“Yup,” she sighs. “Then we sleep again.”

“Then we eat some supper,” I correct her. “We could both use something more hearty.”

“Mmmm, would kill for a bacon, egg, and cheese,” she mumbles.

“Those are breakfast foods, correct?”

“Yeah, on a bagel,” she says.

“Breakfast for supper then?” I ask.

I don’t know what a bagel is, but I will do my best to give her anything she asks for. She nods a little, but not much else, her arms draped around my shoulder but not really hanging on. Her complete trust that I will be able to carry us to our destination makes my chest warm. I was warned by the TRP that while my mating saliva will keep my human relaxed and horny for the duration of the frenzy, they would be incredibly exhausted once it wears off.

The bathroom lights slowly rise as we enter the room and we are blasted with fresh, floral air. The stench of five days worthof sweat and cum wafts through the air and we both turn up our noses. Odette’s button nose is especially cute as it scrunches and pinches her features together. All romance of the before and the carnality of mating are gone. We are simply left with each other in the harsh reality of post frenzy clarity.

“I’m scared to separate,” she says. “All my skin’s gonna peel off.”

I bark with laughter so hard my gills ruffle. She'sadorable. I make quick work of turning on the shower unit and stepping under the hot stream though. We groan as our overworked bodies are pelted with the water. It slips down our skin and unsticks us enough that my pup can slide down my body without fear of being flayed. My cocks chub up at the slickness between us, but it doesn’t last. With a hand on my arm to steady her, Odette turns around to face the water. She sighs in bliss and there is no minimising the glory of a hot shower on a sore and tired body.

I reach around us to grab the special body wash for her and lather up a huge dollop. Lazily, I scrub my mate from head to toe, making sure there isn’t a speck of her I missed. This soap will help seal her skin to the humid air of Axilaria. It will still feel much like the hot jungle climates of Earth, but this will help her adjust. She is all soft noises while I work and it brings me a sense of joy.

Taking care of oneself is a chore, something we all must do to survive. But there is something extraordinary about what taking care of my pup does for me. By allowing me to do this, to take care of her, in this way and in any way she may want in the future, it gives me a sense of purpose that work never has.

She can do all these things herself. Odette is a capable adult, but in conversations leading up to our first meeting, it struck me how much she did for others. Even at the detriment to her own health, she would take on extra work for charity partners,volunteer with the local youth choir, and still find time to try and fix the broken house her father had abandoned. Rarely ever when I messaged, was she taking time for herself.

Now she would get all the time she could ever want. I would do anything for her within our means and realm if it brings a smile to her face. To see her light up with joy, not a touch of worry in her, makes my tail sway with pleasure. There will still be puddles for us to jump, but having Odette by my side is freeing and anchoring all at once.

“Your soap doesn’t smell like you,” she says, rinsing the slippery hair conditioner out.

“What should it smell like?” I ask. If my mate wants me to smell a certain way, I will do my best to achieve it.

“Lightening.” Her hair squelches as she squeezes the ends. “A stormy ocean.”

“Very poetic of you.” I smirk as she sticks out her tongue. “But generally soaps here smell like flowers or fruit.”

“But your aftershave didn’t.”

Then it dawns on me, the scent she likes some much is the sweet rillin oil. As soap washes off my body, it is replaced with smug satisfaction. So not only did she pick up the smell, she misses it now even out of a mating frenzy. I will have to find an everyday oil to use for her.

“Well, if you like the way that smells I can buy something with it then. That oil is special,” I say, curling around her until her plump backside rubs against my thighs. “For mating.”

“God, I can’t think about mating for like two days, maybe three. My body is too tired to be turned on.”

I smile and kiss her shoulder. “Understandable, pup. Let’s get some food in your belly.”

Chapter 9


Axilarian bagels are theshit. Like I could have eaten fifteen of the breakfast sandwiches Ma’xon made for us. Which is saying something since it contained no pig or flour. Most meat products on the planet are fish based, with the occasional poultry delicacy. I’m glad he told me all this after we had started eating. There was no seafood taste to my sandwich at all though. It tasted like the bagel sandwiches I love getting at home.

Thinking of home now makes me a little sad. Not in a way that makes me want to go back, but I do wish I could have grabbed my favourite stuffed animal, Marbles, before being whisked off my feet. Maybe I’ll be able to find something like it here, but for now all I’ve got is Ma’xon’s big hand in mine as we walk towards the shopping concourse for the colony.

The two suns of Axilaria shine through the liquid sky overhead. The buildings around us are coated in the reflection, like we are standing in one massive underground aquarium. That is why the planet is so humid and why the people have gills,I guess. We are all swimming standing up as we go about our days.

“How do you tell them apart if everyone just calls their hometown their colony?” I ask, trying to subtly watch people. There are a lot of different kinds of aliens around, with plenty of humans in the mix. Even a giant, sentient church gargoyle who is carrying an arm load of new beach gear with a human holding onto his tail so they don’t get separated.

“Technically they have names, like this is Colony-3Q4S, but that title is really only used for tourist and senate meetings. We are a small peaceful world, and we all share this floating space rock as our home.”