Sara hasn’t seen anything that’s been happening. She’s so involved with the tall, dark, and handsome guy that she met in the queue for the bar and has been sucking face with him all night long. I mean, I can’t blame her; they definitely have a lot of chemistry, but still…

I’ve been sick of his sleazy friend for the last half an hour, and I’m glad he’s been forced away from me, although I’m a little stunned at who I find myself looking at.

“Alex?” I cock my head curiously to one side. Was it him I saw entering the VIP section earlier? If so, what the hell is he doing here? Saving me?

“You okay?” He laces his fingers through mine, pulling me closer to him. “That looked like a shit show. You didn’t mind me getting in the middle, did you?”

I shake my head instantly. “Oh no, I was trying to get him to leave me alone, but he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to hear what I said, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

I let a painful shudder tear down my spine because he really didn’t understand ‘no.’ He was even getting handsy with me, which I hated. I haven’t had anywhere near as much fun at Vibes as I thought I was going to.

“You having fun here?” Alex asks with his face so close to mine that his breath tickles my ear. It’s like every hair on my body stands on edge all at once. “Or do you maybe want to get out of here?”

With him?Is he asking me if I want to leave with him? I don’t knowwhathe’s talking about, but I find myself nodding regardless. This is crazy, definitely blurring lines I don’t want to cross, but as Alex tugs me towards him and we make our way through the crowds, I know none of that matters.

He’s asked me to follow him, and that’s what I’m doing.

I wave to Sara as I leave, and she just about manages to catch my eye over her new friend’s shoulder. She doesn’t look too concerned that I’m headed out with some guy, but I’m sure it’s something we’ll talk about in the morning when we’re both a little less intoxicated.

I sure as hell want to know all about her guy as well!

By the time we set foot out onto the streets and the cold night air envelops me, I notice how hard my heart is hammering against my rib cage. Shit, I’m way more nervous than I realized inside. Being this close to Alex is weirdly intoxicating. Even when we were trapped in the elevator together, I wasn’t this enthralled by him.

He smiles at me, giving me a completely different look to the one he gave me while I was trying to interview him, as he hails down a cab for us. I don’t know what that look means, but it definitely gets my pulse racing a whole lot faster.

He opens the car door for me to climb in first. It’s hard to do so in a dignified way. I’ve never had to think about how I look climbing in the backseat of a car until now… but I’ve also never had Alex Barrett watching me.

This is weird—I can’t help thinking to myself as I settle in—really weird.

I hold my breath as Alex slides in the car beside me. I’m so busy side-eyeing his profile that I barely even notice the address he’s giving the driver. It certainly can’t be mine because Alex doesn’t know it, but that doesn’t matter to me.

I don’t know if it’s the cocktails or the way he saved me, but there’s a warmth spreading through me that has me feeling safe and secure. Maybe it’s the way his arm is pressed against mine, sending sizzles all the way through my body.

What’s different? Today was so weird, and now…

God, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m happy to just go with the flow and see where it leads me.

The car eventually pulls to a halt outside a very fancy-looking building. This is definitely way beyond where I live, and it could definitely be the home of a hockey player.

Am I about to go inside Alex’s home? A flurry of excitement burns through my veins. I watch Alex pay the driver and step out of the car with his hand extended for me.

Yep, it looks like I’m going inside.

I don’t even have time to work out if this is a wise idea or not. I’m following Alex inside the giant doors, where a doorman nods at us, greeting us silently.

How the other half live!

Alex still hasn’t said anything yet, but it doesn’t really feel like he needs to. Every time he shoots me a smile, I feel warm, like everything is going to be okay.

He still has hold of my hand as he presses the elevator button to take us to whatever floor we’re about to head to. I don’t know if I should mention it or slip my hand away from his, but I don’twant to. I like the sensation of his big hand surrounding mine. It feels oddlyright.

“Weird, right?” he finally says as we step inside the small enclosed space. “Déjà vu.”

It isn’t much of a joke, but since the whole situation is bizarre and a little crazy, I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling up inside of me. Before I even know what’s happening, I double over and I let the glee out. It’s the sort of hysterical laughter that I can’t shut off, even if I want to. Not that I really want to. It feels good to laugh.

Alex joins in, and the sound of his chuckling only amplifies mine. We might have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster in the very short time that we’ve known one another, but this is a high I’m enjoying riding.

“Let’s just hope this doesn’t break down,” I finally manage to blurt out. “I don’t know if I can go through all of that again.”