Page 60 of Forbidden Fruit

“I miss you. I miss school. I love being with Tomas. How are you?” Mia’s jaw drops.

“I mean, I figured. I miss you, too. Are you coming back to the apartment? It’s too quiet without you there.”

“Yeah, but after the trial ends. I owe you an apology. I’m sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in Tomas and such a shitty friend recently. It must have been fucking terrifying for you, too, and I barely even reached out.” I rest my head on her shoulder, feeling like the shittiest friend.

“Babe, don’t apologize. I get it. Neither of us knew Nathan would fucking stab Tomas or that you and Tomas would fall so hard. I was there that night, remember? I know how traumatic it was for you. You needed space and to be with him. I wasn’t going to rob you of that.”

“How did I get so lucky with you as a roomie and a friend?” I pull her into me. “I promise, after the trial, I’ll be back to being a good student and good friend.”

I catch Tomas’ eyes across the room and he gives me a small smile. The feeling of dread is lessening as I realize I have everyone I need right here. I’m concerned about the trial and what will happen with Nathan, but I trust the people in my life to protect me. Tomas has made me realize I don’t need to take care of everyone all the time. I can be honest and rely on friends and family as much as they rely on me.

“You take as much time as you need, Liv. I’ll be here. We all will. If you and Tomas need this honeymoon phase with each other, so be it. It’s been a whirlwind since September.”

“It sure has.”

Once dinner ends, Tomas and I head back to his house. Our moods are light, but I'm tired. I'm not looking forward to being stuck at the courthouse for another day.

“I saw you catching up with Mia. Happy to see her?”

I nod as I tangle myself into Tomas’ arms on his leather couch. The cushion is cool, and I lean further into him. “Yeah, it was great to see her. It made me realize I’ve been a shitty friend, though.”

Tomas presses a soft kiss to my forehead. “I’m sure Mia reassured you that you haven’t been a shitty friend. Neither one of us knew we would get this close or that the situation with Nathan would unfold the way it did.”

“I know, but she was scared, too. He showed up at our apartment armed for fuck’s sake.”

“And she has Matt. She wasn’t alone.”

“They’re not really together. They’re fake dating.”

Tomas scoffs. “Everyone can see that he’s head over heels for her. They’re as obvious as we were.”

“It’s some political-social power move that I don’t really understand. I agree, though. Matt’s in love with her. That’s besides the point. I should’ve been there for her more.”

“You didn’t abandon her, Olivia. There’s always now though. I’m healing well. The trial is winding down.”

We sit in silence for a moment. Tomas visibly swallows with a pained expression on his face. “It might be a good time to stop playing house and take a step back.”

I exhale the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I was thinking the same thing. It’ll be easier when I go back to school. Hopefully, you’ll let me spend the night.”

“You know I want you whenever you’ll let me have you, apple.”

“It just feels weird to be dialing it back after we’ve been at one hundred.”

“Come on, let’s go to bed. I have a feeling tomorrow isn’t going to be much easier.”

I have a terrible feeling he’s right.

Chapter Thirty-One


Thenextmorning,onelook at Olivia tells me she slept as fitfully as I did. Both of us had a competition to see who could snooze their alarms the longest. Olivia won. I finally managed to pull myself out of bed and make some coffee. The sky was black and angry; icy pellets seemed fitting for the day that was to come.

I hand Olivia the steaming mug. She sits up and murmurs a thank you before drinking a quarter of the mug in one gulp.

“Doesn’t that burn?” How her tongue wasn’t scorched right now was beyond me.
