I smile, meeting her gaze in the mirror. In the time I have been living here, Valentina has become the mother I never had. She is graceful, kind, poised and exactly the kind of woman I can look up to.

“Mia Figlia?” I repeat.

She beams, her whole face lighting up as she takes my hand. “My daughter.”

My breath hitches, lips parting in surprise. Tears pool in my eyes as emotion clogs my throat. “Daughter?” I whisper thickly.

She nods. “Yes, daughter. You’re family. My daughter. Nico told me all about your parents. I’m sorry I mentioned your mother during the dress fitting. I know now it was the wrong thing to say. But know this, Ocean.” Her eyes bore into mine. “Iam proud of you. All that you have been through and the woman you have become on the other side of that.” The honesty in her voice has a tear leaking down my cheek. Valentina doesn’t realize this, but it’s exactly what I need to hear in this moment. She chuckles, gently wiping it away. “Don’t cry. You will not only ruin your make up, but you will set me off, too. Then we will be in trouble.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “Thank you. For everything.”

She beams, taking my hand and gently squeezing. “You don’t need to thank me, honey. In fact, I should be thanking you. You and Romeo were exactly what I needed to heal. I’m a great believer in everything happening for a reason, even if you don’t know what that reason is yet. Though you might feel differently, Nico finding you again was fate. You were made for my son. I see that. He sees that. I just wish you would see it. Own it, Ocean. Believe in who you are and take what is yours with both hands. Go, stand by his side and be the queen that you were always meant to be.”

My breathing picks up with each word taking root inside me, giving me strength and making me believe that I can be the woman she is describing. Her words are powerful, as is the conviction in her voice. It makes me believe that Valentina Marchetti was a motivational speaker in a previous life. Or if not, then she should definitely consider being one.

A knowing smile curves her lips. She squeezes my hand again, smirking.

“Come on. Let’s go get you married.”


My hands tremble around the bouquet of white roses as I wait for the harpist to start picking at her strings. Whatever she plays is the music I will walk down the aisle to. Or in my case, the stone path that leads to the backyard where our wedding will take place. Where Nico got a damn harpist from, last minute, I will never know, but it makes me feel all warm inside, that he has gone to such lengths.

I don’t know what else I can expect from our wedding, nor do I have any idea how many people will be watching our union. I have had no input regarding our wedding, apart from my dress, and for some reason I’m okay with that. As far as I am aware, Valentina has taken care of everything and if she put as much effort into my wedding as she does her cooking, I’m sure it will be perfect.

Soft, melodic, instrumental music sounds, making my head snap up. That’s my cue. Exhaling a breath, I straighten. This is it. In less than fifteen minutes, I will be Nico’s wife. Ocean Marchetti.

“Be the queen you were always meant to be.”

Valentina’s words from earlier echo in my mind. She is right. I’m not the same girl I was two years ago, a year ago, or even a couple months ago. I’m strong and worthy of standing beside Nico. I’m a fucking Queen and its time I own it.

With those thoughts in mind, I inhale a breath, then put one foot in front of the other, slowly making my way out of the sliding doors and to the man I love.


Because I do love Nico. I loved him before I ran away, and I will love him for the rest of my life. Our story hasn’t been easy and I’m sure there will be more speed bumps along the way. At times I will probably hate him and vice versa. But he is worth it. Our family isworthit.

With slow steps, I move down the cobble path, anticipation heating my veins the closer I get. Rounding the corner, I come to a stop, my breath hitching in my throat when my gaze lands on Nico holding our son. My heart rate picks up to an unnatural speed. I stare at them, transfixed and full of so much emotion I feel like I can’t breathe. They are my whole world. My everything.

Without thought or hesitation, I move toward Nico, not once acknowledging the people here to witness our nuptials. There could be no one, there could be hundreds of people, but my boys are all I see as I make my way down the short, rose petal covered, aisle.

Stepping up to my men, I gasp when I find that Romeo is wearing a custom made all in one suit that matches his father’s. Tears prick my eyes, emotion tightening my throat. This is too much. A finger grips my chin, lifting until my gaze meets familiar blue orbs. Nico’s lips curve knowingly, and I flash him a watery smile.

“You look beautiful,Tesoro,” he murmurs, leaning down to drop a kiss to my cheek.

“So do you. And Romeo, look at his outfit. It matches yours,” I whisper the obvious.

“It does.” Nico nods, before his gaze shifts behind me.

Pulling my chin from his grip, I follow his line of sight to Valentina. She steps toward us, reaching out as Nico hands her Romeo. She smiles and the happiness on her face hits me right in the chest. Before I get the chance to see who else is here, I am pulled forward and into Nico’s hard chest. His mouth drops to my ear.

“Time to become Mrs. Marchetti,Tesoro. There will be no escaping me now.”

My stomach flips. I glance up at him, the man who has consumed my life and I see everything he hasn’t said staring back at me.


Nico has never told me that he loves me, but I see it, clear as day.