Page 45 of Forbidden Fruit

"She must have one hell of a pussy," Brayden says, climbing into my passenger seat.

I grimace. “Did I mention her dad is the dean?"

Tim whistles. "Damn, she must be special if you're considering giving up academia for her."

I hesitate the words on my tongue, even if they are true. "She's special, like I want to date her special." I say through gritted teeth.

We show up, not sober enough for this shit, and find we're outnumbered by four.

"What made you so quick to give her up, DeLuca? Can't get it up for her?"

So much for not flying off the handle. I punch Nathan in the nose and revel in the cartilage shattering all over again. It’s a cheap shot, since I know he’s still healing, but I don’t regret it. He staggers back on impact, falling into the leaves and lingering snow. A freckled redhead winds up to punch me in retaliation, but Tim intercepts him and sends him flying with a punch to the gut. Nathan gets up, blood running down his face, and charges at me. He tackles me to the ground. We grapple for dominance, each trying to land a blow. He looks like a goddamn madman. So much so that for a moment I’m actually afraid.

"You couldn't just leave her the fuck alone, could you?" I seethe as I reach for his neck.

He rolls on top of me, gaining leverage, and punches me so hard that I wonder if he broke my jaw.

"You're one to talk," he grits out as he punches my left cheek and I taste blood.

I roll sideways to get to my knees. Desperate to knock him out, I manage to get up, albeit stumbling, and send a look of finality followed by another punch that knocks a tooth out and sends him on his back again. Brayden makes eye contact, and I see fear register in his eyes. Brayden is the stoic, unflinching one out of the three of us. Whatever he saw can’t be good.

I haven't made it a yard before I figure it out. I hear Nathan in my ear and feel the knife pierce my neck before everything goes dark.

I’m cold. I’m so fucking cold. All I want is Olivia’s body heat. Not to fuck her. Just to hold her. Just to stroke her hair and let her know everything is alright. I want to tell her that I’m fine, just really fucking cold and wet. I’m acutely aware of Brayden and Tim carrying me, both frantic in my ear, and telling me to hold on. They tell me we’re almost to Olivia’s apartment, that she’s waiting for me, and I just need to hold the fuck on. I want to. I’d do anything to see her, but I’m cold and tired and I can’t. I just fucking can’t.

Chapter Twenty-Four


MiaandIexchangenervous glances at the random knock at our door. DeLuca has called twice and I haven't answered. With this weekend's events still fresh, I really needed space. I thought after DeLuca vowed it was over, he was going to give it to me. The knock grows frantic as my phone rings again. Evidently, he's not.

"You might as well answer it. He's being quite persistent."

I scowl as I answer. "Tomas."

"He's with me. We need help. Open your door."

I look over to Mia, weary.

"I don't know who the fuck you are. Put Tomas on the phone," I snarl, spooked.

"I can't. It's an emergency," he seethes.

Mia runs to the kitchen and grabs the sharpest knife we own like that's going to give us a fighting chance. We huddle at the door, counting before opening it. My mouth goes slack as I regard Tomas' limp body wedged in between the man who looks like an assassin and the other who looks like he owns a fight club.

"What the fuck is this?" I exclaim, ushering them into the apartment.

"Nathan fucking stabbed him," the assassin says tersely.

Holding a handful of paper towels, Mia runs in as the men lay Tomas on the floor. She wads as many as she can, instructing me to hold it to the most severe of his wounds. She takes off again, returning with thicker towels.

"Who are you, anyway?" Mia asks, face scrunched in concentration.

"Tim and Brayden, except I don't know which is which," I say.

"Brayden," assassin man says, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Tim," the other one says with a nod.