“And here you thought you had the advantage.” I tsk, shaking my head on a grin.

Vadim’s mouth is bloody as he struggles against my soldier holding him. He spits blood, narrowly missing my black loafers. “You are making a mistake, Nico. My men will avenge me. Mark my words, you are a dead man walking if you kill me.”

A dark smile curves my lips. I get right in his face. “No, Vadim. I warned you, but you didn’t listen. Now, because of the choices you made, and the fact you dared to touch my wife, you will die. It won’t be a fast death. It will be slow, and I will enjoy every second of it.” I turn my head, glancing at the man who shares DNA with the woman who owns my heart. The woman I love. I pause. Love. Such a simple word but holding so much meaning. It’s not the first time I have acknowledged my feelings for my wife, but it’s the first time I’ve used the word love and in front of these two assholes, no less.

Still, it’s true. I do love Ocean - she will never be Emilee to me – and when I get her back in my arms, I am going to tell her the words she has been waiting desperately to hear. I will also show her with my actions, every day for the rest of my life, how much I mean them.

“And I will take great pleasure in killing the man who tormentedmywife for all those years.” I cock my head. “I hate what you did toOcean, the abuse you inflicted on her, but at the end of the day, what you did, it brought her to me. It led her to the life she was always meant to live. She is a queen.Myqueen and I will forever make sure she knows that.” I finish, my face and tone full of disdain for this man. With one last look of disgust in the monster’s direction, I turn, my gaze drifting over my men. “Load them up in the van and take them to the meat warehouse.” I command and without a word, they get to work, doing as I ask. I glance around, frowning when I don’t see Giuseppe. “Where is the traitor?”

“We don’t know, Nico. Men are still surrounding the perimeter, so he won’t get far.” It’s Luca that answers me.

I nod, pushing my frustration aside. My men will get him. We didn’t come this far to let him get away.

Releasing a weary breath, I grab my cellphone out of my pocket, pulling up Christopher’s name. Hitting the green button, I listen as it rings out. My jaw clenches the longer he doesn’t pick up, and my pulse kicks up in fear.

The ring tone cuts off, the sound of his voice replacing it and making some of the tension leave my body.



My footsteps speed up when I spot the black SUV outside the chain link fence. Adrenaline rushes through me the closer I get, and I can’t wait to wrap her in the safety of my arms. Before I reach the door, it’s flung open, the soft voice I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime to hear, hitting my ears.

“Nico.” My battered and bruised wife cries out, jumping into my arms.

A calm washes over me as I cradle her in my arms, my mouth buried in her neck as I breathe her in, and I realize with utter clarity that she is without a doubt the other half of my soul.

A sob breaks free from her mouth, her hot breath tickling my neck with every bit of her emotion. I hold her tighter, never wanting to let her go. I want to look at her face, study every inch of it. But I have a sneaky suspicion that if I focus on her injuries too much, I am going to make her father’s and Vadim’s deaths one thousand times worse than what I already have planned for them.

“I’ve got you,Tesoro,” I soothe, holding her so tight I’m surprised I don’t break one of her delicate ribs. Pulling back, I finally look at her. My jaw tics when I see the black and blue bruises marring her perfect face and I suck in a calming breath, trying to steady my rising temper, before I speak. “Do you need to see a doctor? I have a couple on call. Here in the city and in the Hamptons. We can go home, to the estate, if you feel more comfortable.” I tell her, trying to keep my voice even.

She nods, hiccupping with her tears. “I want to be with Romeo.”

I press a kiss to her forehead. She winces, gently grabbing her head and rubbing. Red hot rage slithers into my veins, my eye is twitching with my anger.

“Does is hurt?” I softly run my forefinger over the knot on the side of her head.

“Yeah,” she admits, her blue orbs glistening with her tears.

Placing a kiss on the tip of her nose, I force a smile. “Come on. Let’s get you home and seen by the doctor. Once I know that you’re okay, I need to come back to the city and take care of some business.”

She eyes me warily, her throat bobbing when she swallows. “My father.” It’s not a question but a statement, one she doesn’t need an answer to. I won’t fill her head with the nightmares that frequent mine.

“Come.” I say, ignoring her. With her safely in my arms, I climb into the back of the vehicle, settling her down on the seat next to me and buckling her in. “Take me to Marchetti towers. And call Hansen on the way. I want to be back in the Hamptons within the next couple of hours.” I instruct my driver, Christopher, sitting back in the seat and getting as comfortable as I can with the anger burning inside me.

My mind goes to Dante and the fact that I still haven’t heard from him. It’s definitely concerning, and I make a mental note to call him to find out what is happening at my damn club. But that can wait for right now. Ocean needs me and I have no intention of doing anything or leaving her until I know she is okay.

Staring at my wife, I marvel at her strength. Despite everything she has been through, she is still standing strong. She amazes me more with every day that passes and I know, without a doubt, that I will do everything in my power to protect her.

To keep her safe.

For as long as I live, and maybe even when I am burning in hell, I will make sure she is protected.

My throat tightens, and I know it’s the right time, to say the words that I should have spoken weeks ago. Words that are true and have been true for longer than I care to admit.

Without another thought, I murmur, “I love you.”

Her head snaps up, wide blue eyes locking on mine. Her lips part in shock. I bite back a smile. She has never said it, but I knew she had resigned herself to the fact that she may never hear those three little words from me.