Page 34 of Forbidden Fruit

He shrugs. "I like to live dangerously."

This is dangerous, alright. For my heart, my brain, and my future. Perhaps more concerning is that I didn't stop to consider the ramifications it would have if he was found with us underage drinking.

"I missed you today," he says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I melt into his touch, even though a part of me is still angry and guarded. I've been telling myself that the other student, whoever she is, was before my time. Plus, there’s a bigger problem at hand here: I want what I can’t have.

Matt hands him an IPA that he immediately opens, then walks back to the living room. Leaving us alone at the kitchen island.

"Your parents are cute."

He gives a small laugh. "Thanks. They've been trying to get me to go out to lunch with them for months and I keep blowing them off. I figured it was time that I stop being a sorry excuse of a son."

I nod. "Yeah, I haven't spent much time with my parents, either. I only see Dad because he works on campus."

I look away, and find Lex, Mia and Matt huddled together on the couch. Mia places her hand on Lex's thigh and Matt places one on the opposite. I gesture subtly, and DeLuca's eyes follow the movement, taking stock of their hungry eyes on Lex. DeLuca leans into the space between my neck and ear. Already, his breath tickling the sensitive flesh causes my hair to stand on end.

"At least someone will be fucking." I ignore his comment, although painfully aware of his proximity.

"So, I guess all of you are from France?" I ask, changing the subject abruptly.

Tomas almost spits a mouthful of beer across the floor, but instead turns it to a sputtering laugh.

"I'm not from France. I think you just took my first name and ran with it. Lucky for me, I know French.”

"You're an ass." I roll my eyes.

"Judging from your reaction on the first day of class and your smart ass mouth, I figured it was more fun not to correct you."

"What else are you hiding from me?" I question, folding my arms.

"I'm not hiding anything from you. We just haven't stopped making out long enough to ask each other anything of importance."

"That's not true," I argue, but to his credit, he has a point. "You know, we should really define good behavior and how we hope to get through the rest of the semester."

He nods, pursing his lips. "No touching. No kissing. Nothing physical."

I think his proposal over, tongue in cheek. The need to tell him that I don't want anything beyond sex is weighing on my chest.

"I'm keeping teasing on the table," I add, trying to deflect myself.

"Edging. I like it. While we're on the topic, did you charge your vibrator?"

"No, I didn't have time. I think that's why they wouldn't take no for an answer."

DeLuca raises an eyebrow. "You guys really have some open friendships, huh?"

Even though our apartment is spacious, the walls are paper thin.

"Yeah, me and Mia have become friends rather quickly. Me and Lex have been inseparable for the past five years. What about you? Do you have any close friends?"

"Two. Tim's a researcher at MIT. He's usually busy, and he's really introverted. I don't spend enough time with them. Brayden and I aren't really on good terms. We were at my previous school together. When I was let go, our friendship pretty much ended."

"Is it a sensitive subject?" I ask, testing the water.

He rubs his temples, then rakes them through his hair. "It's not a good story." He’s cautiously watching my reaction.

"That's not what I asked. Do you want to talk about it?" He parts his lips and shakes his head slowly. "If we are considering more, I don't want secrets between us."

"Does it involve another woman?" I grit my teeth as he nods slowly. “And you got fired over it. This should be good." I down the rest of my drink.