His eyes narrow. He searches my face, looking for any hint that I’m lying. He won’t find it. I mastered the skill of hiding my emotions before I was a teenager. “So let me get this straight. We kill your papà, and you barely even retaliate. But yet you call a meeting for somedancer? Makes sense.” He nods mockingly.

My eye twitches before I can stop it. Blinking it away, I lean forward, resting my elbows on the table. “Don’t mistake my lack of retaliation for me letting you get away with murdering my papà, Vadim. Your time will come. And as for the girl? She was just a dancer. A nobody. A fucking whore. And now she is gone.” Bile fills my mouth with the lies coming from my mouth.

“If that is the case, then we will find her. Mark my words, the girl is as good as mine. They have given me permission to punish her however I see fit. I will break her cunt in. Her ass. Her mouth. By the time I am done with her she will be a broken little submissive doll, just like the Andersons wanted, ready to spread her legs whenever the mayor’s son,” he cocks a taunting brow, “or maybe the mayor himself, demands.”

Fuck acting calm. I am up and out of my seat before I can stop myself, but I don’t get far. Dante grabs at my suit jacket, pulling me back as my guards move in closer to me. Vadim’s men do the same, ready to protect as soon as the word is given. Rage surges in my veins at the picture he has painted. MyTesoro, beaten and broken by this piece of shit.

“I guarantee this won’t end well for you, Vadim. You want my retaliation; you’re going to get it. And believe me when I say, I won’t stop until you are fucking dead. That’s a promise.”

He smirks as if he just got exactly what he wanted out of me. And maybe he did, but I am past caring. He points at me. “I look forward to whatever comes next, Nico. But just know this. The girl is mine.That is a promise.”

I growl, lunging toward him. Again, my asshole friend who I am about two seconds from smacking in the face, pulls me back. “Calm down,” he mutters for only me to hear, but I shrug him off. A throat clears.

“I think that’s enough. Meeting is over.” Callum’s strong voice breaks my stare off with the Russian that is going to die.

My glare lands on Callum and the gun he is now waving around in warning. I could tell him to fuck off, beat the shit out of him before he even gets chance to fire the thing. But there is no doubt in my mind he has colleagues who know his exact whereabouts and that in the event of anything happening to him or any of his men, they will know who to come for. I can’t risk that. Can’t risk going to prison, not now that I’m a father. Not now I have Ocean. Vadim’s time will come, just not today.

Without another word to any of them, I turn, striding down the hall and making my way out of the building. Heavy footsteps trudge behind me and I don’t have to look back to know it’s Dante and my men following me,protectingme.

I should have known the meeting with Vadim would turn south as soon as he mentioned Ocean, but nonetheless I got what I came here for and that was finding out who exactly it was aftermywoman.

They can try all they like. But I will kill anyone who is a threat to my family.

That is something Vadim, and anyone else that threatens my woman, can count on.



“Iwould like to start dancing again. Allegra mentioned that there is a dance school in town.” I announce, my voice strong, confident, and I won’t leave this office until I get what I want.

Nico’s head pops up from where he is watching his laptop. He leans back in his seat, his cold blue eyes narrowing. He has been in a weird mood since he came back last night. It’s probably not the best time to demand this from him, but I am going crazy being trapped in this house and need something to do with all my free time.

“No.” His response is instant. I frown. He didn’t even pretend to humor me and think it over.

Fire ignites in my body. I will not leave until I get this. I am probably being a little bit of a brat, especially because I know he has a lot going on right now, but he has to give me this.

“Nico,” I start, stepping further into his space. “I am going stir crazy. Ineedto dance.” My voice wobbles with my annoyance.

“What youneedto do, is to take care of our son. I’m not discussing this with you now. I have other shit to deal with that is more important than you wanting to dance.” He looks back to his computer, dismissing me. My fists ball, anger surging through me. I will not accept this. I don’t care what he has going on, he cannot do this to me.

“I do take care of Romeo. That is all I do,” I grit out, motioning down to the baby monitor in my hand. “But I need something forme. Even though I have a baby to look after, I am still me. The Ocean that loves ballet. That loves to dance. You have to give me this Nico. Please.” I’m not past getting on my knees and begging at this point. I love Romeo and would not change him for the world, but when you become a mom people stick you in that category, forgetting that you have your own identity. Above all, I am a mom, but I am also a dancer, and I will never give that up.

“You have me,” he drawls, not even sparing me a glance.

I scoff. “Do I? Because you are so distracted lately, I haven’t really seen you. Plus, your hot and cold attitude toward me gives me whiplash. I want more. I want to dance.”

He is up out of his chair, around his desk, and in front of me before I can blink. His hand comes up, wrapping around my throat as he pushes me against the wall. I gasp, my breath stuttering in my chest. He squeezes, not hard enough to stop my breathing, but it’s a warning all the same.

“Listen to me,Tesoro,and listen well. I’m distracted because I’m trying to protectmyfamily. Not only did the Bratva kill my papà, but now your father is working with them to findyou.” My eyes widen at his words, fear turning all the blood in my body to ice. His thumb strokes my erratic pulse point so soft and soothingly, it’s in complete contrast to the harsh way he holds me. “Sometimes I think you are more hassle than you are worth. Maybe I should just give you back to your family. Maybetheywill let you dance. Or maybe they will kill you for your insubordination. For no longer being of use to them because you are not pure.” His face is a blank mask as he spews his vitriol. “It would be so easy. I could keep our son and hand you back to them, just like they want. It would put me in your father’s good graces, and would no doubt secure me some good business deals,” he drawls nonchalantly, like he isn’t threatening to take my child and hand me back to a monster worse than him.

I claw at his hand, with my free one, trying to break free of his hold. Though I want to be strong right now, I can’t help the tears that leak from my eyes just thinking about that outcome. “No,” I choke out.

He smirks. “Now do you see why you are being kept here? It’s to keepyousafe. Not me.You.So, if you want to go dance at some studio in town, then do it. But I can’t promise that the Bratva or your father won’t get their hands on you.” He leans in, his tongue darting out as he licks up my tears. “What I can promise you,Tesoro, is that I am a far better fate than anything else that awaits you outside these gates.”

My breath hitches in my throat. I stare up at him with watery eyes. I need to remember that no matter how many times he shows me the nicer side of him, that underneath the façade of the Nico I like, he is still the devil. He hides it well most of the time, but I can’t forget that beneath the sexy smiles and expensive suits, is a monster waiting to reveal himself.

“Okay,” I whisper in acquiescence.