in the hallway. The unisex bathrooms sit on either side of us, so as soon as I see someone leave one of them, I decide to spontaneously pull her in, locking the door behind us.

“What are you doing?” she protests as I gently push her up against the wall, closing her in with my hands pressed against the brick on either side of her head.

“Figured we pick up where we left off,” I quip. But I give her an unintentionally intimate glare, taking in the piercing on her nose, the amber specks in her black eyes, and the pinch of her lip between her teeth.

This wasn’t meant to feel so intense so quickly but suddenly, it feels too fucking hot in here and this leather jacket feels constricting.

Hollis looks about five-seven to my six. She’s wearing a pair of black jeans, ripped up and layering the pair of fishnets she’s got underneath them.Fuck.Her shirt is an AC/DC t-shirt, oversized and clearly one of her favorites considering the fading in it. She still has that beautiful tan skin, those dark, almost black eyes. But her hair…it’s still silky black. But it’s a lot longer now and she’s got this midnight blue streak in it that really fucks with me in a way I never imaged hair could.