Page 59 of Forbidden Fruit

“That would be incredible.” She looks so happy I almost reach for my phone to ask her father for the details on this place.

“Does anyone ski?”

“I think we all do.”

“Well, let’s make it happen. You should know by now. Anything for you, apple.”

Chapter Thirty


Theairistenseinside of the courtroom. Tomas sits rows ahead, flanked by his counsel. His posture looks stoic and unflinching. It reminds me of his demeanor as he’s teaching class, which sends an ill-timed rush of heat to my core. Alexandria and Mia each have a hand in mind, trying to soothe my nerves. I shouldn't be the one nervous. Nathan’s dad sits alongside my father a few rows behind us. His face is unreadable, making my weariness grow.

Armed guards bring a shackled and menacing Nathan into the courtroom. He doesn’t look in my direction, but he doesn’t need to. I feel his anger stifling the air. He narrows his eyes at Tomas. I can’t see the stormy look Tomas returned, but it was enough to have Nathan avert his eyes.

The judge enters and the courtroom rises. We sit. Judge Vazquez begins the preceding information and gives the court rules. It’s complete silence other than the court stenographer typing her life away.

“Nathan Bryne, you are charged with one count of attempted murder, one count of unlawful possession of a firearm, and four counts of sexual harassment. How do you plead?”

“Not guilty, your honor.”His expression doesn’t change, anger radiating from every pore.

Four hours later, after both Tomas and I give our testimonies, we stretch and take a much needed break. I hadn’t realized this was going to be so draining. I know Nathan’s family is powerful, but so is mine. I believe this will truly come down to the jury.

“I’m ready to go back to the cabin.” I sigh against Tomas’ arms.

“You and me both.” He looks as tired as I feel.

“We’re probably going to have another two days of this.”

I groan at the thought. I miss school. It was nice to have a break the first few weeks, but now I’m just tired and growing a little bored. It’s nice that I don’t have to think about assignments and tests while this is being sorted out, but I’ve barely seen Matt and Mia since I’m always at Tomas’ house, and I haven’t seen Alexandria lately, either.

Tomas and I have been back from the cabin for three weeks. My parents know I’ve been staying with him and have adopted a don’t ask policy. Even with Nathan behind bars, I think they’re relieved I have someone protecting me. They haven’t asked us to dinner yet, and I’m not sure if I’m happy or concerned about it.

Break concludes and pretty much our entire circle of friends are called to the stand as witnesses. Tim and Brayden look pissed to be involved, but they give a crucial recounting of when Nathan stabbed Tomas. The recounting brings back the memory of a pallid, limp Tomas wedged between their hulking frames. I feel the color drain from my face as Mia squeezes my hand reassuringly.

We leave the courthouse huddled together in the cold December air. After some deliberation of our own, we grab some dinner at an Italian restaurant three blocks over. Tomas links his arm in mine, his body heat and wool peacoat keeping the icy air at bay. There are enough of us that the manager gives us the private room in the back, which we’re all grateful about.

“Dude, happy to see you’re healing well,” Tim says with a half-hug.

“Thanks for taking me to Olivia that night. There are so many here who saved my life.” Tomas squeezes me tighter. “Let me formally introduce you to Olivia Hamilton, my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend, huh? How did you manage that one, DeLuca?” Brayden rolls his eyes.

Brayden still looks like an assassin, dressed in black yet again. His blue eyes size me up, and I can’t tell what he’s thinking. Does he think I’m too young? Does he think I’m not good enough for Tomas? Hell, sometimes I don’t feel like I’m enough for Tomas.

“Luck, I guess. Her dad kind-of approves, which is nice.” Tomas sips his ale. I see a flash of excitement in his eyes. “Hey, while we have everyone here, what’s everyone doing next month?”

Silence falls as everyone looks at Tomas.

“Olivia is turning twenty, and I have a cabin booked in New Hampshire. Anyone want to go?”

The deafening cheer that follows brings tears to my eyes. “Aw, thank you guys. We’re so lucky to have you.”

Halfway through dinner, Mia sits next to me. Lex’s eyes follow her, but she remains with Matt.

“How are you really doing? I haven’t talked to you in weeks, Liv.”

Mia looks as perfect as ever, except for her eyes. Her eyes look tired. At that moment, I realize I’ve been unfair to Mia. I unwittingly drew her into this and abandoned her to live with Tomas. I have barely even called her. Some friend I am.