Holy shit.

I wasn’t expectingthis. My heart leaps into my throat as I lay my eyes on her. She’sgorgeous.Her curves are tantalizing now that I canreallysee them, and her skin glows under the moonlight. With her long dark hair spilling down her back, she looks like a dream.

But that’s not the most important thing. Those piercing green eyes of hers are absolutely gorgeous. The naughtiness dancing in them really gets my heart racing.

I thought she was cute before, but now I’m struck by how mind-blowingly sexy she is. I don’t even have any words, she’s making me speechless.

I’m never speechless.

Just because I don’t say a lot doesn’t mean I have nothing to say… not like now. My mind is literally blank; I’m too consumed by her. She’s swept me off my feet.

I can’t take my eyes off Riley for even a second as she slides under the water. There’s a thick ball of emotion lodged in my throat that I can’t swallow down even though I’m trying. I may have seen plenty of beautiful women in my life, but Riley…

“Wow,” she gasps, a bright smile spreading across her face. “You’re right, this is nice.”

We clink our glasses together in a cheers gesture and start laughing. I mean, this situation is completely absurd, isn’t it? I’m glad we can make a joke out of it.

“So, how many people have sat in my place then?” Riley asks as her eyes scan over the horizon, drinking in the view. “I bet millions if it’s a party pad.”

“Not as many as you might think. I’m not exactly a party animal.”

“But you were out tonight… lucky for me.”

She cocks a knowing eyebrow at me, which spreads an intense warmth through my body. I feel my lips curve up; I can’t get enough of her. She’s actually fun.

“Well, my teammate forced me to go out tonight because I had a bit of a weird day.”

“Oh, you did?” she giggles again. “Me too, actually. I had to interview someone who made it very hard. Someone who doesn’t want to talk about anythingat all.”

Oh okay, so she’s teasing me. I like that. “Yeah? That sounds horrible. I had to talk to averyirritating journalist who kept trying to prod into the parts of my life that I never wanted to talk about with anyone. Such hard work!”

“Sounds terrible,” she giggles. “I can’t imagine what that must have been like for you.”

“Awful. Especially since she never talks about herself.”

Riley’s eyes sparkle with laughter. “Well, maybe that’s because she isn’t used to anyone asking about her. She’s always on the other side of the questions.” She bites down on her plump bottom lip, making every fiber of my being scream for her. Shit,what the hell is Riley doing to me? Driving me crazy, that’s what. “What would you want to know about her anyway?”

Ooh, so many questions. So many things I could ask her right now. Riley isreallyputting me on the spot, and I know I need to choose my words carefully.

“I would like to know all about her childhood, actually.” I decide not to go with the filthy questions flowing through my mind. Instead, I go for a more mature question. “About her family and what her life was like before she became a journalist.”

I can tell this surprises Riley. “Oh really? Okay, well, if that’s really what you want to know…” I nod, encouraging her along. “Well, I grew up in the city until I was about fourteen years old. Then, my mom and I moved to Cold Springs, which is averysmall town, and life was very different there. I came back as soon as I was old enough to leave.”

“Wow. So why did you leave the city at fourteen? That’s a terrible age to move.”

The smile falters on her face a little. “Oh, well, my dad died, so Mom didn’t want to stay in the city any longer. She wanted something different. But not me; I always wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps, which is why I became a journalist in the first place.”

Wow, okay, I’m starting to see more of Riley. The vulnerability in her face as she talks about her father makes me wonder if that’s why she’s as ambitious as she seems to be.

“That’s fascinating. So, you didn’t like Cold Springs at all?”

She shakes her head no. “Moving at such an awkward age left me with very few friends. Kids in high school aremean.”

“Oh, I know,” I insist. “I had a rough time in high school as well.”

“You?” she scoffs. “There’s no way. Surely you were like the equivalent of the quarterback? I can’t imagine any guy who’s as good at sports as you having a shitty time.”

“Doesn’t stop a man from getting his heart broken, that’s for sure.”