Nico Marchetti loves me.

Even if he can’t admit it yet.

My heart flutters, the truth hitting me right in the chest, and I roll my lips between my teeth to stop a big smile from breaking out on my face.

No matter what has happened between us or what is still to come. I know with certainty we will get through it.

Because I love Nico Marchetti and he loves me.



“Inow pronounce you husband and wife.” Father Michaels announces, a wide smile plastered all over his face like this is an everyday wedding and I’m a normal man. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

Shifting my gaze, I stare down at the woman who captured my attention from the moment I saw her. Mywife.I smirk, satisfaction filling me. She is mine. Officially. Now there will be no doubt in hers or anyone’s mind who Ocean Marchetti belongs to. Cupping her face, I press my lips to hers, sealing our fate and tying us together.

Applause breaks out, making Ocean jump in surprise. She blinks up at me and as if just realizing we have guests, she blushes. “I forgot we weren’t the only ones here. I didn’t see anyone when I walked down the aisle. Only you and Romeo,” she breathes out.

I cock my head. It makes sense, considering she hasn’t seen my gift yet. Even though I had hidden it well amongst our twenty or so witnesses, I had wondered why she hadn’t reacted. Taking her hand, I turn her toward our audience. Observing her, I watch as her cheeks turn pink when her gaze sweeps over the people. I know the exact moment she spots mygift. She goes completely still, then blinks and blinks again as if trying to confirm what she is seeing is real. A cry bursts from her throat, eyes darting to me, incredulity shining in them. She slaps a palm over her luscious mouth, face creasing. Watery blue orbs bounce between mine, love and something else I can’t decode flickering in them. I smirk down at her before removing her hand.

“Let’s go and say hello, Mrs. Marchetti. I know you are dying to,” I drawl.

Her chest heaves as she sucks air into her lungs. With parted lips, she stares at me like I am an alien or something. “Nico,” her voice is a whisper, thick with emotion. My chest constricts at her happiness. Most women would have this reaction to expensive jewelry, but not myTesoro. No. By giving her this small gift, something that didn’t cost me anything but a plane ride, she looks like the happiest woman on earth. I should be jealous, considering she didn’t look this happy when taking our vows, but I can’t bring myself to ruin this moment, I can only bask in her joy.

Running a thumb across her bottom lip, I smile. “Go, before I change my mind and steal you away to our bedroom.”

She chuckles, surprising me when she throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly to her body. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” she repeats like a mantra. Pulling back, her eyes lock on mine. My pulse kicks up erratically at what I see staring back at me. “I love you.” The three words are a caress against my skin. My blood heats but my face remains impassive. A small part of me thinks she only said those three little words because of the gift, but I shake the thought away. Even though she hasn’t told me that she loves me since she has been home, I know she feels that way. It was in her eyes, all over her face, when I made love to her the other night and as clear as day, it’s staring back at me now. Dropping another kiss to her lips, I jerk my head to the teary-eyed woman surrounded by some of my men, Mamma and Allegra.

“Come on.” Taking her hand, I lead her back down the aisle, to where my gift stands, looking like an emotional wreck.

“Patty,” Ocean cries, pulling her hand from mine and throwing her arms around the woman. My jaw clenches and I try to push down my jealousy. It's irrational, but I hate that her attention is elsewhere.

“Look at you. You’re stunning. I can’t believe you are married.” Her southern drawl is filled with sincerity, but still, she manages to shoot me a glare. Had it been anyone else, I would have removed their eyes. I will let it slip, this time, but only because she took my woman and son in when they needed help, giving them a safe place to live.

Ocean follows Patty’s stare, her face a little pale when she looks from me to Patty. Tension fills her features and I know she is worried about what I might do. Since I’m in a generous mood, I put her at ease. “We are so happy you could make it, Patty. I trust your flight was okay?”

She nods, her chin lifting haughtily. “It was. Thank you for allowing me to witness this moment. Ocean and Romeo are my family. Home is not the same now they are gone.” I hear the accusation loud and clear, biting back a smirk at the feisty woman, but my wife’s eyes widen in horror.

“Patty, we are still family.” Ocean placates the woman, trying to diffuse the tension, so that the situation doesn’t escalate.Mywife knows I’m not a patient man, which just makes Patty’s scorn for me all the more amusing.

“We are.” Patty agrees, taking my wife’s hands in hers and smiling at her softly. “Now where is my boy? I haven’t had the chance to hold him yet.”

Mamma steps forward, handing Romeo over without argument. “Here you go, Patty. I need to go check that the caterers are ready to serve dinner.” Taking my Ocean’s hands in hers, she leans in, kissing both her cheeks. “Welcome to the family,Mia Figlia. I already told you before the ceremony, but I will say it again. You look beautiful. I am proud to call you my daughter.”

My wife smiles wide, a range of emotions flickering across her exquisite face. “Thank you, Valentina. For everything.”

Mamma nods once before her eyes come to me. Cupping my cheeks, she glances up at me with a look I can’t quite decipher. “Nico.Mio Figlio. I am so proud of you and the man you are becoming. Though Ocean may not be the woman your papà chose for you, I know he would have been pleased with how things worked out.”

I want to frown. Tell Mamma that no, Papà would not have been happy or allowed this marriage to happen had he been alive. But I don’t want to burst her happiness, so instead, I lean down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Thank you, Mamma.”

With one last smile in my direction, she turns and makes her way toward the house. I glance at my wife, to find her eyes already on me. A dreamy look covers her face. I both love and hate it. Though, I have shown her a softness I am not accustomed to these last couple days, Ocean can never forget the man I really am.

Grabbing her hand, I pull her into me possessively. “Come. Let’s go and greet the rest of our guests.”


Sipping my scotch, I watch with narrowed eyes as my wife talks with Patty – who is holding my son - my mamma and Allegra. Though it makes me a little green with envy, I think this is the happiest I have ever seen her look. Her blue eyes sparkle with life and vitality. She looks positively glowing. My gaze drops to her stomach. Hmm. Maybe she is pregnant? The thought alone makes my cock swell in my pants, and I shift to ease the ache a little.