Page 63 of Forbidden Fruit

“Do you love him?” I nod immediately. I know without a doubt I whole-heartedly love him. I wasn’t sure early on whether it was lust or love talking. The way he’s protected me, how he looks at me, and the mutual respect, prove that he’s committed and that I can trust him. Those go a long way with me.

“I’m a goner.” I smile. She nods with a sly look on her face.

“I knew you would be. I knew it the moment he defended your honor.”

“Which time?”

“The first.”

“Sounds about right.” Recalling all the big and small moments, I’m swept off my feet all over again.

Matt leaves to attend a team workout, leaving Mia and I alone. Once he shuts the door, I give her an inquisitive look. “Are you finally going to tell me what’s going on with you two?” I gesture towards the door.

“We’re not really together.” My expression doesn’t change, knowing she’d gladly leave it at that.

“Mia, give me the same courtesy, please.” She huffs.

“Fine. Our parents think we’re together. We started sleeping together shortly before move-in day to build chemistry and convince them.”

“You have just about everyone convinced, Mia. What gives? I know you both care for each other.”

“We do. We’re so close it scares me, but I don’t want to commit. Monogamy scares the fuck out of me. I get bored too easily and I don’t want to hurt him.”

“Have you asked Matt how he feels or what he wants?”

“God, you’ve really spent too much time with DeLuca. I don’t need a lecture.” Mia laughs.

“I’m not lecturing you, Mia. At least I don’t mean to. I’m just saying he might surprise you.”

She smiles wistfully. “He always does.”

The day passes quickly. Mia and I spend much of the day deep cleaning, getting a grocery order delivered, and meal prepping for the week. I expected to see Matt again, but he doesn’t return. Mia and I work out, eat, then go our separate ways for the night. I toss and turn in bed. I finally cave and FaceTime Tomas.

Dripping wet, he answers the phone, water splaying all over his toned body. Not unlike his shower head, my mouth waters. “Are you punishing me now?” He chuckles and his voice is like soft velvet to my ears.

“Why would I punish you? Plus, you called me.” He smirks as he pans the camera down to his erect cock, glaring at me angrily through the lens.

“See? Punishing me,” I taunt.

“I don’t think you’ll have any trouble recognizing when I actually punish you, apple.”

“Good,” I say, crossing the room to my top drawer full of lonely toys.

“So quick to get back to your other boyfriend, huh? Does he have a name?”

“Let me know if you think of one.” I slip the tip into my mouth before dropping it beyond the camera. The camera settles on his handsome face, and his rich brown eyes settle on me. I can tell by the hooded lids and shaky camera that he’s jerking himself off.

“Fuck, I think I love these heated mutual masturbation sessions as much as I love fucking you. Who knew you were such a little exhibitionist?” His voice drops to a rasp. Miles apart, his eyes on me through the phone are scorching me like we’re in the same room.

“I think you bring it out of me. Nobody has ever looked at me the way you do.” I gasp as my vibrator finds the spot that always makes me see stars.

“That’s blasphemous, but they better not start now,” Tomas growls. The sound is enough to tip me over the threshold. I ride the waves of my orgasm, uncaring as to what the phone is showing. Tomas comes immediately after and the heady combination of his groans and his face in ecstasy is almost enough to bring on another one.

“So, I take it you miss me already?” I grin.

“I’ve missed you since I dropped you off. Mia and I are going to need to talk about joint custody.”

“I’ll be home tomorrow.” I pause before I decide to let the words roll off my tongue.