Page 32 of Lost & Found

What the fuck was I thinking?

But God, did it feel so fucking good. Her lips on mine felt like a sin bathed in despair. Like you know that what you want is lost but it’s powerful enough to be reignited with the hope that you might get it back.

I hear a faint buzzing which pulls me from my thoughts. I pat down my pockets to learn that it’s not from my phone.

I look back at the couch to see that Hollis’ phone is still where I tossed it. I walk over to grab it, seeing that Liam is calling her. I almost answer it, but I know that would just piss her off even more.

But the more I think about it, she's already pissed at me and honestly, I don't know if it can get any worse. And maybe I can get some answers from this douchebag. At least something to help me navigate things with Hollis, though I doubt Liam could be of much help. I remember she said he was there for her and if she isn't going to tell me what that means…then I will makehimtell me instead.

I decide to shoot a quick text from her phone.

We need to talk. Can you meet me at the Grizzly in twenty?

I hate that I’m doing this behind her back. But I just want to have a face to face with the fucker and I don’t want him to know I’ll be there. Part of me also wants to give him a black eye for all the times he hit me in the face but more importantly, for cheating on Hollis.

The phone buzzes in my hand.

I’ll see you soon, baby bear.

I cringe, thinking of how Hollis does not seem like the type of girl who likes to be calledbaby bear. And I cringe even more thinking of all the ways this man has had his hands onmy Holli.

Fuck, this is getting to be too fucking hard to control. I didn't expect to come back and have all these old feelings come up. I mean, I was excited to see her again and I'd hoped we just kind of fall back into the groove of things. If only she fucking saw it my way, we might be on different terms.

For now, I delete the texts and toss the phone back on the couch. But not before I notice her wallpaper.

It's not of her and Jaelynn.

It's not of her and Liam.

It's just her.

She's standing in the mirror, her phone partially covering her face as she leans her head slightly to one side. She's wearing a black sports bra and black leggings. Her dark hair is pushed over one shoulder, and her smile is only slightly showing.

She's too fucking pretty. I mean, I used to think Hollis was the prettiest girl in the world. But I am proven dead wrong when I look at this girl.

BecauseHolliwas the prettiestgirlin the world. But now…Hollis. She's the prettiest fuckingwomanin the world.

I try to memorize everything about this photo as if it's the last time I'll ever see it, or her, before tossing it back onto the couch.

I can’t believe I’m about to go have a one-on-one with the dude who made my school years miserable, but I told Hollis I’d do anything I could to get her to stop hating me and give me a chance. I just hope this doesn't bite me in the ass.

I watch him as he enters the bar area, looking around for who he thinks is Hollis. And I let him get settled into his chair, let him relax a bit, before I down the rest of my draft and get up to meet him.

I feel slight regret doing things this way. My mind seems to be clouded a bit when it comes to Hollis and I’ll admit, I’m not quite sure what I’m going to say to this guy, but I know i have to figure it out soon because I realize I’m tapping him on his shoulder, and he turns to look at me.

“Can I help you?” he asks smugly, and it takes a whole lot of effort for me to not sock the dude in his jaw.

He turns back around to face the wall of liquor and I simply tap him again.

“What do you-” he swallows. “Oh, wait. You’re that guy from the other night, right?”

“Yep. And I think it’s about time you and I had a long heart to heart,baby bear.” I watch his face drain of color as he puts the puzzle together.

“Where the fuck is Hollis? Why did you have her phone? Is she cheating on me?” Liam stands up from his chair and the few people that occupy the bar this time of day turn their attention in our direction.

I push my palm into his chest to guide him back down to sitting position.

“That’s a pretty courageous accusation, pal. Now sit the fuck down before you cause a problem you don’t want.” He does as I say and swallows hard again, his nervousness showing.